Chapter 327: Join us_1

After Bai Huipeng dispersed the more than three hundred people he had brought from the gathering area to look for their targets, it wasn't long before a throng emerged bustle and hustle from the main entrance of an office building.

In the middle of the crowd, a disheveled figure was being escorted. Seeing the behavior of this crowd, Bai Huipeng assumed this must be their leader. He quickly pulled out his gun, intending to assassinate him on the spot. However, the next moment, a voice from the crowd made Bai Huipeng pause in his action.

"Boss… boss, we've captured that dog leg of Song Wuli, it's him!"

With that, they threw the man down onto the ground with great pleasure, one after another.

The man thrown onto the ground turned out to be the one who had previously gained Song Wuli's deepest trust!

Although he had done nothing wrong in the past, misfortune befell him for associating with the wrong person.

Poor Level 1 New Human was thus worn out by a group of ordinary people.