Chapter 519 Virus Infection_1

"Chairman, there's no need to be so angry."

Just as Tang Ye's murderous intent was surging like a tidal wave, a soft female voice came from the kitchen.

Soon after, he saw a woman in a blue long robe and white long skirt walk over. Her face bore a gentle smile, and when she looked at Tang Ye, there was none of the fear that the previous survivors had shown toward him.

"Who are you?" Tang Ye squinted at her, but he didn't stop. He killed another big man with a fork, scaring the rest of them witless.

The Chairman? The Peace Party? Level 6 New Humans!

Those were the only words swirling in their minds. Who could have imagined that an ordinary man would suddenly exude the aura of a Level 6 New Human? Right now, they all felt like pissing their pants.

"My name is Zhou Ruixiang. If I'm lucky, the Chairman might have heard of me," Zhou Ruixiang said with a faint laugh.

"I'm afraid I haven't. I don't know you."