Chapter 5: The cornerstone is attacked and fought

Xiao Yi had to find a way to make nails on the island monument.

[Nail]Materials needed: metal sheet*1.

Xiao Yi probably estimated that it would take, um, a lot of nails to make a house!

It is definitely not the only 5 metal pieces that can solve the problem!

No way, Xiao Yi had to dig a slot in the ground of the island and insert the planks into it. Then he enclosed a small house with two planks on top.

Simply set it up and make do with it first, Xiao Yi looked at the trading floor of Daobei.

At this time, the trading floor finally has information.

"[Metal piece]*2 trade [any food], remarks: just give something to eat!"

"[Linen]*1 trade [10ml water], remarks: I'm about to die of thirst, which big guy will do it!"

"[Blank] Trading [food and water], remarks: I am fair and beautiful, with a measurement of 90,58,90, as long as I give me food and water, I am willing to do anything!"


Looking at those transactions, most of them are for food and water, and the demand for water is very large.

He also only has two bottles of mineral water, and it is still unknown whether he can open the material box to produce pure water.

Therefore, the manufacture of water purifiers must be put on the agenda.

If you want to get those materials together as soon as possible, you still have to go through a transaction.

Xiao Yi pondered a little, and also released the transaction news on the trading floor.

"[10g charred grilled fish] trade [metal flakes]*1."

"[10g charred grilled fish] trade [Sackcloth]*1."

"[10g charred grilled fish] trade [glass]*1."

According to the quantity he needed, Xiao Yi released thirteen transaction information at once.

Then he switched to the public channel and sent a message to search for Enron. Without a doubt, he was drowned in other messages in an instant.

"I hope she can see it one day!" Xiao Yi sighed.

Soon the transaction information that Xiao Yi listed on the shelves was seen by everyone.

The public channel immediately exploded.

"Have you seen it? Someone used grilled fish to trade supplies!"

"I see, I don't know who is such a good guy. I don't even have access to a material box. Have the big guys started eating grilled fish?"

"I beg the boss to give me some food, and water will do too!"

Everyone automatically filtered the attributive sentence before the grilled fish. There is no meal for a day, even if it's burnt, it's ok as long as it can be eaten!

Xiao Yi naturally ignored those who tried to fawn on himself on public channels.

He got up and left the island monument and walked towards the fully automatic fishing net.

Another material box was pulled up.

Open the material box.

"Obtained materials: wooden house construction drawings, 500ml of Coke*1."

"Wooden house construction drawing: stone*4, wood board*28, metal piece*30."

"Although it is only the lowest-level house, at least there is no need to worry about wind and rain."

"There is a house!" Xiao Yi said happily. With this drawing, you don't need to think about the construction technology yourself.

Coupled with happy fat house water, this is double happiness!

"It seems that I haven't obtained the cornerstone today." Seeing that there is only 6 square meters under his feet, Xiao Yi began to pray that the cornerstone must be opened for the next material box.

I glanced at the trading floor, and the food I put on the shelves had already been offered for trading.

"All agree to the transaction!"

"Obtained materials: metal sheet*3, glass*2, linen*1."

"Adding the materials I got in the material box before, there is still 7 linen cloths!" Xiao Yi looked at his materials and secretly said, "There are also metal pieces needed for the wooden house, and some food on the shelf!"

"[10g charred grilled fish] trade [metal flakes]*1."

In the same transaction, Xiao Yi put 27 sets on the shelves. It's not that he didn't want to put 30 sets directly on the shelves, but he had already consumed the charred fish!

This sudden emergence of so many actions on the shelves naturally caused everyone to exclaim again, but at this time Xiao Yi could not see it.

Because the island monument suddenly emitted a red light, and a prompt sounded: "Warning, the cornerstone is being attacked!".

Xiao Yi was shocked suddenly: "The cornerstone can still be attacked!"

He immediately clicked on the prompt and looked at the automatically enlarged map on the island stele. The cornerstone of the southwest corner was constantly flashing.

Probably judging the lower position, Xiao Yi took the chainsaw and hurried to the southwest corner.

Under the surface of the water, there is a huge black shadow constantly hitting the foundation stone!

"So big!" Xiao Yi was surprised, the chainsaw in his hand was not that long.

Now we need a long weapon!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately rushed to the island monument and turned to the construction page.

[Long Spear]Required materials: wood*1, metal sheet*1.

Xiao Yi immediately made two without any hesitation. He took the spear from the island stele and found that it was two meters long!

"It should be possible to attack that dark shadow!" Xiao Yi secretly said, and then rushed to the southwest corner with a spear.

Looking at the dark shadow, Xiao Yi calculated the approximate angle.

"If you want to stab a fish in the water, you need to stab below the spot I saw, that's it!" Xiao Yi clenched the spear tightly and stabbed it forcefully!

"Puff!" A resistance hit, Xiao Yi felt that he should have stabbed something!

At this time, the black shadow struggled violently, a stream of blood emerged from the sea, and then slowly increased!

"Such strength!"

Xiao Yi didn't check it for a while, but the spear got out of his hand!

"I want to run!" Xiao Yi drew another spear and threw it again without hesitation!

Xiao Yi, whose body has been transformed by an A-grade apple, has a strong throw this time!


Xiao Yi hit the target again, but the black shadow seemed to be frightened by the continuous damage, and with two spears stuck in his body, he fled away!

Xiao Yi ran to the fully automatic fishing net and immediately set the two long spears as targets.

"Launch a fishing net!"


The fishing net flew out instantly.

According to the moving speed of the barrel of the long spear, the fully automatic fishing net calculated the advance amount.

Fortunately, in order to escape, the black shadow swam in a straight line towards the sea. If it does not move in a straight line, the fishing net is really difficult to hit!

The fishing net was in the middle of the two spears, but the spears passed through the holes in the fishing net, and the black shadow underneath was caught by the fishing net!

After identifying the net to something, the fishing net was immediately closed and pulled back.

Although Sombra was still struggling violently, compared to the pulling force of the fully automatic fishing net, Sombra's struggle was extremely weak.

In about ten seconds, the black shadow was pulled onto the shore water.

"It turned out to be a shark!"

Xiao Yi looked at the shark, which was about two meters long, still struggling in the fishing net.

"Pull ashore!" Xiao Yi controlled the fully automatic fishing net to pull the shark onto the island.

The shark was constantly struggling on the ground, the mouth was still closed, and Xiao Yi could even see the sharp teeth in its mouth!

"Is it so arrogant on land?" Xiao Yi held the chainsaw, kept a safe distance, and saw the shark's head aggressively.