Chapter 117: Continue to expand, small radar, tiger

"I agree to continue to expand the area of ​​the island. I am responsible for the safety of the island. I can't be too idle!" Jiang Yuntian agreed.

Since even Jiang Yuntian, who is in charge of security, does not oppose it, of course the others will not oppose it.

After all, the larger the island and the higher the degree of evolution, the greater their advantage!

Now that everyone agrees, Xiao Yi directly used 42 of the foundation stones to expand his island.

At present, the area of ​​Xiao Yi's island has reached 2,466 square meters, and there are 10 cornerstones to spare!

After Xiao Yi completed the expansion, he took out another tablet computer from his bedroom.

"This is the receiver of a small radar detector. The small radar is placed on the top of the back mountain and has a detection radius of 32 kilometers! The receiver can receive radar signals within 5 kilometers of the radar." Xiao Yi handed the tablet to Jiang Yuntian and said.

Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened in surprise again. With this thing, he no longer has to worry about the other party sneaking onto the island, and he doesn't know anything!

"Where did you get such advanced equipment?" Yuan Nong couldn't help asking.

Locators, radar detectors, yachts, automatic fishing nets, etc., which of these items has someone been opened from the material box?

Xiao Yi replied mysteriously: "This is a secret!"

Yuan Nong waved his hand and said, "I don't want you to answer, but if I don't ask this sentence, I really can't hold it!"

The others nodded one after another, but they were also panicked!

"Well, today everyone has tossed for a day, watch a movie and relax!" Xiao Yi pointed to the TV and said.

"There are movies?" Everyone was even more surprised.

"There are old movies in the TV's memory. It's okay to just spend some time away!" Xiao Yi said, "Look, I will stare at the Huidao Monument!"

With that, Xiao Yi walked into his bedroom.

An Ran thought for a while, then glanced at Su Wan, saw Su Wan shook her head, and then got up and walked in.

"Xiao Yi, let me stare with you!" An Ran sat next to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then said, "Tomorrow you will use the satellite island monument you control to also put some marine fish and boiled water on the shelves. The basic materials will still be collected!"

Looking at the trading floor, most of the marine fish and boiled water have been consumed, and Xiao Yi put it on the shelves himself!

Then switch to the public channel.

"It's too cold today!"

"Yeah, it feels like this sea is almost freezing!"

"You think too much, how cold the sea is when it freezes, it's still far away!"

"It's not far away. Today I am here with calm and calm waves. Just now I saw that there was a thin layer of ice on the sea surface!"

"Really, I haven't seen it here."

"Is there any benefit in lying to you? Will you give me a bit of food or a bit of drink?"

"Does anyone have extra down jackets and duvets? I used a lot of materials to buy them!"

"It's so cold, me too, the trading floor is up!"

"Xiao Yi, do you think this sea will really be frozen?" An Ran couldn't help but ask when seeing everyone's discussion.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "I don't know, but according to the extremely hot weather in the second week, the sea might be frozen."

"It's so cold!" An Ran said, covering his mouth.

"I don't know, take one step as one step!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

Asked An Ran for her mother's name, posted a missing person message on the public channel, and Xiao Yi walked out.

"An Ran and Su Wan, you two sleep in the bedroom, and the others sleep in the living room, Junjun, would you like to sleep with the two aunts?" Xiao Yi asked.

Junjun immediately shook his head and said, "I am a man, and I want to sleep in the living room too!"

The appearance of a small adult caused everyone to laugh again.

There was no word for a night. The next day, Yuan Nong was the first to get up. Jiang Yuntian and Xiao Yi woke up when they heard Yuan Nong's movement.

Yuan Nong said in a low voice: "I am old and wake up early, so please rest again!"

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian hadn't replied yet, and there was a scream of Wangcai from outside, their voices rushing.

Xiao Yi immediately got up, picked up the Tang knife on the side and rushed out.

Jiang Yuntian followed closely!

When they rushed to Wangcai's location, they found that Wangcai was barking at a tiger with eye-catching white forehead!


Seeing Xiao Yi and the two coming over, the tiger roared!

"Is this also evolved from the forest on the island?" Jiang Yuntian asked in surprise.

Xiao Yi nodded. Through the system, he knew the level of this tiger.

"Siberian Tiger (Grade B): Carnivorous cat, ferocious in nature and quick to move. Be aware that this animal is very dangerous!"

When I encountered a small octopus that was also a Class B before, the system did not indicate that it was very dangerous, but reminded Xiao Yi to be more careful.

This time the prompt was completely different, but Xiao Yi thought about it a little bit in his mind and realized that different types of things or animals cannot be compared in this way.

For example, the small wooden boats and small sailing boats of the same general level, the small sailing boats are more advanced than the small wooden boats!

But it is also B-class, and tigers may completely abuse any other land-based B-class animals.

It is even said that if an A-level rabbit meets a B-level Siberian tiger, it is estimated that it will not escape!

"Be careful, this is a Class B Siberian tiger!" Xiao Yi whispered.

Jiang Yuntian's heart was stunned, surprised at the high level of this Siberian tiger, and at the same time even more surprised that Xiao Yi could actually see through this tiger's level!

Jiang Yuntian nodded solemnly, and then drew out his Class B dagger.

"Go together!" Xiao Yi said, and the whole person rushed over, fast!

Jiang Yuntian realized that he couldn't keep up with Xiao Yi's speed!

Xiao Yi slashed at the tiger, and the tiger immediately dodged aside, but in the direction it dodges, Wangcai rushed forward!

Xiao Yiwangcai, a person and a dog, already have a complete understanding!

The tiger patted it with a paw, and Wangcai twisted his body and avoided the paw.

Of course, Tiger also cracked the joint attack between Xiao Yi and Wangcai.

Xiao Yi was surprised to find that the tiger's agility was no less than his own. This was the first time he had encountered an animal that was as agile as his!

After the tiger escaped from Xiao Yi's attack, he rushed directly towards Jiang Yuntian.

It must be that Jiang Yuntian's strength is the weakest, and he wants to get rid of it first!

Jiang Yuntian snorted coldly, facing the direction where the tiger pounced, slightly short, and the dagger in his hand struck the tiger's abdomen!

The tiger twisted in the air, avoiding Jiang Yuntian's dagger, and at the same time waved his paw, leaving four blood marks on Jiang Yuntian's left arm!

"Humph!" Jiang Yuntian snorted, rolled aside, and then stared at the tiger's movements.

"Xiao Yi, its main target is me, I will attract, you will kill!" Jiang Yuntian whispered.