Chapter 58: The hen lays eggs and pollinates knowledge

Xiao Yi quickly walked back to the apartment, rushed into the bathroom, gave himself a shower, and then washed his clothes by the way.

Imagine that the clothes in the summer are not washed for three days, and it is estimated that the wind can smell ten miles!

After washing, Xiao Yi walked out of the fruity ground, twisted his clothes a little, and put them on the outside.

"We still have to get two spare clothes!" Xiao Yi muttered.

He has a loom, but he can't use it. Take a step back and say, even if he can use it, where does the silk thread for weaving come from?

Even if there is silk thread, it is woven into cloth, and he can't make clothes.

"Hey, there are still a lot of equipment needed, and there are not enough manpower!" Xiao Yi sighed helplessly.

How much he can do alone, now he can only make do with the clothes he wore when he came here at the beginning, but fortunately there is no one else!


Five minutes later, Xiao Yi went out to touch his clothes and found that it was completely dry!

Although there is no one else and it is cool, there is always a sense of shame in being naked!

"It seems that the hot weather is not without any benefit at all!" Xiao Yi put on his clothes.

Wangcai did not run outside at this time, but lay on the tiled floor in the apartment. Only in this way could it cool down a bit, and the tongue in his mouth was about to come out completely!

Because of the small radar detector, Xiao Yi no longer needs to let Wangcai patrol the entire island, and let it be a company by his side.

Xiao Yi took out the detector receiver, and then looked at it. The fully automatic fishing nets had already brought back four material boxes, all of which were placed on the shore.

According to radar detections, there should be four more material boxes that can be caught. Anyway, there are fully automatic fishing nets that are constantly working, so Xiao Yidao doesn't have to worry about these things.

"Hey, in such a large space, there are no other islands, and no other people. I feel that there is only one person left between heaven and earth!" Xiao Yi sighed.

When Li Yu touched his island before, he was still wondering if everyone's island was not very far away, but now he can be sure that at least everyone's island is very far away from his island!



There was a hen's cry outside suddenly, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately walked out with a leaf hat.

When I came to the chicken coop, it turned out that the hen was crying for laying eggs, and had already laid two!

"Not bad, not bad!" Xiao Yi said happily, believing that he will be able to eat eggs soon!

Xiao Yi didn't move the two eggs, but went back to the island monument and asked Yuan Nong: "Old Yuan, can a hen hatch a chick when she lays an egg?"

"Not all!" Yuan Nong replied in seconds. After all, there is no way to work now. He can only stay in front of the island monument and watch the people on the public channel chat and fight.

Then Yuan Nong gave Xiao Yi a general introduction about what kind of eggs can hatch chicks.

"Whether an egg can hatch a chick depends on whether the egg is a fertilized egg. Find a paper tube, put the egg in the tube, look at the strong light, you can see that there is a small black spot in the egg, it is the fertilized egg, otherwise It is not."

"Okay, understand!" Xiao Yi replied, then came to the paper machine and made some harder paper.

I came to the chicken coop again and identified the two eggs one by one, and found that there were small black spots inside.

Xiao Yi looked at the rooster on the side, gave it a thumbs-up, and said, "Awesome, a hundred shots!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's praise, the rooster walked around more proudly!

Because the weather was too hot, Xiao Yi added more water to their trough.

"Hatch it well!" Xiao Yi said, then walked back to the apartment.

Yuan Nong said that hens can only lay one egg a day, but considering that the time here is different from the previous world, it is almost a ratio of 1:30, so the hens here should be able to lay about 30 eggs a day!

At this rate, it is estimated that two chicken coops will be full soon!

In the next time, Xiao Yi kept hearing the hen clucking!

The soundproofing of the apartment is good, but the weather is too hot, and I have no electricity, so I can only open all the windows, so there is no soundproofing at all, and there is no way to fall asleep after a nap!

"To the effect, you should put the chicken coop farther away. Next time you can adjust the layout, you must move it away from the neighborhood!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Looking at the trading floor, the light salt water he put on the shelf is still being traded, Xiao Yi added a few more.

In the past two days, Xiao Yi has purchased a lot of basic materials. One of the workshops is already full, and the other workshop has been allocated half of the materials!

In a daze, Xiao Yi went to sleep with the clattering sound of the hen.

When I woke up, the time had come to 3:30 in the afternoon, and the sunlight outside finally became less intense.

Xiao Yi washed his face, then walked out and continued with the unfinished fence in the morning.

After an hour, Xiao Yi finally fenced the residential area, the farming area, and the two factories.

Although this fence is not particularly delicate, it can at least prevent some small animals from entering it by mistake.

Xiao Yi looked at his "masterpiece" with satisfaction, Wangcai barking loudly on the side, and then he jumped and easily leaped into the fence.

Then he yelled at Xiao Yi twice with his tongue out, as if to say: "Look, this fence is completely useless!"

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and said, "It's not against you. From now on, you will be responsible for the safety of all the items in the fence. If there is a problem, you will be asked!"

"Wang Wang!" Wangcai called twice.

After tossing all these things, Xiao Yi came to the apple tree. The apples were already ripe, but seeing the few apples hanging on a tree, Xiao Yi muttered a bit.

"Does an apple tree only bear four or five apples? I saw that a lot of flowers bloom before!"

With this question, Xiao Yi consulted Yuan Lao again.

Old Yuan smiled and replied: "It's very simple. It's because no one or living beings pollinate them! It's pretty good to rely on natural wind to produce four or five!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly realized, and then immediately thought that the corn itself did not seem to be pollinated, so how could corn cobs grow normally?

"Maize is special. The male and female flowers are different from the same plant. They can be pollinated by themselves or through wind and insect pollination."

"Professional is professional! I understand!" Xiao Yi replied, "In that case, I have to pollinate myself in the future!"

Alas, another troublesome thing!

"Are some bees and butterflies refreshed in the woods? It's much more convenient!" Xiao Yi thought anticipatingly.

While he was praying, someone posted a message on the public channel, which made everyone excited.