Chapter 326: Invading Again 4_1

Clang, Clang!

Next, the hinges connecting the door couldn't withstand Bai Huipeng's strength. The turning part cracked directly, falling onto the ground.


The whole door lost its support and crashed onto the ground with a loud bang.

"Break in for me!"

Bai Huipeng smashed open the door and shouted at his brothers behind him.

Seeing this, the men lined up joyfully and rushed in, just like old-time bandits. They were very excited, but the door was too small, only allowing one person at a time. But that didn't block them.

The people pushed crazily to get in, those at the back eagerly pushed those at the front.

Bang, Bang, Bang ...

Suddenly, a string of gunfire rang out. Many busy heads exploded in a mist of blood, their eyes wide open, full of disbelief, as if toppled like dominoes.

The people pushing from behind stopped, Bai Huipeng also froze and looked inside to see a dozen survivors loyal to Song Wuli wielding guns and attacking them!