Chapter 101: SSS class yacht, set off immediately

"Sign in successfully, get reward: small multifunctional yacht (SSS class)."

"Small multifunctional yacht (SSS-class): It is made of a full-body universe alloy, driven by pure electric power, and can reach a maximum speed of 600 kilometers per hour! It can endure 10,000 kilometers and is a must-have artifact for traveling at sea!"

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi knew that he could set out to rescue Enron!

The world's fastest speedboat had a speed of 511 kilometers per hour, but it had to castrate a lot of functions to reach this speed.

And signing in to get this reward is not only a yacht, but the speed completely surpasses the previous speedboat!

At a speed of six hundred kilometers per hour, three thousand kilometers is only five hours!

Xiao Yi immediately said in the group: "Brother Jiang, when you arrive at my place, wait until I come back and then disembark, Wangcai may not know you!"

"Okay, are you away? Where are you going?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"I'm going to save An Ran!" Xiao Yi replied, "I will distribute the food to everyone, and everyone will do it yourself first!"

"Do you have a way to save Ranran?" Anyue asked excitedly, obviously he was not asleep either.

"Yes, if it goes well, I will be on my island tomorrow afternoon!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Great!" Anyue said excitedly, "You must bring Ranran back safely."

Su Wan was also awakened by the sound of the island stele at this time. Seeing the chat on the island stele, Su Wan secretly said, "Who is this?"

But now it's obvious that it's not easy to interrupt and ask.

Xiao Yi distributed the food that had been saved before to everyone, let them handle it by themselves and fill up their stomachs.

"Wait, Xiao Yi, it's better to wait until I get to the island and I will rescue it!" Jiang Yuntian said, "The sea is still very dangerous, and I am professional in this kind of thing!"

"Can't wait!" Xiao Yi shook his head and replied.

Yuan Nong frowned and said, "But if there is no map of the island stele, you might not be able to grasp the direction!"

Xiao Yi's island is so well developed, it is impossible to abandon the island and transfer the island monument to the ship!

Xiao Yi was stunned, he really didn't think about this issue, he was still too anxious!

After a little thought, Xiao Yi said, "I will take that little wooden boat!"

When I killed Li Yu before, I got an island monument. It was not broken at the time and was collected as an accessory. Now it really comes in handy!

"Small wooden boat? No, it's too dangerous!" Now, even Anyue, who most hopes Xiao Yi will leave, frowned!

Although he hoped that Xiao Yi could rescue his daughter quickly, he could not ignore Xiao Yi's safety.

What's more, if Xiao Yi is in danger, no one has the ability to save his daughter!

"Don't worry, I just brought the small wooden boat, not rowing the small wooden boat to rescue An Ran!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Then, you must pay attention to safety!" Anyue hesitated and said.

"Okay, no problem." Xiao Yi replied, and then walked out. Wangcai, who was lying on the side, saw Xiao Yi go out and immediately got up and followed.

Xiao Yi rubbed Wangcai's head and said, "I want to go out. Take good care of the house. If there is a stranger coming, as long as the other person doesn't land on our island, then just ignore it, understand?"

"Wang Wang!" Wangcai responded.

Xiao Yi walked to the beach and released the yacht. A blue yacht appeared on the sea immediately.

Although it is a small yacht, it is not too small for Xiao Yi. The length has reached 15 meters, and the widest position of the hull is 6 meters.

Looking at the size of the deck, Xiao Yi walked to the side of the small wooden boat, grabbed the small wooden boat and dragged it onto the yacht.

With Xiao Yi's current strength, the small wooden boat is really not heavy. He easily pulled the small wooden boat onto the yacht's deck and placed it horizontally.

Special treatment in special times, without considering safety and beauty, Xiao Yi directly tied the small wooden boat to the deck of the yacht with a cable.

Looking at the power of the yacht, it turned out to be full, so there is basically no need to worry about insufficient power.

And as an SSS-class yacht, it has its own photovoltaic power generation device. As long as there is light, it can be converted into electricity and charged slowly.

Back to the apartment again, brought some food, fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, and sea fish.

Xiao Yi discovered that there were fishing tools and fish storage ponds on the yacht, so he directly caught a lot of live fish and put them in.

Everything was ready, Xiao Yi started the yacht, and an electronic audio sounded.

"I am a yacht intelligent assistant. I can help you solve all problems about yachts."

"Now I am going to save people!" Xiao Yi said immediately.

"Understood, please set the destination!" Xiaoyou replied.

SSS-class yachts already have artificial intelligence and can be set to sail automatically!

After Xiao Yi set the direction and mileage, he clicked OK.

"I wish you a pleasant journey, if you have any needs, please call me directly!"

The yacht drove to the depths of the sea, Xiao Yi walked onto the deck, and the wind whizzed past his ears!

"It's really cold!" Xiao Yi muttered, glanced at the map of the island stele on the small wooden boat, once again determined the location of An Ran, did not deviate, and walked back to the cab.

The cabin was warm like spring, Xiao Yi took off the down jacket outside, and then walked into the cabin.

There are three bedrooms in the cabin, the living room, kitchen and bathroom are all available!

"Xiaoyou, is the kitchen water used as fresh water?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes, the yacht comes with its own purifier, but for people with poor physique, it is best to boil and drink!" Xiaoyou immediately replied, "Purification of water requires electricity!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yi looked at the yacht and secretly said, "I should be able to live very well on this yacht too!"


Xiao Yi felt that the entire yacht was shaking. Because the island stele was not transferred to it, there was no island stele to inform about the hull.

But there are smart assistants on the yacht.

"When the yacht was driving fast, marine animals hit it, but don't worry about the hull being damaged!" Xiaoyou said.

Xiao Yi nodded, then walked back to the cab, sat in front of the dashboard, and saw a giant creature approaching the yacht on the screen!

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"According to the appearance, it should be a cetacean!" Xiaoyou replied.

"Do you want to avoid it?" Xiao Yi asked.

"No, it can't catch up with us!" Xiaoyou said confidently.

Sure enough, the whale hadn't approached the yacht. The yacht had been out several hundred meters, leaving the whale with a question mark.

With its wisdom, I can't understand at all, why the speed of the boat encountered this time is so much faster!

At nine o'clock in the morning, the sun had risen into the sky.

Hong Xiaoyang walked out of the cabin and stretched her waist. Seeing An Ran in the bow of the ship was actually asleep, he went forward and kicked her.