Chapter 340 'Heaven'_1


The little boy suddenly covered by the woman's hand started to struggle but his strength was no match for an adult. In a short while, he gave up, his face filled with injustice, his tear-streaked eyes fixed on the distant, unattainable "heaven".

The fireworks that continuously burst in the night sky were indeed beautiful, especially in this post-apocalyptic world. Numerous people stared at the fleeting fireworks, a sight that they had not seen in their eyes for a long time.

They wanted to cheer, but they dare not make a sound, for fear of attracting zombies, only to be torn into pieces and end up in the belly of the zombies.

They didn't know who was setting off those fireworks. Considering the intensity, there must have been many people involved. But to set off such unrestrained fireworks... didn't these people want to live?

Such apathy, so carefree. Perhaps they could also indulge in the face of death for a moment, to hell with zombies, to hell with danger!