Chapter 68: Class A hairtail, getting hotter and more dangerous

"From today, there is no need to worry about the severe cold and heat!" Xiao Yi said happily, and then took the super battery out of the system space.

The input interface is connected to the wind turbine, and the output interface is connected to the position of the main gate of your apartment.

Although the power generation efficiency of wind turbines is extremely low, it is a little bit to save a little!

Walking back to the apartment, Xiao Yi couldn't wait to turn on the air conditioner!

A cool breeze blew out!


Although it is still morning, it is even hotter than noon a week ago!

However, Xiao Yi has air conditioning and no longer has to endure the heat!


The cry of Wangcai came from outside. In all likelihood, it is the reason why there are too many marine fish!

Xiao Yi had to leave the cool apartment and walked out under the sun.

"I know there are a lot of fish, but don't you have consumed some every day? You should just let it go!" Xiao Yi muttered and walked to the fish pit he dug.

Wangcai was holding two hairtails at this time, wagging his tail at Xiao Yi!

"The hairtail was actually caught, not bad! The fish pit seems to be able to be put down!" Xiao Yi said.

"Wang Wang!" Wangcai still pressed the two hairtails and called out again.

Xiao Yi then took a serious look at the two hairtails that were still struggling violently.

"Obtained supplies: Hairtail (A grade) *2."

"After fishing so many fish, A-grade ingredients have finally appeared again!" Xiao Yi said happily, "Is it possible to breed them?"

Xiao Yi consulted Yuan Nong on this issue.

Yuan Nong probably explained the conditions for the reproduction of the lower hairtail, but Xiao Yi still cannot meet these conditions.

"It's a pity!" Yuan Nong couldn't help but said.

He also watched the discussion on the public channel yesterday, and he was even more sure that graded food has a huge effect on the human body.

Others are basically still discussing the great effect of C-level food, but Xiao Yi can already provide A-level food.

The fishing of hairtails this time is naturally an opportunity to continue to obtain A-grade ingredients.

But now, after all, it is not the previous world. The conditions for the reproduction of these marine animals are relatively harsh. Although Xiao Yi has developed well, he still cannot reach the level of the previous world.

"No way, it's delicious!" Xiao Yi said helplessly, and then slaughtered the two hairtails.

It's just A-grade ingredients, it's really not a rare thing here in Xiao Yi!

The octopus was processed, cut into sections, and then placed on the grill and grilled.

"Soybeans should be ready for harvest in two days. At that time, some oil must be squeezed out anyway." Xiao Yi decided so.

After the octopus was grilled, it was wrapped in washed leftovers and sent to Su Wan and the others, and of course the A-grade milk that was just squeezed out last night.

Su Wan and the others are used to Xiao Yi bringing out all kinds of high-level foods, accepting the deal, eating breakfast while watching public channels.

"How do you feel hotter today?"

"Be confident, please remove the word feeling!"

"It's really going to die if this goes on!"

It was not nine o'clock in the morning, and everyone couldn't work under the sun at all. The sun was extremely strong.

"When are you tall on such a hot day?"

"So thirsty, I seem to see Coke! And Sprite! And the big ship is coming!"

"Brother upstairs, did you really see the big ship? Did you come to rescue us!"

"No one will have hallucinations again!"

"The last time someone said they saw a big ship, it was all nonsense, I can only see endless water!"

"The big ship is coming, the big ship is coming! Hahahahaha, I'm leaving now!"

"Really? Brother, can you make the ship make two more turns, I'm definitely not far from you."

But the person who spoke before never appeared again.

Xiao Yi shook his head and sighed. In all likelihood, that person was crazy because of the pressure of survival.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and wanted to send the ice cubes he drove before to Su Wan and the others, two for each person.

Now Xiao Yi has a refrigerator, so ice cubes can be made at any time.

Give them some and lower the temperature a little bit.

"It's too hot today, there is absolutely no way to go out and catch the material box." Su Wan spit out.

"Well, you don't need to force it, there are not a lot of that material box now!" Xiao Yi said, "I want to see how long this hot weather will last."

Because everyone is idle, the public channels are always lively.

"Hiding under my shed today, sweat has never stopped."

"Yeah, my clothes have never been dried, they are all sweaty."

"Made, all my pants are wet, just like peeing on them."

"Which big guy will put some more boiled water out, it's better to be cheaper. I haven't found the material box in the past few days, and there are not many materials in his hand."

"Yeah, I can trade the foundation stone, I still have extra foundation stone in my hand."

"We have cheap purified water in Dilin, as long as you join us, you can buy it." Dilin Tianxia said on the public channel.

Xiao Yi saw that someone wanted to exchange water with Cornerstone, and he immediately adjusted his trading in the trading floor.

Almost doubled the previously set price.

The same materials as before can be exchanged for double boiled water.

This action of Xiao Yi was immediately discovered by everyone.

"Thank you, boss, it has been traded!"

"Big brother is still kind! It is so compassionate that it is not easy for us to survive, thank you very much! Emperor Lin Tianxia, ​​can you learn from the boss?"

When Di Lin Tianxia saw Xiao Yi's revised transaction, and everyone's reaction, he gritted his teeth angrily.

"You dare to fight us, it's best not to let me know who you are, otherwise you will die miserably." Di Lintianxia once again severely chopped the axe in his hand on the tree beside him.

The island of Emperor Lin Tianxia has reached 235 square meters in area. He has a tent himself, and the rest is empty land.

As long as trees or stones are refreshed in those open spaces, Emperor Lin Tianxia will cut them down and mine them out as soon as possible.

The reminder of the island stele was unclear, so he didn't know that there would be more gains by keeping these refreshed materials.

Only when Xiao Yi has a systematic reminder can he clearly know the correct way to open the bigger the island, the more harvest.

Xiao Yi closed all the doors and windows, and now the chicks chirping outside can hardly be heard!

Turn on the air conditioner, cover the quilt, gnaw apples, and leisurely watch the conversation on the island monument.

Anyway, there is not much work outside now, and I rush out from time to time to work for a while, and then come back to continue to enjoy the coolness.

Xiao Yi has told Su Wan and the others to try not to go out for fishing today.

And send them enough boiled water, light salt water, and strawberries that have just been harvested.

Now that the land is limited, there is no need to leave a lot of strawberry seeds.

It was when Xiao Yi and them were chatting while drinking cold boil and eating strawberries.


Suddenly, Wangcai's very urgent cry came from outside, and Xiao Yi felt the danger from its cry.

Xiao Yi grabbed Liannu from the side and rushed out immediately!