Chapter 128: Powerful one-piece suit, wild boar catches alive

Xiao Yi walked out of the apartment, and the temperature outside was almost close to zero, but Xiao Yi, who was only wearing a one-piece suit, did not feel the cold at all!

"It seems that we don't need to give up the cornerstone next week!" Xiao Yi muttered.

"Ah!" An Ran cried out in surprise, "Are you, Xiao Yi?"

Based on his body shape, An Ran judged that this guy wearing a tight leather jacket, like an Ultraman, should be Xiao Yi!

"Hahaha, I was recognized by you!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

An Ran asked curiously: "Where did you get the Ultraman leather jacket?"

Xiao Yi's face was full of black lines, and he replied: "This is a one-piece suit, just opened!"

Although An Ran knew that yesterday's material boxes were all opened and that today's had not been fished yet, she wittily did not continue to ask questions.

"One-piece suit? Isn't it cold to wear like this?" An Ran asked, she was wearing thermal underwear and a down jacket!

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied, "It's not cold at all, call everyone over!"

An Ran nodded, and immediately called both Jiang Yuntian and Anyue outside.

"Ultraman, Ultraman!" Junjun followed Jiang Yuntian to the door of the apartment, and immediately shouted when he saw Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "You know Ultraman when you are only young!"

When Jiang Yuntian heard Xiao Yi's voice, he finally realized that the one in front of him in the one-piece leather jacket was Xiao Yi.

"I watched it with other kids before!" Jiang Yuntian explained, "Junjun can now remember almost everything he experienced when he was a child, and it should be the reason why he ate too much high-end food!"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Everyone, I called everyone over because I just got some jumpsuits here, so everyone can change to wear!"

"Is it inconvenient to work in such a cold, wearing this one-piece leather jacket and then wearing a down jacket?" Yuan Nong frowned.

"Don't worry, this is an SS-level one-piece suit, self-adaptive body, constant temperature, and amazing defense. Everyone wearing this suit doesn't have to worry about the cold at all, and it's more convenient for you to work!" Xiao Yi explained with a smile.

You must know that wearing an extra layer of clothing in winter will affect your own movements. Don't you see that many children become a ball in winter, and they even struggle to walk!

Just like Junjun is in this state now!

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, everyone's eyes widened in shock. It is another double S-level equipment, and the function of this one-piece suit is too powerful!

Jiang Yuntian was the first to react and said happily: "Why don't it be cold outside, I can wear this kind of clothes to protect the cornerstone?"

Xiao Yi nodded!

"Great!" Jiang Yuntian was a little excited.

Yuan Nong thought for a while and said: "This one-piece suit is so powerful, let people in need wear it!"

The others nodded, they don't need to face the danger directly, and they don't need such powerful equipment!

"I have many sets of these things, everyone has!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Now everyone is even more shocked. It's nothing more than powerful things. Do you still have a lot?

Is there a King Fa? Is there still a law?

Xiao Yi took out six sets of one-piece suits and said, "Everyone's clothes have been worn for a long time, just change!"

Jiang Yuntian took the jumpsuit directly without hesitation and walked to his room.

The others also picked up the jumpsuits and went back to their rooms to change.

After a while, six "Ultraman" wearing leather jackets appeared on Xiao Yi Island.

"This thing is so warm?" Yuan Lao said, looking at his clothes in surprise.

"Yes, it's warmer than the down jacket I just wore, and it doesn't delay me doing things!" Anyue said with emotion.

Junjun started doing Altman's attack gestures at this time: "Cross light, biubiubiu!"

Everyone laughed.

"Wow!" Wangcai's cry came from outside.

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian rushed out immediately!

Beside the fence, there were a big, three and four wild boars arching the fence. Seeing Xiao Yi and the others came, they just looked up and continued arching!

Jiang Yuntian drew out his dagger and was about to step forward. Xiao Yi stopped him and said, "We have enough meat, catch them alive!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded, and then took out the fishing nets from the factory warehouse that had not been used for a long time!

When fishing the material box before, the technique of casting the net has been perfected.

Jiang Yuntian smashed the fishing nets and covered all the four wild boars.

The wild boar covered by the fishing net immediately fled frantically.

When they came to attack the fence, they probably smelled the smell of food in the fence. Now that they are caught by the net, they will naturally instinctively flee for their lives.

"Leave it to me, you go to make a simple pigsty, a little farther away from where we live!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian immediately ran back into the fence, calling Anyue to help him build a pigpen.

Xiao Yi easily pulled the four wild boars up, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't escape.

"Harvest supplies: wild boar*4."

"Trigger double harvest, harvest supplies: wild boar*8!"

In the fishing net that Xiao Yi lifted, four wild boars suddenly appeared, one big and three small.

I didn't pay attention for a while, the extra big wild boar still arched to Xiao Yi with his own fangs.

But Xiao Yi was surprised to find that he didn't feel any pain at all!

The fangs of the wild boar can't break the defense of the jumpsuit!

"Sure enough, the defense is amazing!" Xiao Yi muttered with a smile.

"Xiao Yi, we have built it, hurry in!" Jiang Yuntian cried out.

Xiao Yi dragged the eight wild boars in.

Jiang Yuntian was stunned. Wasn't it four-headed just now? How did it become eight heads?

Seeing the bewildered Jiang Yuntian, Xiao Yi smiled mysteriously and said, "Are you surprised or surprised?"

Jiang Yuntian really nodded.

Xiao Yi put the wild boars into a simple pigpen, and then said to Anyue: "You are holding an iron gun today and you are watching from here. If they dare to destroy the pigpen, smoke them!"

Anyue nodded, and took the iron gun and sat beside the pigpen!

Xiao Yi arranged for Su Wan to prepare some pig food and put it in the pigpen.

The wild boars immediately gathered around, ate the food frantically, and hadn't eaten enough for many days!

After eating, the wild boars became restless and began to use their fangs to go to the pigpen!

Anyue immediately beat the restless wild boars with an iron gun.

After the six little wild boars were beaten by Anyue a few times, they didn't dare to continue to arch the pigpen, but the two big wild pigs were thick and skinny, and they didn't know it hurt at all!

Anyue had no choice but to poke them with the tip of a gun!

After poking a few times, they are also alive for a while!

Wangcai gathered all the marine fish harvested from the fully automatic fishing net last night into the previously dug marine fish pit.

The system defaults that Wangcai's harvest also belongs to Xiao Yi's harvest, which also triggers a double!

"Trigger double harvest, get supplies: sea fish*20000kg."

After a little thought, Xiao Yi immediately listed three transactions.