Chapter 118: Kill, guess the rules of multiplayer islands

"Okay, pay attention to safety!" Xiao Yi replied almost without hesitation.

Now is not the time to hesitate. Xiao Yi can't take the tiger in a single pair. He can only follow Jiang Yuntian's words and let him attract the tiger's attention. Xiao Yi finds a chance to kill!

Jiang Yuntian got up and rushed to the tiger quickly, and the tiger was even stunned.

Such a weak human being dare to attack me, the king of the forest?

The majesty of the king is inviolable!

The tiger roared and rushed forward as well.

This time Jiang Yuntian didn't have any evasion, and he was ready to face the tiger's pounce!

The tiger's strength was much greater than him, and he fell to the ground in an instant, and the tiger's claws even grabbed the flesh on his shoulders deeply.

At the same time, Wangcai and Xiao Yi both moved.

Wangcai rushed directly to the tiger's right abdomen, who knew that the tiger's tail drew like a steel whip.


Wangcai was taken away directly, and he rolled on the ground several times, and his body was bruised by gravel!

And Jiang Yuntian took advantage of the tiger's distraction and tried his best to slash the tiger's right front paw with the dagger in his hand!


The B-class dagger is extremely sharp, leaving a deep bone scar on the tiger's right front paw!


The pain completely angered the tiger, roared again, opened his mouth and bit at Jiang Yuntian.


A pool of blood flowed from the tiger's mouth, covering Jiang Yuntian's entire face!

"It's so fishy!" Jiang Yuntian pushed the tiger aside and vomited.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian saw Xiao Yi's Tang knife inserted directly from the tiger's neck, revealing a knife tip from its forehead!

The blood is still flowing out of the wound and the tiger's mouth.

At this time, Yuan Nong and his colleagues dared to come closer, and their eyes widened when they saw Xiao Yi and the two had solved a tiger.

The tiger is known as the king of beasts, and Wu Song's fight against the tiger is only a matter of the novel.

"It seems that my physique is equivalent to that of a Class B tiger." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

If it wasn't for Jiang Yuntian's desperate effort to attract the tiger's attention, and Wangcai's harassment on the sidelines, Xiao Yi wouldn't be able to kill it so simply.

"Brother Jiang, how are you?" Xiao Yi asked him, pulling him up.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the injuries on his arm and replied: "It's okay, it's all skin injuries, it's not a big problem!"

"Well, treat it with S-grade pure water!" Xiao Yi exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"There is still Wangcai, how about you?" Xiao Yi knelt down and rubbed Wangcai's head and asked.

"Wow!" Wangcai shook his tail frantically.

"It looks like it should be okay, Su Wan, you go to help Wangcai treat the wound and feed him some S-grade pure water!" Xiao Yi ordered.

Su Wan should be gone.

Xiao Yi stood up and said to An Ran and the others: "An Ran, take care not to damage the fur. There is a leather machine in the factory, so we have another warm leather coat."

"Okay!" An Ran replied, and then everyone dragged the tiger back.

Xiao Yi looked at the deciduous woods not far away, and said, "It has evolved too fast, I can't keep up!"

Jiang Yuntian washed the wound with S-grade purified water, then drank some more, and then said: "Plus the weather is getting colder and the food in the forest is getting less and less, we may be attacked by more animals here!"

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "It seems that some of us are busy!"

Before she finished speaking, Su Wan ran out and said, "Xiao Yi, there are marine animals attacking our island, and there is more than one!"

"What?" Xiao Yi said in surprise, then immediately ran back to the apartment and saw that two cornerstones of his island were attacked at the same time!

"One person, one!" Xiao Yi didn't have time to think about why this happened, grabbing his Tang Dao and rushing to one of them!

Jiang Yuntian didn't talk nonsense, and ran directly to another position.

Fortunately, the marine creatures in these two places were ordinary D-class creatures, and the two of them solved it easily.

After the solution, Xiao Yi started to ponder: "There has never been a situation where two marine creatures attacked at the same time before. Could it be that people came to my island?"

The more I think about it, the more likely it is. With the urinary nature of this world, it will certainly not allow an island to develop so easily.

There are now five adults and one child on Xiao Yi Island. If the attack state and frequency are still the same as before, Xiao Yi and the others will not be stressed at all!

Therefore, this world, or the pushing hand behind it, will increase the difficulty of Xiao Yi's side!

"I really can't live in peace!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Before the two returned to the apartment, Wangcai ran to Xiao Yi and cried out.

"Lead the way!" Xiao Yi said, and Wangcai immediately ran in one direction.

Wangcai took Xiao Yi to the northwest corner. As expected, another marine creature was attacking!

"This, it won't stop all day!" Xiao Yi was speechless.

I thought it would be easier to find some helpers, but now it seems that I am too naive!

After Xiao Yi just used Tang Dao to solve the marine fish in front of him, Jiang Yuntian also rushed over.

"This attack is too frequent!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "Yeah, it feels like we are being targeted by this world! Of course, maybe this is the rule of the world. The more people there are on the island, the more frequent attacks will be!"

"If your conjecture is true, don't we have to face 28 marine creature attacks today?" Jiang Yuntian asked, "If you don't count Junjun, there should be 24 attacks!"

Xiao Yi only had four times when he was alone, and 24 times for six adults!

"Well, so at the end of today, we should be able to roughly judge whether this conjecture is correct!" Xiao Yi replied.

Then set the subsidiary island monument on the small wooden boat as the main island monument for reporting the attack on the island, and let Wangcai watch it on the small wooden boat.

"Wangcai, if there are marine creatures attacking, just tell Brother Jiang!" Xiao Yi exhorted.

"Wow!" Wangcai replied.

"I'll go back and adjust the settings of the automatic fishing net first!" Xiao Yi said.

"Good!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

As soon as Xiao Yi walked to the door of the apartment, Su Wan greeted him and said in surprise: "There are too many sea fishes harvested this evening! At least 4,000 fishes!"

Anyue and Wangcai have thrown all those fish into one pile.

"It's almost the same number. The weather is getting colder and colder. In addition to putting on the shelves in exchange for the amount of supplies, we also have to store some of it ourselves, so that we can pickle and dry it." Xiao Yi replied.

"Understand!" Su Wan replied.

At this time, the fully automatic fishing net has stopped at the door of the apartment. This is Xiao Yi's setting, and he will come back here every morning.

Anyue hurriedly ran in from outside, and said: "I went to the yacht side just now and found that there are a lot of material boxes on the surrounding sea. Hurry up and get your fishing nets moving!"