Chapter 114: Two females unite, cow with baby

Everyone on the yacht had already enjoyed life with electricity before, and they had no idea that Xiao Yi's apartment was also powered on.

As we all know, the electricity on the vehicle and ship is basically generated during their own driving, so it is normal for the yacht to have electricity.

But the apartment is completely different. What is needed here is 220 volt AC power. Even if there is a generator, it depends on the adaptability of the power it emits.


Xiao Yi turned on the light directly, and the whole living room instantly became brighter!

Everyone has the answer to the question just now!

The apartment is indeed powered up!

"Xiao Yi, can the generator support the electricity consumption of this apartment?" Su Wan couldn't help asking.

Before, she opened up a manufacturing drawing of a generator and gave it to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "That won't work. The power generation is not stable. Of course, I can still charge my super battery! The electricity used at this stage is the electricity stored in the super battery. It will be a long time in the future. Don't worry about electricity, just use it!"

Well, another high-tech product, the super battery, has come out.

Everyone was no longer shocked, because they were numb, even if Xiao Yi took out a spaceship in the next moment, they would not be surprised!

The temperature in the apartment was set to 26 degrees Celsius, and everyone took off their down jackets.

There was a sour smell in the room instantly!

Except for Xiao Yi and An Ran, who just took a bath this morning, everyone else has not taken a bath for several days, especially Anyue.

"Everyone takes care of personal hygiene first. They all go to the bathroom and take a hot bath. By the way, they wash their clothes in it and blow them dry with a hair dryer before coming out!" Xiao Yi said.

Everyone nodded, after all, the smell on the body was really bad.

Anyue was the first to go in, he hadn't taken a bath for more than half a month.

In the second week of the other people, Xiao Yi gave them a bath and washed them. Although they smelled a little sweaty, they were much better!

When Su Wan arrived at Xiaoyi Island, she was secretly observing An Ran.

"It's really beautiful!" Su Wan secretly gained strength, "but I won't give up!"

While Su Wan was secretly fighting, An Ran took the initiative to find Su Wan: "Hello, I am An Ran."

"Ah! My name is Su Wan, I am glad to meet you!" Su Wan was a little surprised but reached out and shook her hand.

"Let's go, let's prepare dinner together!" An Ran said generously.

Su Wan nodded, An Ran was like a hostess here, taking out the pork, eggs, and some freshly harvested vegetables and fruits from the refrigerator.

"Prepare more today, everyone shouldn't have a good meal today!" Xiao Yi exhorted, seeing the second daughter An Ran preparing dinner.

"Okay!" An Ran replied.

"Old Yuan, since he will take a bath for a while, let's get some milk out!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay!" Yuan Nong followed Xiao Yi, carrying a small bucket, and walked to the cowshed.

At the stove outside, An Ran and Su Wan were cooking and chatting.

"Are you the leader of Xiao Yi before?" An Ran asked curiously at this woman whose appearance was hardly weaker than hers.

"Yes, but now I still have to rely on Xiao Yi to survive!" Su Wan replied helplessly.

An Ran nodded and asked again: "Are you married?"

"Huh?" Su Wan was stunned by this question, and then replied, "Before I was only concerned about work, and I didn't even have a boyfriend."

If you are not focused on work, how can you be the leader of Xiao Yi when you are about the same age!

An Ran muttered, "Xiao Yi won't be at a disadvantage in this way."

"Huh?" Su Wan was almost stunned. Xiao Yi is not at a disadvantage, what does this mean?

An Ran looked at Su Wan who was startled, and said in a flat tone: "This world is completely different from the previous world. You should also see that Xiao Yi is almost like Superman!"

Su Wan nodded. When Xiao Yi went to rescue her, he jumped off the yacht so fast, and there was nothing at all, and he kicked Zhou Xuanwu several meters away!

No matter which one, ordinary people can't do it!

"As the island develops, Xiao Yi will become stronger and stronger, and more and more people may be encountered, so let's join hands and block the outside first, and then we will compete internally. How about?" An Ran continued.

Su Wan was completely stunned now, she was not stupid, she could naturally understand what it meant to block outside?

"You..." Su Wan didn't even know how to answer the conversation.

"Of course if you have no interest in Xiao Yi, then treat it as if I didn't say it." An Ran continued.

"Good!" Su Wan responded without hesitating too much.

After more than half a month of exchanges and taking care of each other, Su Wan has indeed developed a dependence and a good impression on Xiao Yi, fair competition, and she really has never been afraid of anyone.

An Ran stepped forward and hugged Su Wan, and said: "Say good first, no matter what the result is, we are all good sisters! We can't break our sisterhood just because of a man!"

"Yeah!" Su Wan replied.

Xiao Yi and Yuan Nong have already arrived in the cowshed. Yuan Nong looked at the four cows, nodded, and said, "Yes, they are well fed!"

"What feeding, that is, some S-grade pure water nourishment, I don't have the technology to breed dairy cows!" Xiao Yi replied, "I will need you to take care of it in the future!"

"This is my job, do my part!" Yuan Nong replied.

Xiao Yi started milking, but he felt that the milk for this cow was a little bit low!

"Old Yuan, why does this cow feel that there is no milk?" Xiao Yi said suspiciously.

Yuan Nong came over, inspected the cow carefully, and said in surprise: "It's okay, take the baby!"

"Fortunately, you are here!" Xiao Yi said happily, "Otherwise, I have to broadcast live and let you direct me to take care of the cow production!"

"So they also saw the right time to take care of you!" Yuan Nong replied with a smile.

Now that he had brought the calf, Xiao Yi stopped milking the cows, but harvested the pasture in the S-class flowerbed. Jiucheng placed in front of the cow with the calf, and the others just had to eat a little bit to maintain the level!

When Xiao Yi and Yuan Nong came back, Anyue, Jiang Yuntian, and Junjun were all washed.

The clothes on my body have also been washed again. Although there is no washing powder soap or something, it is much better than before!

Xiao Yi delivered the milk that had just been squeezed to the stove.

"This milk has to be boiled!" Xiao Yi exhorted.

"Okay!" An Ran who was grilling the meat replied, and Su Wan was cooking.

Dinner is ready soon, grilled pork chops, boiled corn, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cold cucumber, braised eggplant in oil, and a large pot of fish soup!