Chapter 276 Evolution, Level 5 Zombie_1

All flesh flaps, bone spikes, and tentacles retracted. Then, the flesh flaps transformed into bloody wings. Shaking in the water, Tang Ye began to float upwards and broke through the surface of the water, soaring toward Lin City Downtown.

If you ask where the safest place to evolve is, of course, it would be where there are the most of your kind. Downtown is densely packed with zombies. There, countless zombies would serve as Tang Ye's most loyal guards during evolution.

En route to downtown, the warmth enveloping Tang Ye became hotter. After finding a spot, he chose to sit quietly on a step.

Taking advantage of his current state before passing out from the heat, Tang Ye scanned his surroundings until he found a building to enter. He chose to sit in a stairwell of an unspecified floor.

Looking at his surroundings and a flowerpot in front of him, Tang Ye was momentarily lost in thought. When he had first turned into a zombie, he also slept in a stairwell.