Chapter 340 'Heaven'_1


The little boy whose mouth was suddenly covered by a woman began to struggle, but after a few futile attempts, he realized he was no match for an adult. He soon gave up with a look of discontent as tears welled up in his eyes, fixing his gaze on the distant unreachable "heaven".

The firework display in the night sky was truly beautiful. Especially during the post-apocalyptic era, countless people stared at the fleeting fireworks with awe. It had been such a long time since they had seen a spectacle like this.

They wanted to cheer, but they dared not make a sound, fearing they could attract zombies and subsequently be torn into pieces and consumed.

They did not know who was behind the fireworks, but looking at their intensity, they guessed there must be many of them. Were these individuals tired of living, setting off fireworks so recklessly?