Chapter 12: Island monument can be transferred, weapon map

The shark meat traded on Li Yu's shelves is still less than Xiao Yi's.

Xiao Yi trades 25 metal pieces for 500g shark meat, while Li Yu also has 500g, but only 20 pieces.

In other words, others can trade less metal pieces for more shark meat, so whoever exchanges Xiao Yi's will definitely go to deal with Li Yu.

"Isn't Li Yu just to compete with me?" Xiao Yi frowned and thought, "Probably not. According to his operation, it should be a very urgent need for metal pieces!"

Otherwise, wouldn't it be fragrant to exchange shark meat for more metal pieces?

So what tools is Li Yu making, so urgent?

Of course, Xiao Yi was just thinking about it. The two didn't know how far apart they were, let alone see the situation on Li Yu's side.

Sure enough, the market was as Xiao Yi expected, and the shark meat that Li Yu put on the shelves was quickly traded by others.

Seeing that he had collected 20 metal pieces so easily, Xiao Yi's eyes rolled and he thought about it.

The shark meat that was on the shelves did not move, and then a batch of shark meat was put on the shelves again at the same price as Li Yu set.

This gave everyone an illusion in the trading floor that there are two big players competing to sell shark meat.

Those who have a need for food will naturally buy it at a lower price.

At this time, Xiao Yi was a little grateful that transaction information could be posted anonymously in the trading hall.

Otherwise, he would not be able to play the two roles alone.

"Have you seen it? There are two big guys on the trading floor putting shark meat on the shelves."

"I saw it, I saw it. Sure enough, there is competition, and there will be discounts."

"The two big men fight, but we are the ones who benefited."

"You are benefiting, but I don't have any metal pieces."

"You don't have any metal pieces, I don't have anything. I haven't pulled back a material box yet. I have no strength. Who will save me!"

Everyone thought it was a competition between the two big guys, but they didn't know that Xiao Yi was performing behind the scenes alone.

Sure enough, as a result, Xiao Yi's speed at collecting metal pieces was greatly increased.

Su Wan seemed to have seen the information on the trading floor and hurriedly sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, there is another shark meat on the trading floor, and the price is lower than yours!" Su Wan said anxiously, "Did you lower your price a bit? I didn't expect it to be in this situation. Someone is arbitrarily lowering prices."

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Don't get excited! It was all posted by me."

Su Wan was stunned, and then instantly understood Xiao Yi's methods, and said with a smile: "I thought it was another big man who killed a shark. It turned out that you directed and acted yourself."

"Haha, someone enlightened me just now." Xiao Yi replied, and then roughly said Li Yu's strange operation before.

Su Wan also frowned and said, "What the **** is this person doing?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "I don't know, maybe he is building a very important thing. Otherwise, he doesn't need to sell these shark meat cheaply."

Su Wan nodded in agreement, and said, "Well, the last material box is almost the closest distance. Let's talk about it later!"

After speaking, Su Wan left the island monument and watched the direction of the material box intensively.

At this time, on a small island about 60 kilometers away from Xiaoyi Island, Li Yu exclaimed excitedly: "Great, finally got it together!"

He stood in front of the island monument excitedly and switched to the manufacturing interface.

At this time, on his island monument manufacturing page, there is an item that is lit and ready for construction!

"[Small wooden boat] Manufactured according to the small wooden boat manufacturing drawings."

And Li Yu was holding a small wooden boat manufacturing map in his hand.

"[Small wooden boat manufacturing drawing]: Wood *60, metal sheet *30."

"Manufacturing!" Li Yu trembling with his hands, pointed to Manufacturing.

The corresponding amount of materials disappeared, and a wooden boat appeared in the island stele.

"Please choose a placement location."

Li Yu immediately put the boat on the side of the island.

After he placed the boat, another reminder immediately appeared on the island monument.

"It is detected that you have built a boat, please choose whether to transfer the island monument to the boat?"

"Note: Once you choose to transfer, you will not be able to transfer again in the next year. Please choose carefully."

Seeing these two tips, Li Yu was shaking with excitement.

Obviously, these two tips mean that he can completely abandon the island and develop on the sea.

As a fisherman, the sea is his home ground.

"Yes, transfer the island monument to the boat!" Li Yu made a choice.

The island stele on the island immediately disappeared, and then appeared in the cabin of the boat.

Li Yu no longer hesitated, and took his old fishing nets and a D-class axe harvested on the first day with him on the boat.

"Starting from today. I will become the overlord of the sea!" Li Yu said boldly.

Although the sea is more dangerous, when encountering marine creatures, they can only fight with them and cannot hide on land, but the benefits are much greater than staying on the islands.

Because of the small boat, Li Yu can row the boat to fish for those material boxes!

In order to prevent the attack of marine life, Li Yu has prepared five long spears.

Within the scope of his sight, there were still two material boxes, and Li Yu rowed a boat to catch them.


The fully automatic fishing net is the third time that the target has been caught.

Xiao Yi just walked out of the wooden house and opened the three material boxes together.

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*2, banana*500g."

"Obtained materials: linen*3, continuous crossbow manufacturing diagram (A grade)."

"Obtained materials: metal sheet*5, wood*10, beef tendon*1."

"The weapon is out!" Xiao Yi secretly said while looking at the Liannu manufacturing drawing in surprise.

"Lianbow manufacturing diagram (A grade): animal tendons *1, wood *3, metal sheet *10."

Looking at the materials needed to make the continuous crossbow, Xiao Yi couldn't help but smiled: "My luck is really good. Fortunately, I drew the beef tendon directly from the material box, otherwise where can I go to find the animal tendon!"

Through Xiao Yi's operations on the trading floor, nearly thirty pieces of metal have been collected, so it is now possible to start manufacturing Liannu immediately.

Turn to the manufacture page of the island monument, click on manufacture, the corresponding materials disappeared, and a continuous crossbow appeared in the island monument space.

Xiao Yi directly took it out, looked at the crossbow, and then started shooting at the wooden house wall.

"Boom boom boom!"

The crossbow arrow plunged heavily into the wall of the wooden house, making a muffled sound.

"The power is quite big!" Xiao Yi said with emotion, not to mention the long distance, I feel that the lethality within 30 meters is still possible!

It took Xiao Yi a lot of effort to pull the crossbow arrow out of the wall, and almost broke the crossbow arrow arrow.

"If I'm still going through my previous physique, I guess I won't be able to pull it out!" Xiao Yi secretly said.

Didi! Su Wan suddenly sent a message: "I got something good!"