Chapter 100: Accident, the rescue time will be delayed

Xiao Yi observed the movement of the bright spot of Enron on the map of the island monument.

"Huh? They even moved to my side!" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

The sea here has no landmarks, no routes, and which direction to sail depends entirely on personal preference.

Xiao Yi did not expect Hong Xiaoyang to choose his direction.

If he knew that it was because of the tornado and made Hong Xiaoyang choose this direction, Xiao Yi would definitely salute the tornado and express his gratitude!

Xiao Yi looked at the distance between the bright spot and himself, and began to think.

Too far! More than three thousand kilometers! At the current speed of a medium-sized sailing ship, it takes a week to meet Enron.

But what will happen this week, no one knows!

What's more, this world will increase the difficulty of the test every week, and the uncertainty is even greater!

While Xiao Yi was meditating, the island monument rang again.

"Xiao Yi, I met a group of furious sharks, they are eyeing me!" Jiang Yuntian said, "The hull has been damaged and needs to be repaired!"

Xiao Yi immediately sent the supplies over, and then asked, "Is the fish repellent used?"

"Used, but the effect is not good, especially the two larger sharks!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Use an anesthesia machine to anaesthetize the two most threatening to you, then sail along the wind to see if you can get rid of them!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian took the anesthesia machine that Yuan Nong had traded over, and then aimed at the two biggest sharks, one fish and one shot!

The two sharks stopped in place instantly, but there were still smaller sharks besieging the sailboat!

It's not that I don't want to anaesthetize them all, but there are no anaesthetic bullets in the anesthesia machine now!

"The power of the fish repeller is maximized!" Xiao Yi exclaimed.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian drove the fish repeller to its maximum, and then drove to the south. At this time, there was a northerly wind on the sea!

In this way, Jiang Yuntian completely ran counter to his previous course.

Although Anyue hopes that Jiang Yuntian can reach Xiao Yi's island as soon as possible, so that Xiao Yi can rescue An Ran, but he also knows how much materials it will cost if Jiang Yuntian is forced to rush over.

At the same time, Jiang Yuntian's safety will also be threatened. If he is not careful, the ship may be destroyed or killed.

Although Anyue loves his daughter, he is not so selfish.

As night fell, Hong Xiaoyang threw a down jacket to An Ran on the small wooden boat, and said, "Just rest at the bow of the ship and pay attention to the supplies on the sea!"

After speaking, she turned back to the small cabin and put down the curtain she had just put on.

Soon, with the sway of the wooden boat, Hong Xiaoyang's unabashedly lewd voice came from the cabin.

Hearing An Ran blushed for a while: "Can't you just pay attention?"

About five minutes later, Hong Xiaoyang cursed: "Useless things, today you roll to the stern to rest!"

After a while, I heard the other side of the boat, a person came out, it must be that Wei Suo!

An Ran tightened the down jacket she was wearing, and secretly said, "It seems to be getting colder and colder! I don't know if Xiao Yi has any clothes to keep out the cold."


Xiao Yi rubbed his nose and muttered, "I really want to cool down."

Speaking, he pulled his clothes, went out and took a look at the rice he had expanded again, and this time he planted all rice in a whole field!

I believe I should be able to eat rice this week!

"I hope An Ran can eat with me!" Xiao Yi thought so, adding some fodder to the cowshed and chicken coop, and then went back.

Yuan Nong went very smoothly, and coupled with the current tailwind, his sailboat hurried to Suwan's island, and it might even arrive early!

And Jiang Yuntian, because of the sharks, did not advance and retreat. It is estimated that it will be tomorrow morning at the earliest!

But this matter can't come in a hurry.

Seeing that there was nothing else, Xiao Yi went back to the bedroom to rest after roasting some fish for everyone for dinner!

He wants to recharge his energy, An Ran is still waiting for him to rescue him!

Taking a look at the public channel, everyone is discussing the current weather.

"Do you think it is getting colder at night!"

"Yeah, I have put on a down jacket!"

"It seems that the cold-proof equipment that was opened before can finally be used!"

"Is it the cooling caused by the tornado?"

"It should not be, there should be a cold current coming!"

"This short four weeks is going to experience the rhythm of the four seasons!"

"Hey, it is really possible for you to say that! So far, the first week to now corresponds to spring, summer and autumn! According to this rule, the next week will definitely be winter!"

"According to the high temperature in the summer last week, wouldn't it mean that people would freeze to death in the winter!"

"No wonder let us out of the down jackets in advance, it is estimated that people will freeze to death this winter!"

"Is there anyone who has as many down jackets and quilts, please! I exchange a lot of materials for trading on the trading floor!"

"I also collect cold-proof equipment!"

Seeing that everyone said it was cold, Xiao Yi traded Yunnong and Jiang Yuntian's warm clothing to them again.

Sailing at sea should be colder!

After Jiang Yuntian anesthetized the two largest sharks, a group of small sharks followed, but the fish repellent turned on at full power made them extremely uncomfortable.

After just following for a while, they dispersed in twos and threes!

The island stele no longer prompts that the hull is under attack. Jiang Yuntian breathed a sigh of relief and reported in the group: "Xiao Yi, I have already shaken off the sharks and re-adjusted the course. It is estimated that it will take a little detour."

"Yes, pay attention to safety and come here as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi replied.

Seeing that Xiao Yi was in the group, Su Wan seemed to want Jiang Yuntian to arrive early, so she chatted privately: "Xiao Yi, is there something urgent on your side?"

"Well, save people, the situation is more critical now!" Xiao Yi replied absently.

Seeing that Xiao Yi was not in the mood to talk about this at all, Su Wan had to say: "Everything will be fine, take a rest!"

Xiao Yi nodded, hung up the call, and then lay back on the bed anxiously, a little unable to sleep, thinking about Enron all the time, and fell asleep in a daze.

"Bitch, let you fish the material box, who let you sleep!" Hong Xiaoyang slapped An Ran and kicked again.

An Ran herself was weak, and she stepped back several steps after being kicked, accidentally tripped on a fishing net and fell into the sea!

"No!" Xiao Yi exclaimed and sat up suddenly.

It turned out to be a dream, Xiao Yi wiped the cold sweat on his head, and said in secret: "No, I must go to Enron and rescue it as soon as possible!"

Looking at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning the next day.

"System, sign in now!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Sign in successfully, get reward:..."