Chapter 6: Realistic version of face fight, barbecue grill, colleague

After a while, Xiao Yi looked at the shark that had been unloaded by him, and put the chainsaw aside, and the pieces of meat that had been cut by him instantly turned into two piles of food.

"Obtained materials: shark meat *100kg, shark fin *400g."

Xiao Yi looked at the pile of meat and muttered, "I don't know how the shark meat tastes?"

But the next moment, Xiao Yi frowned.

"On the public chat, I just said that there may be sharks or sea snakes next to the material box, so it shouldn't be close to the island?"

"Why come and attack the cornerstone of the island today?"

"Could it be the innards and the smell of blood that I threw out when I handled that fish attracted me?"

The southwest corner is where you deal with that fish!

The more Xiao Yi thinks about it, the more possible it is, and he secretly said: "It seems you really have to be careful!"

Almost damaged a cornerstone today!

In other words, not only will the seawater flood the foundation stone, but marine animals may also attack the foundation stone and cause the foundation stone to break.

"It seems that I still need to expand my island area, otherwise these few pieces really can't stand the tossing!" Xiao Yi thought seriously, "I hope there will be more cornerstones in the next material box."

After hanging the shark meat in the silk thread of a fishing net, Xiao Yi took out the hammer and drill bit from the toolbox, and then began to work on the only stone on the island.

After all, he hadn't taken the material stone needed for the construction of the wooden house from the material box, so he had to put his idea on this stone.

First drill some holes in the stone, and then break it with a hammer.

Fortunately, there is a multi-functional toolbox, otherwise he has nothing to do with this stone!

After he broke the stone, five neat stones appeared aside.

"Obtained materials: stones*5."

"Huh!" Xiao Yi directly sat on the ground. After tossing for a while, he was quite tired. Although he has tools, he needs his own strength after all.

The sun had reached the top of his head, and Xiao Yi ate the bread he got on the first day with the Coke he had just gotten.

"It's really delicious, it's just full, and some want to sleep!" Xiao Yi looked at his island as if there was nothing else, and lay directly into the simple house he built.

"Well, it's not bad, at least it can cover the wind and rain!" Xiao Yiping muttered while lying down and looking at the "roof" nearby.

It seems that in response to his words, the sea suddenly started to wind!

And the simple house he built immediately shook.

"No!" Xiao Yi's voice hasn't fallen yet.


The whole house fell over, and the wooden planks on it hit his face directly.

"Is it a realistic face slap?"

Pushing away the wooden board, Xiao Yi looked helplessly at the simple nest that had completely collapsed.

But this can be considered as expected. It is so built up, it is not fixed with nails, and there is no solid foundation. It is abnormal if it is not scraped down!

"If you can't rest, it's more reliable to rush to gather the materials and use the island monument to build a house!" Xiao Yi shook his head, and then looked at the island monument again.

After thinking about it, he switched to the trading floor and added all the remarks after the transactions he initiated.

"Receive the manufacturing drawings, and chat privately with the price of sending the drawings!"

The items made through the island stele using the manufacturing map are still more reliable than doing it yourself. The previous long spear can be seen. If you tie a metal piece in front of the wooden stick, it is estimated that it will fall off before stabbing the shark!

After adding this remark, Xiao Yi immediately adjusted the permissions of his private channel.

Only when the manufacturing drawings are sent will they be put into the private channel by the system, otherwise they will all be blocked.

Xiao Yi knew that if there were no restrictions, all his private channels would come to ask for water and food.

"Someone on the trading floor is collecting pictures!"

"What is a manufacturing drawing?"

"It should be this thing, [fishing rod manufacturing drawing]."

"Fuck/slot, boss, where did you find this thing!"

"It came out of the material box!"

"Then why don't you make it, and then you can go fishing, and you don't have to go hungry anymore!"

"Thinking too much, only a manufacturing drawing requires materials to make it! The materials needed for this fishing rod are wood*2, silk thread*1, metal sheet*1! I have both wood and metal sheet, but silk thread is not available yet. turn up!"

"No wonder someone keeps collecting metal pieces on the trading floor!"

While everyone was discussing, Xiao Yi received a private chat.

"Hello, do you accept this? [Barbecue manufacturing drawing (C level)]."

Seeing this manufacturing drawing, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up. This is exactly what he needs. He still has four fishes in his hand that he hasn't eaten. It's better to have this than his hand-baked with wood fire!

"Yes, what do you need? Food or water?"

"Food, I haven't eaten anything for a day. Luckily, I pulled back a material box. There was only one manufacturing map inside." The other party replied.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "Wait for me!"

Then he started to deal with a fish and grilled it again. After a while, Xiao Yi covered his face and sent the fish that he had burned again to the chat interface.

"Is this all right? [Scorched fish] *500g."

The other party ordered the scorched fish, which stated that although it was a little bit scorched, at least it was good enough.

"Yes, can we trade now?"

Xiao Yi immediately initiated a transaction in his private channel, and the other party instantly agreed.

Originally, Xiao Yi thought that the other party was still bargaining, but he didn't expect to get this manufacturing drawing so easily.

"Obtained [Barbecue Rack Manufacturing Picture (Level C)]!"

"Can I add a friend? Can I trade with you if I have other things?"

Xiao Yi hesitated, but agreed!

At least through this transaction, it can be seen that the other party should not be the kind of person who can make money.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Su Wan asked to add you as a friend, do you agree?"

"Su Wan?" Xiao Yi looked at the name in surprise, because it was the same as his beautiful boss's name!

And this young beautiful boss can mingle with his subordinates and treats his subordinates very well, basically without any pretensions.

Xiao Yi did not agree, but asked on the private chat interface: "What company did you work for before?"

"Huh?" Su Wan was stunned, and then replied, "What's wrong with Xingtian e-commerce company in Tianhang City? Is there a problem?"

Seeing this answer, Xiao Yi was a little surprised, and he was sure that Su Wan was his previous leader, so he agreed.

"Ah! You are Xiao Yi?" Su Wan was even more surprised.

"Yeah, I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet a colleague!" Xiao Yi greeted him.

As long as you add a friend, your real name will appear, and the ID on the public channel can be named by yourself.

At the same time, after being added as a friend, you can also use the island monument for voice and video chat.

It's been a long time since Su Wan, who hasn't seen the same kind, sent a video call for the first time!

The exquisite white-collar women who used to be fair and beautiful are now gray-headed and weak.

"It's great to see you, what the **** is going on, how did we get to this place?" Su Wan asked hurriedly, as if she had found a life-saving straw.