Chapter 229: The Wife's Cut_1

In the deep night sky, ghost-like shadows flitted about, left and right. Occasionally a few would sap down to the ground, hanging until they flew back into the sky. The sight of these creatures was enough to make people hold their breath, for fear they would suddenly head their way.

The man tightly scrunched his body. Every night had been like this up until now, but tonight was different. A visitor had arrived, wearing a mask. He had no idea why Tang Ye would wear one, but he dared not ask him to take it off.

Furthermore, Tang Ye appeared unaware of the terror of these ghostly creatures and spoke with such a loud voice.

Compared to his fear, Tang Ye seemed rather relaxed. What the man didn't notice was that even though those flying mini-zombies looked terrifying, none of them approached the low-rise building they were in.