Chapter 485: This Kid Seems to be Quite Troublesome_1

Everyone looked at him. Brother Zhang furrowed his brow. He was certain the tunnel entrance had been empty when he'd last looked - how had this man emerged from there?

Especially his face, it was as if one had encountered some horrifying spirit deep in the woods, his visage was unnerving and grotesque.

"Who are you?" Brother Zhang asked, furrowing his brows.

The young man didn't answer him. Instead, he sprang down from the tunnel entrance in a nimble motion, landing securely on the ground. He walked towards Qiongli, briefly glanced at Nannan in her arms, his eyes lingering a bit with mixed emotions.

"Who are you?" Qiongli was curious. The man had appeared as if out of thin air, his presence entirely eerie. Hadn't everyone else been left disoriented and in disarray by the shockwave of the nuclear explosion? Yet, this man was clean - garbed in expensive pre-Apocalypse clothes, devoid of a spec of dust on his face, even his red Axu sneakers looked brand new!