Chapter 25 - Black Dragon Dojo




3 POWER STONES = 3 Extra Chapters on 3rd August Mass Release


He assigns himself to the roster and continues doing his cultivating.

The next day, he leaves his apartment to go to the dojo. He arrives at the dojo and notices its a small building. He sees the Black Dragon Logo then knows that he is at the correct location. He proceeds to fearfully open the bolted steel door. There he sees a fight within the ring. A Branog versus a Hellhound.

The Branog's hair flairs backwards from a fireball. Scaly skin cloaks his forearms and he blocks the fireball head on. He follows by zooming towards his opponent. He slides under another fireball and slashes across his ankle. He follows by breathing fire into his back. The hellhound falls back with a burned shirt. His back muscles show through the loose shirt but he quickly turns around to meet the Branog's reptilian eyes.

The hellhound blocks a head on punch. He is knocked back about a metre but he isn't damaged that much. He looks up and catches a punch. He dodges a claw slash then heel kicks him in his hip. He falls to the side then he forcefully pulls his palm back. It glows orange then he pushes forward shouting "FIRE VORTEX!!" A vortex of fire blazes from his palm and hits the Branog head on. He flies out of the ring and smoke steams from his body. He spits blood onto the ground and stops glowing his eyes. He tries to get up but falls back down again. The hellhound gets him up and he says "You always get me with that vortex!" He drinks a green liquid within his water bottle and his wounds start healing much faster. Tanji notices and is astonished.

The master approaches him and says "Who are you?" He says "Tanji. I'm a werewolf trying to get stronger here." He says "Are you already strong?" He hits him with a pole and he drops to both knees. He feels unfathomable pain from that hit alone. He says "Okay. Get up." He stands on to one foot but can't get up. The master looks back at him and says "You really are weak." He stands after he says this and says "I'm ready." The master nods and points to someone across the dojo. This is a Branog. Zarvus. He stands into the ring and is 6'1. He pounds his chest with one fist and then points to him with that same hand. He has large muscles and is about 205lbs.

He says "Come on!" Tanji walks up to the ring and gets in. He stands and some begin to chuckle from the size difference. He says "Bareknuckle?" Tanji nods and says "Bareknuckle." The master then says "Begin!"

They approach each other and touch fists before the match begins.

Tanji sidesteps across the ring and thinks to himself "This guy is probably stronger and faster than me. He also has control of fire. This'll be a super hard match." Zarvus gets tired of the boring match and starts the brawl. He rushes in and throws a punch. Tanji dips right past the punch and utters in his head "Qi Rush!!" A translucent body cloaks his body then he dodges a kick. The man swivels to face his other leg in front of Tanji in less than a fifth of a second. He lands the kick on Tanji but he quickly switches to the 3 Lions Shield and blocks the attack. He slides across the ring and lands on one hand and two feet. Zarvus pushes out his glowing palm and is flame is generated in his palm. It soars towards Tanji but he slides under then over a kick. He runs into the edge of the ring and promptly swivels to face the Branog once again.

He gets back up and uses his Qi Cloaked Palm Art. He rushes in and cocks back his cloaked fist. He tries to gut punch Zarvus but he dodges and slams Tanji back with a simple shoulder shrug. He kicks him back with his muscly left leg then follows with a powerful right kick to his chest. Once it hits, Tanji flies into the edge of the ring and is ricocheted right across the ring. Zarvus' palm glows and he says "Fire Slam!" His eyes slit and become more reptilian. Reptilian scales grow across his body then he tries to slam him deep into the ground.

Tanji glances over his palm and shear wolf instinct gets him out of the situation. He dodges the attack in mere milliseconds and a mass of fire hits the ground with his palm. Tanji thinks "This won't do!" He grows claws and fangs then focuses. He closes his eyes momentarily and Zarvus takes this chance to attack him. He leaps up and his fist bundles up in a mass of fire.

He pushes his fist forward and fire blasts out from his tough knuckles.


Tanji spins out of the way then Qi envelops his body. His muscular frame advances and he gains more vascularity. Tanji thinks "That was close." Zarvus says "How did you dodge with your eyes closed?!" Tanji says "Wolves have a keen sense of smell. Especially, when there's fire less than a metre from my face." Zarvus clenches his fists tightly in anger. He opens his mouth and unleashes a wave of fire towards Tanji. Tanji's first instinct is to duck and this is what he does. He drops to the ground and feels the heat rush across his back. Once the fire dies down, he bounces up with Dire Leap. He uses this extra leaping ability to fuel his True Power Fist. Zarvus has no tome to dodge it and it lands in his gut.

The fist detonates and sends Zarvus sliding into the ring.

Zarvus grasps his stomach in pain and drops to one knee in the process. Tanji takes this chance to use Qi Rush and blitz towards him. A gust of wind is released from around him due to his speed. He cocks back his fist then extends with all of his might. Zarvus looks up and almost instantly blocks the attack head-on. Tanji flies off of his feet due to the blocking of his attack. Zarvus then pushes his palm out and says "Fire Slam!" Tanji flies into the air from the blast of fire and lands on top of the ring. This means he is ricocheted upwards and forwards. Zarvus leaps up and grabs Tanji's ankle with his dragon tail. He spins doing an aerial B-Twist. He says "You're done!!"