Chapter 47: Test and upgrade, there are big ships

"Well, I was bitten by a shark, but that shark didn't feel better, I stabbed its eyes!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

"Why are you going into the water?" Xiao Yi asked, "This is too dangerous!"

Jiang Yuntian smiled bitterly and said: "I always go into the water to catch the material box! The radius of the fishing net is too small, and some material boxes can't be reached at all!"

"You are still great!" Xiao Yi said with a thumbs up, and then initiated a transaction on the chat interface.

"[Pure water] (Grade A)*100ml, [Boiled water]*500ml, no trading."

"After washing the wound with boiled water, wrap it in toilet paper, and drink the A-grade pure water by yourself!" Xiao Yi said in a commanding tone.

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian also knew that only if he lived, the child could live, and he could repay Xiao Yi for his life-saving grace for himself and the child!

Seeing that he did what he said, Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "This may be the part of the test and upgrade mentioned in the tip of the island stele!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded and replied: "It should be. The last week there was only one marine creature next to the material box. Fortunately, it has become two, and they are also extremely fierce. It is estimated that it will be difficult to get into the water to retrieve the material box in the future. NS."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yuntian was a little regretful!

But Xiao Yi was somewhat speechless: "A marine creature is okay to deal with? Listen, can anyone say it?"

There are many people who can think of going into the water to find the material box. Everyone in the chat group mentioned this at the beginning.

However, few people dare to fight marine creatures in the water, so this method can only be used by very few people.

Xiao Yi thought to himself for a while, and suddenly asked, "How are your boating skills?"

Jiang Yuntian stunned, and then replied: "It's proficient, this is a skill that our mercenaries must master!"

"That's OK, I will lend you a small boat, because there is a monument of my affiliated island on it, so it can't be traded, I can only borrow you to use it first!" Xiao Yi said.

"[Small wooden boat] 7-day use right transaction is not available."

Jiang Yuntian was completely stunned looking at this transaction: "You, do you have a boat?"

"It's just a small boat, and there are also C-class sailboats. You should know that it is not convenient for you to control that sailboat by yourself. You should use this small wooden boat first!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian was completely thundered on the spot: "Could it be that the C-class sailboat I traded to you before was also built?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yi answered.

It's nothing more than a small boat, but a big boat has also been built?

We are here to survive, you are here on holiday!

Jiang Yuntian shook his head, then agreed to the deal, and a small wooden boat immediately appeared on the sea next to his island!

A child walked out of the wooden shed on the island, pointed to the boat, yelled, and seemed very curious.

Seeing that the child was awake, Jiang Yuntian walked over and picked up the child, and said, "Junjun, this is the boat! Uncle Xiao Yi lent it to us. With it, Dad will be able to get some more things back!"

Junjun pointed to the boat and said, "Boat!"

"Dad will take you to boating!" Jiang Yuntian saw that Junjun was very interested in the boat, so he said.

However, before boarding the ship, Jiang Yuntian made three iron guns at the island stele. He used fishing nets to catch two material boxes and drove three units of iron.

When you get to the surface of the sea, you will definitely encounter marine life, and the basic weapons still need to be prepared.

"Remember, after getting on the boat, you can't lie on the side of the boat, it will be dangerous to fall!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Junjun nodded seriously.

Jiang Yuntian feels that Junjun has changed a lot recently. He can accurately understand the meaning of his words, and he is in very good physical and mental state.

It should be the reason for the Grade A pure water provided by Xiao Yi!

After Xiao Yi traded the wooden boat to Jiang Yuntian, he walked out of the apartment and came to the edge of the island, where seven material boxes were neatly placed.

It seems that today's harvest is pretty good, all start!

"Obtained materials: foundation stone*2, iron*3, wood..."

"Obtained materials: copper*2, stone*1,..."

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*1, plastic*4,..."

"Obtaining supplies:..."


"Obtained materials: magnet*1, wood*10,..."

Seven material boxes and 5 cornerstones were obtained. It was a good harvest, and food and water were still not coming out!

But a new material appeared: magnets!

"This thing should be used to make a generator!" Xiao Yi muttered. Although his physics is not very good, he still knows the most basic magnetism generation!

Collect all the supplies, leave five cornerstones as an emergency, and use all the others to expand your island.

Before Xiao Yi left nine yuan unused, now he used it immediately.

After dealing with all this, then adjust the automatic fishing net to aimless casting and let it continue to work on its own.

Xiao Yi went back to the bedroom, switched to the public channel, and wanted to see if there were other new situations from everyone's discussion.

"Why don't you feel the food and water can't come out?"

"Yes, I am here too. I have over-completed the task today, and I have picked up three material boxes, but there is no food or water!"

"Big brother, I can get three material boxes, I only got one!"

"What a big man, it's just good luck today, those three material boxes are relatively close to the island!"

"That was lucky, but I ordered a loaf of bread!"

"Did you open the bread out of a box of supplies? It's really maddening to compare people to people!"

"The test upgrade, it is estimated that the probability of food and water being boiled is reduced!"

"I would advise everyone to study more how to use fishing nets! You can try to cast a net on the edge of the island!"

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Can you still catch fish?"

"if not?"

"Then I will try it!"

Because there is a rental market now, everyone can get at least a complete fishing net.

After a while, someone scolded on the public chat channel.

"Throwing a net on the edge of the island is purely a waste of our physical strength. We are already too hungry, and even more hungry after such a toss!"

"Stop yourself, don't come out to be embarrassed!"

"Made, who are you talking about! I have sprinkled a dozen times as he said, and I have never caught a fish!"

"I'm on the net! [Marine fish] *1kg."

"Fuck/slot, can you really get the internet?"

"You don't believe it if you say you are useless, do you believe it now?"

"Go away, ask everyone, how many nets have caught the sea fish?"

"The probability is really low. I have cast the net twenty times, and I haven't found anything yet!"

"No matter how low the probability is, there is finally hope for food. Don't complain about the probability at this time!"

"Yes, take a break and go on!"

"Hey, did I have hallucinations? I saw a big ship!"