Chapter 28: Building upgrade card, the last wave

After Xiao Yi reprimanded him for prosperous wealth, he walked to the island monument, looked at the two medium-sized sailing boats in the manufacturing space, and said, "Let me see your style!"

Choose a small wooden boat and place two medium-sized sailing boats side by side!

After placing it, Xiao Yi walked out of the wooden house and looked at the sailboat next to the small wooden boat in surprise.

"so big!"

According to Xiao Yi's estimation, the medium-sized sailing boat is estimated to be ten times that of the small sailing boat, and it may be more than that!

It was the first time for Xiao Yi to board a medium-sized sailing boat from the hanging ladder on the side.

In the previous world, Xiao Yi had taken a large ferry, but those were big ships made of steel, but the one in front of him was entirely made of wood, and it felt completely different.

Xiao Yi tried to drive the medium-sized sailing boat out, but he didn't expect that he could actually drive out, and the operation was not difficult.

But he knows that this must be a correction of the power of the rules of the world. Everyone can drive a boat out to sea, but when there is an emergency, the people who really can sail are still very advantageous!

After turning around and returning to the shore, Xiao Yi got off the boat and prepared his own breakfast.

At this time, Wangcai has collected all the 10 fish caught yesterday.

"Oh, when can I eat some vegetarian food!" Xiao Yi sighed after looking at the crops he had grown.

At present, we can only hope that the lettuce will mature soon, because only lettuce has the shortest growth cycle.

But even if the lettuce is mature and there is no oil or salt, it is estimated that the roasted fish should be eaten raw.

"There are still a lot of things missing!" Xiao Yi said with emotion, then said while flipping the grilled fish, "System, sign in."

"Sign in successfully, get a building upgrade card!"

"Building Upgrade Card: You can upgrade any building to the next level, with randomness!"

"Randomness?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"For example, if you upgrade your own ship, the next level has various functional ships such as frigates and destroyers. If you use the upgrade card, you will be upgraded to any of them, and you can't think of control. This is randomness."

"This thing is good!" Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he took a look at his building. At the moment, the thing that needs to be upgraded most is his cramped wooden house!

The warehouse doesn't need to be that big, and I don't have too much food to eat.

There is still a lot of space in the flower bed. At present, the flower bed with S-grade soil only has two coconut saplings, and the other flower bed has only ten wheat seedlings and one apple tree!

There are already two A-level henhouses, and there is no need to upgrade at present.

The medium-sized sailing boat is also enough for my early use, and I can use it for myself. There is no map, no target, and there is no point in sailing out!

Of course, whether a ship is considered a building is another matter.

"It's a wooden house. After squeezing for so long, I can finally live in a bigger house!" Xiao Yi finally decided, "Use the upgrade card for the wooden house!"

"Please operate at the island monument!" The system prompts.

Xiao Yi was stunned, and muttered: "The system is still powerful and compatible with the island monument!"

Muttering like this, Xiao Yi came to the island monument, and on the manufacturing page, he chose to upgrade his wooden house.

"Congratulations on upgrading your wooden house to a bachelor apartment!" This is the system prompt.

"Warning: The current island area is not enough to release bachelor apartments. Please expand your island area as soon as possible. If the island area fails to meet the release requirements within 24 hours, the upgrade will fail!"

"What!" Xiao Yi exclaimed, his eyes widened, his island currently has 63 square meters, and it is not enough to release the bachelor's apartment?

I took a closer look at the upgraded single apartment. Its area is 36 square meters, which is 6*6 in size.

At present, Xiao Yi also has two chicken coops, both of the size of 2*2, the warehouse is also of 2*2, the two flower beds are of 1*4, and the two large wooden pots are of 1*2.

After a rough estimate, the area is barely enough, but Xiao Yi set the fully automatic fishing net to circulate around the edge of the island so that it occupies the outermost circle.

Coupled with the fact that the material box caught yesterday occupies some space, it eventually leads to insufficient area!

"As long as I completely stop working on the automatic fishing nets and get those material boxes, I can still put all the buildings!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Of course, Xiao Yi just thought about this. Although he has a sign-in system, he still needs to fish for supplies and marine fish if he wants to survive.

"There is no way, it seems that I can't wait for the double increase. After the island is bigger, we can accumulate the material box!" Xiao Yi shook his head, went out to get rid of the grilled fish, and then started to open it yesterday. The eight material boxes recovered.

Turn on all.

"Obtained materials: foundation stone*4, plastic*4, stone*2, bread*200g."

"Obtained materials: foundation stone*1, wood*4, metal piece*3."

"Obtaining supplies:..."

After opening the eight material boxes, a total of 11 foundation stones were obtained, which were immediately used to expand the area of ​​his island.

There are also two bottles of mineral water and some other basic materials.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, and immediately hung the mineral water in the trading hall of the island monument.

"[Mineral water]*20ml transaction [Cornerstone]*1."

50 sets were hung up at once, which is exactly the amount of two bottles of water!

"There are still the last two or three days, let's collect more cornerstones!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Today is the fifth day, and in two days, the sea water will swallow a square meter of foundation stone. By that time, it is estimated that no one will sell the foundation stone!

And the person who sells the cornerstone must be able to regret even the intestines!

If there are more cornerstones in your hand, you might be able to sell them at a sky-high price!

However, Xiao Yi definitely won't sell cornerstones. He wants to exchange. He has a lot of other materials that can be exchanged. There is no need to use cornerstones. It is more reliable to expand his island!

Thinking of this, the fish in the refrigerated warehouse was cut and hung on the trading floor!

"[Sea fish]*50g transaction [Cornerstone]*1."

I only left myself with the marine fish I just harvested today, and all the rest were hung up, a total of 240 groups.

Because there was too much water and food hanging out, it suddenly aroused heated discussion.

"Anyone who has a cornerstone in his hand, hurry up to the trading floor, there is something good!"

"I saw it, there are people who trade water and food as the cornerstone!"

"There are still so many groups hanging. This is a big guy. When will I have extra water and food like a big guy!"

"This cornerstone doesn't seem to be of much use except to expand the area. How much space is needed for a talent of oneself, it is more reliable to change some food!"

"Yes, I want to change too, I have two cornerstones in my hand!"

"However, I suggest that you still keep a few cornerstones. I always feel that this thing is of great use!"

"You are a bad old man, I don't believe you, so please change quickly, don't look at the number of groups, maybe it will be gone next moment!"

"Yes, I agree with the words upstairs, everyone quickly change!"

Xiao Yi looked at the discussion of those people, shook his head, and secretly said: "Change, change, you will cry in two days!"

"Didi, Su Wan asks to talk to you!"