Chapter 129: Double double, liquidation

"[Down Jacket]*1 Transaction [Cornerstone]*10, Remarks: There are only ten down jackets, if you want to buy it as soon as possible!"

"[Sea fish]*5kg transaction [Cornerstone]*1."

"[Sea fish]*2.5kg transaction [metal piece]*1."

Only one down jacket is left for each person. Now there is one-piece suit, and down jacket can be used occasionally.

After the end of last week, I merged with people from other areas. Although Xiao Yi usually collects metal pieces, he doesn't have much effort.

This time, Xiao Yi directly increased the weight of the marine fish purchased from the metal flakes from 1kg to 2.5kg, hoping to squeeze the metal flakes in the hands of the newly merged survivors!

After hanging up these transactions, Xiao Yi got up and walked out of the apartment.

"The things in the ground should be harvested!"

Yuan Nong was already waiting for Xiao Yi in the field, and when he came to the field, Xiao Yi immediately started to harvest.

"Trigger double harvest, get supplies: rice *200kg."

"Trigger double harvest and get supplies: cucumber*10kg."

"Trigger double harvest, get supplies:..."

Yuan Nong stared at the food Xiao Yi had harvested. He knew better than anyone how much food could be produced on a piece of land!

But after Xiao Yi's harvest, it has obviously changed!

"Perhaps, this is the secret of Xiao Yi's rapid development!" Yuan Nong thought so, but he did not ask Xiao Yi what was going on.

Sometimes, it's rare to be confused!

After the harvest, Xiao Yi said: "Looking at the weather, it is estimated that there is no way to continue planting for the next season. You save the seeds and just plant something in the greenhouse and greenhouse!"

Yuan Nong nodded, and replied: "Indeed, the just harvested season was barely planted! It's too cold!"

"By the way, don't forget to have a variety of pastures, cows and chicken coops can't be cut off!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Well, I have already started storing here!" Yuan Nong replied.

"That's fine!" Xiao Yi said, and then walked back to the apartment with his Tang Knife, greeted Yuan Nong, An Ran and Su Wan, and prepared to go to the woods to find food.

Double happiness, the more the better!

At this time, Jiang Yuntian was dealing with a sea crab coming to attack the cornerstone.

The sea crab constantly used his double claws to attack the cornerstone, and Jiang Yuntian constantly harassed him with an iron spear.

"How can this crab shell be so hard!" Jiang Yuntian pierced it with a single shot, but poked the crab into the deeper sea, and did not cause too much damage to it!

When he was about to withdraw the iron spear, the sea crab directly clamped the spear head.

Jiang Yuntian decisively pulled it up!

"Great!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

After all, the water is the home of sea crabs, and when he comes to the shore, that is his home court of Jiang Yuntian!

Jiang Yuntian shook the head of the spear and shook the crab off.

After the sea crab fell to the ground, it quickly crawled into the sea!

Jiang Yuntian wouldn't give it this opportunity. He swept the iron gun and swept it into the island, getting farther and farther from the sea!

The sea crab that was swept over quickly turned over, paused slightly, and even rushed in the direction of Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian was also stunned. Although this sea crab was about half a meter long, it was not a huge monster compared to humans, not to mention that Jiang Yuntian had weapons in his hands and was not afraid at all.

Seeing the route that the sea crab rushed, Jiang Yuntian waved his iron spear and hit it hard!

Just when the iron spear was about to hit the crab, the crab moved sideways quickly, and Jiang Yuntian was empty!

Jiang Yuntian stunned, before he had time to withdraw the iron gun, one of the claws of the sea crab directly clamped the wooden handle of the iron gun.


The wooden handle broke!

Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened, is the power of the crab claws so powerful?

"I'm afraid it's not an ordinary sea crab!" Jiang Yuntian secretly said, "Then I can't let you go!"

Jiang Yuntian threw away the broken iron spear, drew his dagger, and rushed towards the sea crab!

The sea crab was not afraid at all, and continued to rush towards him.


One of the claws of the sea crab collided with Jiang Yuntian's dagger, and there was a sound of metal connecting!

Jiang Yuntian was surprised to find that his Class B dagger couldn't break the carapace of this sea crab!

The other claw action of the sea crab quickly clamped Jiang Yuntian's other arm!

Although the sea crab tried his best to pinch Jiang Yuntian's arm, Jiang Yuntian found that his arm only felt a little squeezing!

The force of pinching the stick must be more than the force of squeezing.

"It must be the defensive ability of this jumpsuit!" Jiang Yuntian's eyes lit up.

Fortunately, there is this one-piece by Xiao Yi, otherwise, it is estimated that I will be injured again today!

Jiang Yuntian immediately deceived his mind, and handed the dagger to the sea crab's abdomen!

There is no hard carapace, it is the best breakthrough!

The sea crab seemed to feel the danger, and the two claws attacked Jiang Yuntian frantically, but it was completely unable to break the defense of the jumpsuit.


The dagger was inserted into the sea crab's abdomen, Jiang Yuntian stirred hard, expanding the damage of the dagger in the sea crab's body!

The crab claws pushed Jiang Yuntian away, and Jiang Yuntian was pushed to stagger and sit on the beach!

The crab struggled a few times, and then there was no sound.

Jiang Yuntian exhaled and secretly said: "I thought he had been a mercenary before and was already very strong, but now he is so embarrassed by a sea crab, this world is crazy!"

Looking at the one-piece suit on her body, there is no damage at all!

"With this armor, it's much safer!" Jiang Yuntian muttered, then got up and carried the crab and walked to the apartment.

Class B sea crabs should be delicious when steamed!

Just thinking about it, Jiang Yuntian couldn't help but spit out some saliva. Recently, tigers and bears have eaten too much, and they need some seafood to change their taste!

"Huh, did you go to the woods again?" Jiang Yuntian asked when he saw that no one was there except Anyue taming the wild boar at the door of the apartment.

"Yes, even Junjun followed, Xiao Yi said, there should be no problem with the one-piece suit!" Anyue replied, and the iron gun in his hand poked the restless wild boar in the pigpen again!

Jiang Yuntian nodded. With this jumpsuit and Xiao Yizai, there is absolutely no problem with safety.

At this time, Xiao Yi was frantically sweeping food in the woods.

Jujube, kiwi, mountain apricot, chestnut, grapefruit, etc., and more!

An Ran and Su Wan, who followed Xiao Yi, also found an abnormality. It was a big jujube, but they became two in an instant!

Yuan Nong was more certain of his speculation, and Xiao Yi was definitely able to double what he had harvested.

Although this is not logical, the facts are here!

The two women, An Ran and Su Wan, discovered this, and did not mention it tacitly. They just transported food to the apartment one after another.

After tossing for a long time, Xiao Yi and the others covered almost the entire woods, and all the fruits and vegetables in the woods were looted.

Coupled with Xiao Yi's double status, the two workshops are almost too much to fit!