Chapter 46: Breeding, Jiang Yuntian was injured

Xiao Yi threw the lettuce crumbs into the chicken coop. The two chicks ate very happily. It seemed that they were tired of eating bread crumbs every day.

After handling this matter, Xiao Yi looked at the strawberry skin peeled off yesterday, and it was already dry.

Carefully shake off the strawberry seeds on it.

"Obtained materials: strawberry seeds*5000."

"So much?" Xiao Yi said in surprise, "This should be the same as before, just throw it in the soil!"

But to be on the safe side, he still asked Yuan Nong.

"Old Yuan, do you throw strawberry seeds directly into the soil for planting?"

"No!" This time, Mr. Yuan replied as soon as possible, and then sent a video.

Xiao Yi looked at Yuan Nong and asked, "Isn't it just thrown into the soil? How could I just throw it into the soil before?"

Yuan Nong thought for a while and replied: "I don't think about this. It may be the reason for the rules of the world! But you can experiment and throw a hundred seeds into the soil to try! Can it be planted? ."

"Good!" Xiao Yi took out 200 strawberry seeds, sprinkled them directly into the soil, and then returned to the island monument again.

Yuan Nong continued: "According to previous experience, strawberry seeds need to be soaked in water for one day, then placed in a low temperature environment for about 15 days, and then the seeds are soaked in warm water. When the seeds are mostly white, they can be grown. NS!"

"So complicated?" Xiao Yi was a little confused, most people really don't understand this thing.

Yuan Nong said with a smile: "It's actually not too complicated. After sowing, you should keep the temperature. When he grows three or five true leaves, you can transplant and plant!"

"Uh, there's more!" Xiao Yi felt helpless.

"Basically, that's all. When you do the specific operations, contact me, and I will tell you what you need to pay attention to in each step!" Yuan Nong replied.

Xiao Yi sighed and said, "Whenever you can come directly to my island! It will include food and accommodation!"

"I thought about it, but now everyone doesn't know where you are!" Yuan Nong said helplessly.

If he could get to Xiao Yi's island, Yuan Nong would definitely choose to go there as soon as possible.

"Oh, I'm the only one to do it myself!" Xiao Yi sighed, and then started preparing to cultivate strawberries.

"Lao Yuan, you said that Grade A purified water has such a great effect, can you try it with Grade A purified water, maybe it will have a miraculous effect." Xiao Yi suddenly thought of this.

Old Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Yes, but let's try it out!"

"Well, let me try!" Xiao Yi said, dividing the remaining seeds into two and soaking them in ordinary purified water and Grade A purified water!

"Do you have a cryogenic device here?" Yuan Lao asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi replied, "There is a low-temperature warehouse."

"That's much more convenient!" Yuan Lao said, sighing in his heart, Xiao Yi really has everything!

After instructing Xiao Yi to process the strawberry seeds, he instructed him to put the soaked seeds into the low-temperature warehouse after 24 hours.

"By the way, there are pepper seeds, how to deal with them?" Xiao Yi asked the pot of strawberry seeds soaked aside.

Yuan Nong replied: "The cultivation of pepper seeds is divided into four steps: soaking the seeds, scalding the seeds, accelerating the germination, and sowing the seeds!"

Xiao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, let out a suffocating breath, and listened patiently.

After some explanation, Xiao Yi finally understood the cultivation of pepper seeds.

"It's better to grow potatoes!" Xiao Yi sighed, and then under Yuan Nong's guidance, he cultivated the pepper seeds, and of course he threw a part of them in the land.

Yuan Nong smiled and replied: "In fact, if you understand them, it's not difficult."

Xiao Yi gave Yuan Nong a thumbs-up, and said, "It's still your professional, I will prepare food first!"

After finishing the call, Xiao Yi picked off all the mature peppers, and prepared a part of them to be completely dried and made into chili powder, and the remaining part was used for cooking!

I also grilled a few fishes and sent them to them. This time they were all light, without pepper.

Xiao Yi ate the grilled fish while walking to the flowerbed with A-grade soil. The system prompts: It takes another day for the wheat to mature!

The coconut tree in the flowerbed of another S-grade soil has grown three meters high, and even the corn planted later is half a meter high!

Xiao Yi wandered around, walked to the beach, looked at the endless sea, and muttered: "I don't know where this survival test has been upgraded?"

At this time Jiang Yuntian had just climbed up from the sea, his whole body was wet, his left shoulder was dripping with blood, and there was a row of tooth marks on it!

Just now, Jiang Yuntian jumped into the sea to fish for the material boxes that were a little further away as before. After all, the fishing nets have a fishing radius.

In the previous week, Jiang Yuntian used this method to catch more material boxes.

As for the marine creatures near the material box, Jiang Yuntian used the dagger in his hand to fight them in the water. As long as they could be injured, they would flee!

This dagger was opened by the material box on the second day after he came to this island. It was still a Class B dagger, and it was extremely sharp.

Before coming here, Jiang Yuntian was a master with a dagger, so with this dagger, he was like a fish in water.

But today, there are two sharks near the more distant material box!

There was no such situation in the previous week. Before, there was only one marine creature near the material box!

Jiang Yuntian tried his best to injure one, and quickly swam towards the island, but the other suddenly attacked and bit his left shoulder!

But the dagger in his right hand also pierced the shark's eye accurately. The shark was so painful that it loosened and bit Jiang Yuntian's mouth.

Jiang Yuntian took the opportunity to escape and ascend to heaven!

After arriving on the shore, Jiang Yuntian ripped the clothes on his left shoulder, revealing his strong arm, but the two rows of deep tooth marks on his shoulders were shocking!

He immediately pulled two toilet papers that Xiao Yi had traded to him, and pressed them directly on his left shoulder.

"Hiss!" Jiang Yuntian took a breath, felt a burning sensation in the wound, and secretly said, "This toilet paper really has anti-inflammatory and sterilizing effects!"

"Huh, fortunately I have this toilet paper, otherwise I will burn it with fire to reduce inflammation!" Jiang Yuntian pressed the wound on his left shoulder while walking to the island monument.

"Attention, the marine life near the material box has increased!" Jiang Yuntian sent a message to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was stunned when he saw this message, and then immediately requested a video call with Jiang Yuntian.

Before Jiang Yuntian left the island monument, the video call was instantly connected.

Seeing Jiang Yuntian clutching his left shoulder, there were blood stains on the toilet paper.

Xiao Yi frowned and asked concerned: "Are you injured? What's the matter?"