Chapter 57: Small radar detector, still hot

Early in the morning, I was awakened by the crow of the rooster, and then I dealt with marine fish, processed pastures, transplanted strawberries and peppers, watered potatoes, etc., and survived my busy schedule, I even forgot about such an important thing as the sign-in.

"Successfully signed in and obtained a small radar detector (SS level)."

"Small radar detector (SS level): It can detect detailed conditions within a radius of 32 kilometers. If a movable target is found, it will promptly alarm and feed it back to the monitor. It is recommended that the detection device be placed in a high place to ensure the accuracy of the detection. Higher, the receiving device is within five kilometers of the detection device!"

Seeing this sign-in reward, Xiao Yi said happily: "The system still understands me!"

In this way, you don't have to worry about foreigners landing on your island, and you are unaware of it!

And this detection distance is so far, the other party can be found within 32 kilometers, and you can also make preparations in advance. The safety of the island is greatly improved!

"Fortunately, I built a hill, otherwise this thing can only be placed on my own roof." Xiao Yi said, taking the radar detector out of the system space and walking to the hill (mound) behind the house.

Climbed to the top of the hill, found a slightly level place, and placed the radar detector on it.

The receiving device is just like a tablet computer, Xiao Yi can carry it with him.

After setting it up and turning it on, an alarm sounded on the tablet.

It turned out that the radar detected several supply boxes drifting nearby.

Xiao Yi immediately set the material box as the target for display but no alarm, because this is the job of the fully automatic fishing net, anyway, as long as the material box is within the fishing radius of the fully automatic fishing net, the material box cannot escape.

Xiao Yi wouldn't sail out to catch them, even if he reminded them, it didn't make much sense.

After setting it up, Xiao Yi looked at the radar scan of the nearby 32 kilometers and sighed: "There is no island within 32 kilometers. Where are the others? How did Li Yu drift to himself before?"

In fact, there is a bigger problem. If so many people in the world really cross here, each person has an island, and there are no other islands within 32 kilometers, how big is the world?

For these questions, Xiao Yi couldn't find the answer for a while, so he could only continue to develop his own island. In the future, if he could really get satellites and other equipment, he would be able to see the true face of this planet!

Xiao Yi shook his head, then walked to the apartment and continued to pierce the fence.

The sun is getting hotter and hotter, and the sweat on Xiao Yi's face is almost running down!

Looking at the half-completed fence, Xiao Yi said, "Let's hide from the sun first!"

Xiao Yi returned to the apartment, filled a large glass of A-grade pure water with a little sea salt, poured himself a glass of milk, and brought him to the island monument.

"The temperature is getting higher and higher, I think it should be 35 degrees Celsius!"

"More than that, I feel like it's 40 degrees!"

"There is no way to work in this kind of weather!"

"Yes, I didn't get the material box yesterday. I guess it's hanging again today. I will continue to be hungry!"

"It's the same as if you get the material box and you can eat it. Now the probability of getting food is too low!"

"Brother, it's hard to dismantle people!"

"Fortunately, I grabbed some boiled water yesterday!"

"But I sweat so much, I need salt!"

"I feel like I'm going to die from dehydration! Who will reward me with some water!"

The public channels became lively again. The weather was too hot and everyone did not go out to work. They all hid in their own sheds. The better thing is in the tents.

Xiao Yi gave Su Wan and each of them another 5L of light salt boiled water.

"This weather wants to kill us!" Jiang Yuntian couldn't help but vomit.

Xiao Yi replied: "Now this world makes rules, we can only follow its rules, there is no way!"

"Fortunately I met you, otherwise I guess I'm going to be overwhelmed again." Jiang Yuntian said, he basically has no problems personally, even if the weather is hotter, it will be fine, but the child can't do it.

"The milk you gave yesterday is really amazing. I feel that my physique has improved a bit. The previous training has lifted my body to the limit. I didn't expect 50ml of milk to help me break this upper limit!" Jiang Yuntian Having nothing to do, I had a few more conversations with Xiao Yi.

"That's good, so we can all live better!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Don't say anything, there is a material box that has come to a very close location, I'm going to get it!" Jiang Yuntian said, and then left the island monument.

Others had to stand under the sun to cast a net, but because Jiang Yuntian had Xiao Yi's boat, he could paddle over and choose a closer location to cast the net, which did not require much physical effort.

What's more, with the light salt boiled water provided by Xiao Yi, he doesn't have to worry about sweating too much.

So when he saw the material box, Jiang Yuntian would still act.

Like Su Wan and Yuan Nong, they can't do it. They can only wait for the sun to pass, or the material box is really close, before they come out to catch the sun.

After finishing chatting with Jiang Yuntian, Xiao Yi again put some light salt and boiling water on the trading floor.

"[Light salt boiled water]*50ml transaction [Cornerstone]*2 or [Metal piece]*5 or other rare materials. Remarks: Talk about rare materials first, and then determine the transaction ratio."

"Big Brother is on the shelves again! In addition to the foundation stone and metal pieces, you can also exchange for other rare materials!"

"Rare material? What material is that?"

"It's very simple, it's the materials that are not common now, such as this [magnet]*1."

"Yes, the simple understanding is that there is a very small probability that the material will come out of the material box!"

"I'm all common materials, what should I do? It seems to drink light salt water!"

"Then go fishing the material box, and pray for the rare material."

"Brother, I went out on such a hot day. I guess I was dehydrated and died before I got the material box!"

"This won't work, that won't work either, I advise you to lie down and sleep!"

"Do you mean that energy activity is lower when you sleep, so you won't be so thirsty and hot?"

"No, I mean go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams!"

Xiao Yi looked at the chat in the public channel and felt that there was no useful news, so he sent a message looking for An Ran, and walked out wearing a leaf hat he made of branches with leaves.

The weather is too hot and he needs to determine the conditions of the crops he grows.

Although there is a simple wooden shed to block the sun, the temperature is still very high, and all the plants look a little wilting!

In order to ensure that they would not be roasted to death, Xiao Yi sprinkled some water on the ground, and poured a little A-grade pure water on each seedling!

After staying for a total of about twenty minutes, Xiao Yi looked like he had fished out of the water.