Chapter 67: Chicks hatch, super battery

Someone on the public channel actually sent a hierarchical food message, and others were envious.

"You drove out food, or fruit! You must have stepped on shit!"

"I'm so envious, I really want to eat bananas."

"Brother, give me a banana to eat. See you in the future, I can eat your banana!"

"Didn't everyone see that the banana is graded?" This speech brought the whole chat back to the right track, otherwise it is estimated that it will be off the road again!

"Isn't it normal to have levels? The higher the level, the more delicious it is!"

"Superficial! Are you sure that it is graded just because of deliciousness?"

"Otherwise? Could it be because it is a fairy fruit in the sky, so it has a high level?"

"Bingo, you guessed it right, but there is no reward! Food with levels is really a fairy fruit!"

"This joke is not funny at all!"

"Joke? I ate a C-grade apple before, and my physical fitness has improved a lot, and my myopia has improved. Otherwise, my previous physical fitness can't support me to live until now!"

"Yes, I have eaten a C-grade orange, and I feel that my strength has indeed become stronger. I couldn't cast a net before, now it's soeasy!"

"So everyone has eaten it. I have eaten a C-grade kiwi..."


After everyone broke the news, Xiao Yi discovered that many people really ate food with grades, but at first glance, they were all Grade C.

"I have eaten a Grade B watermelon." Di Lin Tianxia suddenly uttered a word!

"Fuck/slot, look at what a big boss is! Everyone else has C-grade food, and big bosses have eaten B-grade food!"

"Perhaps it is because he ate B-grade food that he became a boss!"

"It is possible that the effect of C-grade food on improving the human body is so obvious, let alone B-grade!"

"Boss, can I still join Di Lin now?"

With such a powerful person, the survival rate should increase a lot!

For a time, many people turned on the kneeling and licking mode.

"Huh, what is B-grade food? I have S-grade food!"

At this time, a speech interrupted everyone's kneeling and licking.

"At this moment, who's child, quickly lead away, don't let him talk nonsense in the public channel!"

Public channels can send text or voice.

The speech just now was obviously the voice of a child.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yi immediately recognized that it was Junjun's voice.

"I didn't expect to speak so clearly!" Xiao Yi muttered with a smile, he didn't care that Junjun's remarks exposed his supplies.

No one would believe what a child said!

Because of speaking restrictions, Junjun could not speak continuously, and could only listen angrily to the criticism and condemnation of other people in the island monument.

At this moment, Jiang Yuntian walked in from outside, saw Junjun angrily, and asked: "What's the matter? Who upset Junjun?"

"Junjun didn't talk nonsense, and didn't lie, they are all bad guys!" Junjun's mouth was almost pouting.

Jiang Yuntian glanced at the chat log, and then said to Junjun very seriously: "Junjun, you can't tell others about uncle, you know?"

Seeing that his father was so serious, Junjun cried out.

Jiang Yuntian hugged him and said, "We don't know if these people are good people. If you tell them that uncle has such a good thing, they will come to grab his uncle's things!"

"What to do about the swelling?" Junjun cried even more sadly.

"It's okay, you haven't told them too much information yet, don't be afraid, but you can't do this in the future!" Jiang Yuntian calmed down.

"Yeah!" There were still tears on Junjun's face.

After comforting Junjun, Jiang Yuntian immediately sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"I'm really sorry, Junjun doesn't know these things can't be said, but I didn't take good care of him, please forgive me!"

Xiao Yi replied with a smile after seeing this information, "It's okay, the children don't understand, and they didn't reveal any important information. Besides, those people won't believe in a child, it's not a big deal!"

"Well, I have educated him, and this situation will never happen again in the future." Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Don't be so serious!" Xiao Yi said, "Just let him know, it's okay!"

After finishing the call, Xiao Yi was ready to rest.

The role of graded food has finally been exposed. I believe everyone will try their best to find this kind of food. After all, if you have a stronger physical fitness, you can survive better.

"Oh oh oh!"


"Chi Chi Chi!"

The next day, Xiao Yi was woken up by the chicken coop trio!

He got up helplessly and walked to the chicken coop, where he saw a group of chicks following the hens wandering around looking for food.

Seeing Xiao Yi coming, the hen came with the chick immediately.

A total of nineteen!

Xiao Yi immediately took the bread and tore it into crumbs, mixed it with fish meal, and put it in the trough.

The hen brought the group of chicks to the trough and pecked.

When the rooster saw that there was food, it also leaned over, and the hen immediately stopped in front of it, with its wings spread out, as if to say: "This is baby chicken's food!"

The rooster did not resist the temptation of food, but took a step forward, and the hen pecked the rooster mercilessly!

"Gluck!" The rooster cried in pain, and then fled.

Xiao Yi laughed loudly, then sprinkled some vegetable leaves on the rooster, and some rough fish meal.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi took out a few corns from the warehouse and put them outside to feed the chickens.

After doing all this, Xiao Yi went back to the apartment, took a shower and changed clothes, and then said: "System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, get equipment reward: super battery (SSS level)."

"System, I love you so much!" Xiao Yi saw this sign-in reward, and he wanted to hug the system and kiss him.

"Super battery (SSS grade): automatically adapts to all power generation equipment, stores the electricity generated by the power generation equipment, and can output power as needed."

"Fully fully charged can provide electricity for a medium-sized city for one year! With smart power-off settings, safe and reliable, the current storage power: 1%."


After reading the system's description of the super battery, Xiao Yi only left this word in his mind.

Too strong! A medium-sized city consumes a huge amount of electricity a year. There is only a small apartment here. Even if there is no generator to charge it at all, the 1% of the electricity is enough for a lifetime!

A whole life will be counted as one hundred years, and it is estimated that it will not be used up. Of course, your own island will always develop, and the electricity consumption will definitely increase in the future!

There is also the automatic adaptation to all kinds of power generation equipment, so that there is no need to worry about the problem of the mismatch between the generator equipment and the battery!

And according to the need to output power, this is even more of a BUG.

When using electricity in the future, different situations require different voltages, some require direct current, and some require alternating current.

With this battery, there is no need to worry about the wrong form of power output!