Chapter 230: It's You Who Killed _1

There was a dramatic change in Zhou Ranjun's face as he felt a throbbing pain in his thumb when the zombie's mouth bit down. But he was pulled inside with the help of his wife. They managed to close the door at the last moment amid the zombie's frenzy, escaping the immediate crisis.

However, Zhou Ranjun looked down at his right foot, his face ashen, his shoe has been bitten open, fresh blood was coming out of the wound.

In the few days of living in the apocalyptic world, they already knew that being bitten by zombies would turn them into one of them.

Zhou Ranjun looked at his wife, he decided to commit suicide so she could survive. He was trying to come up with a way to relay his intention to his wife, but unexpectedly, his wife took out a kitchen knife from the kitchen and without a word, cut off his infected foot.