Chapter 340: The Darkest Human Nature_1


The little boy, whose mouth was suddenly covered by a woman, began to struggle. His strength was no match for an adult. Soon, he gave up, his face filled with injustice as tear-filled eyes stared distantly at the unreachable "paradise".

The fireworks exploding continuously in the night sky were truly beautiful. Especially in this apocalypse, countless people stood, staring in a daze at the transient blooms. Such a scene hadn't appeared in their eyes for a long time.

They wanted to cheer but dared not make a sound, fearful of attracting the zombies, and being torn apart and devoured by them.

They didn't know who was setting off the fireworks, but given the density, there must be many people involved. By doing this, were these people not willing to live?

Was it such an easy decision to make? It was bold, maybe they too could throw caution to the wind, and abandon any care for zombies or danger!