Chapter 518: Hate Someone Being Arrogant in Front of Me_1

"Your orders."

The burly man tossed two plates in front of them nonchalantly, speaking with a menacing tone.

Since Tang Ye had carefully kept his mutant presence down to nondescript human-level before venturing out, the burly man didn't think much of them.

Those who knew about this place would understand it well. Any ordinary humans bold enough to step in here were either newcomers or clueless greenhorns who probably mistook this for a regular diner.

The pair looked delicate, especially Chen Bieli, who was particularly stunning, and seemingly ordinary humans...

The brusque man subconsciously licked his lips, but suddenly thought of something and suppressed his desires.

Several mercenaries passing by outside shot a weird look towards Tang Ye and Chen Bieli, shaking their heads. After today, that cannibal would probably have fresh ingredients tomorrow.

"Uh, thank you." Chen Bieli said politely, realigning her plate, while the burly man chuckled erratically and backed off.