Chapter 13: Sit in a rocking chair to watch the rainstorm

Xiao Yi switched on the video and looked at Su Wan who was full of excitement and asked, "What good thing, so happy?"

"This material box has a lot of materials!" Su Wan directly released all those things.

"Cornerstone*4, single tent*1, orange grade B*2, burlap*5, lettuce seed*2."

Xiao Yi's eyes widened: "So many things? Are you possessed by the Emperor of Europe?"

Su Wan smiled and asked, "Does Ou Huang mean good luck?"

"Yes, please give me the burlap and lettuce seeds inside, and you can keep the rest for yourself!" Xiao Yi replied.

Su Wan didn't comment, but instead asked: "What does it mean that this orange has a grade?"

"In short, it is more delicious than ordinary oranges, and can improve people's physique!" Xiao Yi explained, "In this situation, personal physique seems very important, otherwise it will be very difficult to survive!"

Su Wan nodded and said: "If this is the case, then I can't swallow it all alone."

"Stop it, I've got a higher-level fruit before, you B-level I don't like it!" Xiao Yi said immediately, "Just distribute it as I said before!"

"Give you the single tent!" Su Wan hesitated and said.

"I have built a wooden house. What tent do I need?" Xiao Yi asked rhetorically, then stepped aside, patted the wall of the wooden house, and said.

Seeing Xiao Yi really already lived in the wooden house, Su Wan widened her eyes and said, "You are leading too much!"

Others are still struggling to eat, you have already lived in a wooden house, it's really incomparable!

"No way, it's just that the wooden house is a bit small!" Xiao Yi replied, quite a bit of Versailles.

"Okay, then I won't be polite to you!" Su Wan replied, and then initiated a transaction on her private channel.

"[Cornerstone]*2, [Linen]*5, [Lettuce seeds]*2 No trading."

Xiao Yi looked at the transaction she initiated and shook his head helplessly, and then confirmed the transaction.

After the transaction was completed, Xiao Yi walked out of the wooden house, and the alert sound of the automatic fishing net had sounded again, and a material box was placed on the edge of the island.

Xiao Yi rubbed his hands and said, "I hope I can get something good."


"Obtained materials: foundation stone*2, rocking chair manufacturing map (level B)*1, soil*1, wooden basin manufacturing map*1."

"Still no food? You can't eat grilled fish all day, right? The most important thing is that there is not even a seasoning!" Xiao Yi couldn't help but vomit.

Then look at the rocking chair manufacturing diagram.

"Rocking chair manufacturing diagram (Grade B): wood*10, metal sheet*8."

I glanced at the trading floor and confirmed that some shark meat was traded. The metal pieces required for this rocking chair were gathered together, and then they were directly manufactured.

Taking out the rocking chair, Xiao Yi lay down with satisfaction.

"Rocking chair (Grade B): Lying on it can recover your fatigue well, of course you need to shake it yourself!"

Xiao Yi lay on it and swayed in the rocking chair, and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yi felt water dripping on his face. He woke up suspiciously and looked at the dark clouds in the sky. He immediately dragged the rocking chair and walked into the wooden house.

"It will really rain!" Xiao Yi muttered back to the wooden house and looked at the gloomy sky outside.

"Kacha!" A flash of lightning flashed across, as if it had opened the prelude to a torrential rain.


It rained heavily.

Xiao Yi lay on the rocking chair again, watching the public channel on the island stele exploded.

"It's raining?"

"It's raining heavily here! It feels like my island is going to be submerged!"

"What? It's raining? It's not raining here?"

"What, why didn't you go down there? I can't see the situation one meter away at all!"

"It's going to night soon, I will catch a cold if I get on it like this!"

"Great, I haven't drunk water for nearly three days, what a timely rain!"

"Yes, even if I die, let me drink first before talking."

"Why isn't it raining here!"

Looking at the discussion on the public channel, Xiao Yi instantly understood that it might be in an area where it rains, and it should be far away from him if it doesn't rain.

Those who directly drink rainwater can only pray that they will not have diarrhea and that they will not catch a cold after the rain.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi sent a message to Su Wan and asked, "Is it raining over there?"

"It's down! Very big!" Su Wan replied immediately.

"It seems we should be in the same area!" Xiao Yi speculated.

"Yeah, I just don't know how far it is!" Su Wan replied. She very much hopes to reunite with Xiao Yi. She is always a little lonely alone.

"God knows, anyway, when the line of sight is good on a sunny day, I have looked at it. I have never seen an island, let alone a person!" Xiao Yi shrugged and replied.

Su Wan nodded, she had done this too, and she couldn't see any islands either.

"You are really lucky. Fortunately, you have just opened the tent, otherwise you will be a dead man!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yeah, I don't want to thank you very much. If you hadn't made up my fishing nets, I would not only be hungry, but also get caught in the rain!" Su Wan said gratefully.

"Then you have to know how to use it. By the way, have you eaten dinner?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Eat those two oranges." Su Wan replied, "I feel a flow of heat circulating in my body, I don't know if it is an illusion."

"It shouldn't be, because I used to eat graded apples, and this is the same feeling. Do you feel that my body is full of strength now?" Xiao Yi asked.

Su Wan nodded.

Xiao Yi said: "That's right, it seems that we will eat more food with grades in the future, so that our physique will get better and better, and we will be able to fight against any danger in the future!"

Su Wan nodded again, but then smiled bitterly and said, "How can it be so easy to obtain graded food!"

"You get more fish!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile while shaking the rocking chair underneath him.

"Did you make a rocking chair?" Su Wan discovered the rocking chair.

"It's just made, and it's quite comfortable. Would you like to try it?" Xiao Yi asked rhetorically.

"Forget it, I can't put this in my tent!" Su Wan replied, "Others are here to survive, and it feels like you are on vacation."

"You can't say that, I'm also surviving!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Well, I'll rest first, bye!" Su Wan yawned and said.

During the day, it was the fishing material box and the felling of trees, which made her tired. She used to be an office worker, and she really hadn't done such heavy work.

Xiao Yi also understood that the chainsaw was indeed a bit heavy, and then replied, "Bye bye, take a good rest!"

After sleeping all afternoon, Xiao Yi was not sleepy now, and switched to the trading floor from the interface of the island monument.

"Hey, there are really good things!"