Chapter 277 Cruelty and Gentleness_1

As he flew to a villa, Tang Ye reverted back to his original form. Landing firmly on a patch of grass, he took a pair of pants from a nearby rack. An assortment of clothes sunbathed there - all collected by Tang Ye in his spare time to avoid the shame of running out of clothes after transformation.

With the pants on, Tang Ye pushed the door open and went inside. There was nothing, and Ah Fu and Nannan were gone too.

The strange thing was, zombies seemed to possess memories, albeit very vague. They're not like Tang Ye, a zombie that still retained human cognition.

Take Ah Fu, for instance. When he first rescued Nannan, Ah Fu often showed a bloodlust for Nannan. If not for Tang Ye's interference, little Nannan probably would have ended up as Ah Fu's dinner long ago. Yet over time, Ah Fu seemed to lose such sentiments for Nannan.