Chapter 484: The Suddenly Appearing Youth_1

All the zombies had disappeared from sight. Qiongli glanced at the dark, unlit tunnel and hesitated. She had no idea what was inside or why the zombies had retreated.

She wasn't sure if zombies behaved like wild animals, but if they were retreating, what did that indicate?

No matter how she thought about it, it made her skin crawl. There was a Level 4 zombie among the horde, and it was only a matter of time before her group was chased down!

She glanced at both sides of the tunnel. On one side, a sheer, trembling ridge; on the other, a valley thrown into disarray by the storm. In the distance, a mountain village was faintly visible.

Perhaps she and some of the other New Humans, with their superior physical abilities, could bypass the tunnel by going around it. But what about the children and the elderly left behind?

As she was about to say something, she saw Brother Zhang and his group already entering the tunnel, muttering, "Women will be women."