Chapter 328: An Opportunity to Vent_1

Despite this, Yang Xiao grew curious about the "big boss" that Bai Huipeng mentioned. He had long been disgruntled with Song Wuli, who remained stingy even though food was no longer scarce. He preferred storing it away restlessly instead of improving the lives of his peers.

Despite his resentment, he couldn't make a stand against Song Wuli because he was too weak. He was also unwilling to stir up more trouble, or else he wouldn't have survived till now.

Each word Bai Huipeng spoke aroused his longing. If the boss was really as described, he would be hundreds of times better than Song Wuli.

So, Yang Xiao nodded slightly and tried to stand up, but he winced in pain, the perspiration beading up on his forehead.

"Alright then!"

Seeing Yang Xiao nod, Bai Huipeng was pleased. He shouted to one of his men, "Someone, help him sit down for a while."

As soon as he spoke, two men rushed over to support Yang Xiao and helped him to sit on the grass nearby.