Chapter 29: Adjust the new layout, Class C water purifier

Xiao Yi immediately connected to the call.

"Xiao Yi, have you seen anyone buying cornerstones in large quantities in the trading floor?" Su Wan asked.

"Of course I know, because that person is me!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Ah! I thought someone knew the importance of cornerstones!" Su Wan said, "have you been in urgent need of cornerstones lately?"

"It really needs some, and it's not particularly urgent. It's just that you can collect a little more with the information difference. After two days, it is estimated that you will not be able to receive it." Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, if I get all the cornerstones today, I will give you all." Su Wan said, "By the way, I got two cornerstones from the lease yesterday!"

With that said, Su Wan directly initiated the transaction on the chat interface!

"[Cornerstone]*2 No transaction."

Xiao Yi was not polite, and immediately agreed to the transaction.

"Let's give you a grilled fish, add energy, and fish the material box!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay! Then I'll go and see where today's material box is flowing!" Su Wan finished speaking and hung up the call.

After finishing the call, Xiao Yi looked at the trading floor again and found that 98 sets of transactions had been completed.

Among them, all 50 groups of mineral water have been sold, and 240 groups of marine fish have only 48 groups sold.

"It seems that water is more popular!" Xiao Yi muttered, and then used all the cornerstones after the transaction to expand his island.

Xiao Yi has always followed the island stele as the center and slowly expanded his island outward in the form of a square!

After this expansion, the area of ​​the island has reached 174 square meters, a square with a side length of 13, and 5 pieces are randomly placed on the south side of the island.

"This should be enough!" Xiao Yi switched to the construction interface, and then prepared to place the bachelor apartment.

"In view of the upgrade card you used directly, this time the placement can be quickly adjusted in terms of architecture!" The island monument reminded again.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then placed the bachelor apartment in the center of the island, with two flower beds still placed on both sides of the house.

Flower pots made of two large wooden pots in front of the door.

The warehouse is placed on the east side of the front door so that it is convenient for you to take things by yourself.

The chicken coop was adjusted and placed on the outside of the west flowerbed.

If it is still behind the house, it will be adjacent to the bedroom of the bachelor apartment.

After he got up, he opened the bedroom window, and a refreshing smell of chicken **** hit his face. Just thinking about it, Xiao Yi couldn't bear it.

Although under the action of the rules of this world, there may not be too much chicken **** smell, but what if!

To be on the safe side, Xiao Yi moved the chicken coop anyway.

There is also a fireplace. Xiao Yi placed it in the bedroom. Now there is no one else. He only sits in the living room during the day. If it is cold, the heat can still cover the living room by opening the bedroom door.

The working area of ​​the fireplace is 40 square meters, and this single apartment is only 36 square meters.

"It's adjusted, so let's do it for now, sure!" Xiao Yi determined the adjusted layout on the simulated map of the island monument.

As Xiao Yi determined, the layout of the island changed drastically.

The wooden house disappeared, and a brand-new house followed. Xiao Yi was still in the house, and the surrounding wooden boards turned into whitewashed concrete walls, which looked much stronger than the wooden house!

In the upgraded single apartment, the island monument is placed in the bedroom, so Xiao Yi and the wooden bed are in the bedroom.

Xiao Yi went out and found that there was a bathroom next to the bedroom, but at this time there was only one toilet!

That is, the simple toilet that was built next to the wooden house before was moved here.

"It's just an empty shell, there are still many things that need to be purchased!" Xiao Yi muttered.

After leaving the bathroom, there is a living room outside, and there is a kitchen next to the living room. Of course, it is empty now.

Xiao Yi pulled in the rocking chair that was originally placed outside, and finally there was a piece of furniture in the living room!

"This is too bleak!" Xiao Yi shook his head, walked out, set the automatic fishing net to the fishing material box mode, and then went to check his flower pots and flower beds.

Lettuce seems to be edible, but Xiao Yi did not do anything. He hopes to let it produce seeds before picking it, so that it can develop sustainably!

Strawberries are also very luxuriant, and they seem to be blooming soon!

The other developments are very gratifying, but they are still far from maturity!

I picked up some pure water and poured them on.

"Pure water can't keep up a bit!" Xiao Yi muttered, looking at the few remaining pure water, "It would be great if we could build another water purifier!"

But the water purifier manufacturing diagram is different from the cornerstone. Even if there is no information, fools know that this thing is important, and no one will sell it.

"It seems that I can only do it by myself. It's really big!" Xiao Yi scratched his head.

"Didi, Jiang Yuntian asks for a call!"

Xiao Yi immediately connected and said, "Does Jiang Ge have any good things?"

Because Jiang Yuntian is obviously older than Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi simply calls him Brother Jiang.

Jiang Yuntian simply replied: "Yes!"

Then put a manufacturing drawing on the chat interface.

"[Water Purifier Manufacturing Drawing] (Grade C)."

"This is good, make it quickly, you don't have to worry about the problem of pure water!" Xiao Yi said in surprise, he believed that Jiang Yuntian must know the value of this water purifier manufacturing map!

Jiang Yuntian replied: "It is precisely because I know the value of this manufacturing picture that I dare to take out some A-grade purified water for you, mainly for children to drink!"

There is no milk powder here. If a child over one year old is allowed to eat with an adult, he may get sick very quickly.

But it doesn't work if you don't eat it, you can't always eat bread, then you have to be able to open bread all the time.

Jiang Yuntian discovered that since his child had drunk the Grade A purified water provided by Xiao Yi, the whole person's condition was different except that he recovered from the illness.

In the past two days, I ate some fish with him. I have a very good appetite and no adverse reactions, such as vomiting before or eating very little.

He knew that this must be the reason for the A-grade purified water, so he was going to change it back, but he couldn't talk about ordinary things, and the value was not worthy of the A-grade purified water.

To this day he obtained this manufacturing map, and he knew that it would definitely be able to change some A-grade purified water back.

Xiao Yi looked at him and said, "Well, I understand. I want this picture. I will provide you with 50ml of Grade A purified water and 100ml of Grade C purified water every day. If you think it is possible, then trade the picture to me. !"

The C-level water purifier can purify 20ml of pure water in one hour, 480ml a day, and give it to Jiang Yuntian 100ml, and he will definitely not lose.

As for the Grade A purified water, Xiao Yi was out of admiration for Jiang Yuntian, his dad, so 50ml a day could be tolerated.

"Yes, of course, thank you!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly, he knew he was taking advantage again!

"Okay, let's trade!" Xiao Yi said.

Xiao Yi first gave him 50ml of Grade A pure water, and Grade C pure water needs to be built into a water purifier to provide it.

Immediately after the transaction with Jiang Yuntian was concluded, Su Wan sent a message: "Look at what I am offering!"

Seeing the supplies sent by Su Wan, Xiao Yi's eyes were shining!