Chapter 113: Class B jellyfish, can’t eat, everyone is shocked

"News? What news?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

"Di Lin Tianxia wants five of us!" Anyue replied.

Xiao Yi meditated for a while and understood what was going on. When Zhou Xuanwu caught Su Wan the previous day, he must have seen Su Wan's private channel.

The names of the five of them are clearly written on the friends column of the private channel!

"It's okay, he wants to be wanted, find me first!" Xiao Yi replied indifferently.

An hour later, Xiao Yi and others successfully arrived at Xiao Yi's island.

From a distance, I saw An Ran alone, holding an iron gun into the sea. Every time An Ran pierced it, An Ran would quickly retreat a certain distance.

Wangcai on the side also kept screaming, seeming to cheer on An Ran.

It was approaching evening, the temperature was already very low, but An Ran's dress was still soaked in sweat!

Xiao Yi asked Xiaoyou to park the yacht near the cornerstone under attack and shouted, "An Ran, we are back!"

With that, Xiao Yi jumped directly onto the island.

After An Ran heard Xiao Yi's voice, he could no longer hold the iron gun in his hand!


When the iron spear fell to the ground, Xiao Yi realized that An Ran's arms were twitching constantly!

This battle must have lasted a long time!

"Fool, isn't it just a cornerstone, let it break, we are not bad!" Xiao Yi said distressedly.

"That's not going to work, this is our future home, and every inch of the land must be contended!" An Ran replied with a smile.

"Sit and rest first, and watch me teach it!" Xiao Yi picked up the iron spear on the side, then drew out his Tang Knife and walked to the shore.

"Be careful, that jellyfish will spray corrosive liquid!" An Ran reminded.

"Relax!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Coming to the shore, Xiao Yi finally saw the jellyfish.

"Arctic Xia Jellyfish (Grade B): There are eight groups of tentacles on the lower edge of the umbrella cover, each group of about 150. Each tentacles can stretch up to more than 40 meters, and can shrink to only the original one in one second. One-tenth the length. There are stinging cells on the tentacles, which can dig out the stinging radiotoxin! Pay special attention to the toxins it ejects!"

"No wonder An Ran couldn't handle this jellyfish. It turned out to be B-class. If it weren't for it could not leave the sea, An Ran would be dangerous!" Xiao Yi secretly said, and the Tang knife in his hand quickly ran across the jellyfish's body.

The jellyfish was cut in half without any reaction. Maybe it didn't expect the attack on the shore to suddenly become faster and more powerful!

The iron spear in Xiao Yi's other hand quickly pierced into his hand, stringing the two halves of the jellyfish together, and then picked it ashore!

The tentacles of the jellyfish continued to release toxins, and the ground began to roar, and there was no sound in a while.

"The corpse of Arctic Xia jellyfish (Grade B): Not edible."

Seeing the prompt from the system, Xiao Yi said silently: "I thought I could eat Class B jellyfish today!"

At this time Anyue and the others also got off the boat.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Yuan Nong explained: "There were more than 250 kinds of jellyfish in the world before, among which only sea moon jellyfish and jellyfish can be eaten, and no other species can be eaten."

"You still understand!" Xiao Yi gave Yuan Nong a thumbs up!

Anyue had already walked to An Ran excitedly and looked up and down, then cried with his headache.

"I thought I would never see you again!" A big man in Anyue was crying.

"Me too, fortunately there is Xiao Yi, otherwise I really won't see you!" An Ran also cried and replied.

Snee! As soon as he finished speaking, An Ran sneezed!

Anyue immediately took off his down jacket and put it on An Ran's body.

"Everyone don't stand up, it's getting colder and colder, all go into the house and talk slowly!" Xiao Yi greeted, "The reunion is a happy event, Uncle An, you should laugh!"

"Huh, brat, of course I know it's a happy event!" Anyue was a little bit embarrassed, but said sincerely, "Thank you really this time!"

"Uncle An, you are really too polite, this is what I should do!" Xiao Yi replied.

Leading everyone through a small piece of jungle, the scene in front of them almost shocked everyone to standstill.

Although An Ran saw it, but saw it again, she was still a little emotional. This is a paradise!

As he walked, Xiao Yi introduced: "There was no plan at the beginning, so it seemed a little random. These five fields are all improved by the soil improvement card you gave me. After so much land, I will rely on you. !"

"Don't worry, it's all over to me!" Yuan Nong said excitedly. It's really exciting to be able to do the original job again!

"There is a cowshed with four cows, and two wooden workshops on both sides, both used as warehouses!" Xiao Yi said, pointing to the big houses on both sides.

"If I have this kind of factory building, I must change it into a house!" Jiang Yuntian said silently, "It is estimated that only you will treat the factory building as a warehouse!"

The rest of the people nodded one after another. The factory building is large enough to keep out the wind and rain, which fully meets the living requirements of everyone!

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head, and said, "We always have to pursue something, don't we?"

Speaking of everyone continuing to move forward, Xiao Yi continued to introduce: "The one in front is a single apartment. Although it is fully equipped, it still lacks natural gas. Cooking can only be done on the stove outside. Next to it are two chicken coops. It is estimated that the chicken coop will be full in two days and we will be able to eat chicken!"

Xiao Yi pointed to the bachelor's apartment and said, "There is a tap water system behind, so we definitely have enough boiled water!"

"Then the boiled water on the trading floor is not all you hung up, right!" An Ran asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

An Ran smiled and replied, "I bought it again!"

"Don't use it in the future, just drink it, or throw a cup!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Even if there is enough fresh water, the contract must be terminated!" An Ran said with a blank glance.

"I just want to show that our plain water is enough! It must not be wasted!" Xiao Yi said.

"Xiao Yi, is that a sprinkler?" Yuan Nong asked, pointing to a car.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and replied: "Fully automatic intelligent irrigation equipment. There is an intelligent robot in it that is responsible for the irrigation of all fields, otherwise I can take care of it!"

Everyone was stunned. Fully automatic intelligent irrigation equipment?

It seems that there is no such thing in that world before!

Where did Xiao Yi get these things from?

"Everyone, come in and sit down!" Xiao Yi opened the door and walked in.

Everyone walked into the apartment in a trance, as if they had returned to the previous world!

Although the light is dim, the decoration in the room can still be seen, and everything is so modern.

White walls, clean tiles, unique chandelier, leather sofa.

There is also this warm feeling, is there electricity in the apartment too?