Chapter 130: Double exposure, sell grade food

Seeing the almost overflowing food, everyone felt full of security in their hearts!

With grain in hand, don't panic in my heart!

In order to collect food from the woods, Xiao Yi and the others havetily settled for breakfast, and they had no time to eat lunch.

By the time they returned to the apartment, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

An Ran and Su Wan immediately went to prepare lunch.

Looking at the full warehouse, Xiao Yi frowned.

The transactions on the trading floor have not yet been collected by themselves. If you add the various materials returned from the transaction, you will definitely not be able to put it down!

Seeing Xiao Yi frowned, Yuan Nong said, "I have a proposal."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi looked at Yuan Nong suspiciously.

"We have already seen that what you harvest today will be doubled, right!" Yuan Nong said.

Xiao Yi nodded, this matter will be exposed one day in the future, and he simply admits it!

"Well, in this case, I have an idea, which is to put some graded food out and collect the foundation stones and materials!" Yuan Nong suggested.

Xiao Yi thought about it.

Yuan Nong continued: "Of course, foods of Grade A and above cannot be released. Other items that can be produced periodically can be put on the trading floor, so that you can make full use of your ability to double your harvest today!"

Yuan Nong didn't worry about how Xiao Yi acquired this ability, but put forward his own suggestions on this ability.

After Xiao Yi listened, he finally nodded, taking advantage of the person who had just promoted the effect of B-grade tiger meat, and took advantage of the opportunity to release some graded food. There will definitely be a large number of people willing to take out the cornerstone of the inventory to exchange it!

"Good idea!" Xiao Yi said, "I will go to the trading floor to adjust the transaction!"

With that, Xiao Yifeng usually rushed into the apartment and came to the island monument.

First of all, a message has been posted on the public channel.

"Hello everyone, I am Yiranpin. In order to give back to you for your support of our business, our team decided to release some graded food on the trading floor, hoping to help everyone improve their physical fitness and spend this cold winter!"

This news detonated the entire public channel directly like a depth bomb!

"Fuck/slot, the boss has appeared!"

"He came, he came, he came with grade food!"

"Some graded food? I don't know if it's just a bit, I don't know if I can grab it!"

"What nonsense, prepare the supplies quickly! If you grab it, you will earn it!"

"Yeah, haven't you seen the effect of eating B-grade tiger meat from the **** before? It's a leverage!"

"I don't know what the boss will let us use to trade with him!"

"You have to deal with everything, to improve your physical fitness, there is absolutely no need to hesitate!"

"Is it because tiger meat will deteriorate after a long time, that's why we thought of us?"

"Upstairs, your brain is sick, this weather won't be bad for a month!"

"It is recommended to go to the brain department!"

"Hurry up, I've been waiting on the trading floor for a long time, why haven't I released it yet!"

Xiao Yi saw such a enthusiastic response from the public channel, so he switched to the trading floor.

"[Pure water] (Grade C)*50ml transaction [Cornerstone]*1."

Xiao Yi put 50 sets on the shelves at once. This is all the margin of the C-grade purified water, and Yuan Nong and the others will usually consume some.

After it was put on the shelves, Xiao Yi was considering what to put in the next wave, and the fifty sets were bought in an instant!

"This is too crazy!" Xiao Yi's eyes widened, "However, I like it!"

At this time, Emperor Lin Tianxia was also urgently organizing his own forces and doing all he could to purchase graded food.

"With so many C-grade pure water released at once, does he have so many water purifiers?" Di Lin Tianxia muttered.

After all, Yiranpin just said that they are a team, and the amount of water a team consumes is definitely not a small number.

Under such consumption, there is still 2.5L left, which shows that Yiran products must have more than one C-grade water purifier!

If Xiao Yi knew, he would be speechless. He really only has a Class C water purifier.

It's just that Xiao Yi doesn't like Grade C pure water. He always drinks Grade S.

The public channels are still lively.

"Can you not be so fast, my hand speed is slow!"

"The speed of being single for twenty years, you deserve it!"

"The boss is too kind, a full 50ml of C-grade pure water, it only needs a cornerstone!"

"Yes, although the weather is cold this week, it is still bearable. I have already picked up 11 cornerstones this week."

"Brother, awesome, did you buy 11 groups, how about dividing mine into two groups?"

"What do you want? I only bought two groups, and the boss said there are other foods. I'm waiting!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and hung up the food he had just found in the woods. There were also some foods in the woods that had reached Grade C.

"[Blueberry] (Grade C)*50g transaction [Cornerstone]*1."

This time, 100 sets were directly put on the shelves, a total of 5kg, and this trip to the woods, Xiao Yi harvested a total of 20kg.

Can't put so much at once, take your time!

"Fuck/slot, what did I see? It's fruit! The boss took out the graded fruit!"

"Made, only grabbed one group! I really convinced you single dogs!"

"Crying, how long have I not eaten blueberries?"

"All day long, there is bread, sea fish, mineral water, melon seeds, peanuts and eight-treasure porridge. Bah, there is nothing in the next sentence!"

"The one upstairs is a conductor who specializes in sales, right? Haven't you forgotten this slogan?"

"I have been working for more than ten years, and I have long been deep into my bones. I don't know if I have a chance to be a conductor."

"Forget it, let's look at it now. There are C-grade purified water provided by the big guys. Everyone will improve their physique and will be able to hold on for a longer time in the future."

"The most inexhaustible beggar, you will always come forward if you don't die!"

The public channels are all thanking Xiao Yi, but Di Lin Tianxia saw something different.

"Being able to bring out so many C-level blueberries, at least it means that he must have found an indigenous island here! No wonder it has developed so well!" Di Lin Tianxia muttered, "But why our internal navigators have not gained much. , It's all a bunch of waste!"

In any case, Di Lin Tianxia couldn't think that these things belonged to Xiao Yi's own island!

Because his island is still bare until now, as long as things are refreshed, Emperor Lin Tianxia will immediately turn them into resources!

Xiao Yi looked at the blueberry that was instantly illuminated, and muttered: "It seems that everyone has enough cornerstones!"

Then continue to put on the shelves 100 groups of blueberries, the same is in seconds!

At this time, Yuan Nong and An Ran were standing beside Xiao Yi, looking at the crazy crowd in the island stele, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"These foods are considered fairy foods in their eyes, but we have a lot of them here." Yuan Nong said with a smile.

An Ran nodded and said, "Yes, this person is really incomparable!"