Chapter 140: How to deal with the snow cover during the price increase

If all the survivors are hiding in their own shelters, they will definitely not have much food sources.

In this case, Xiao Yi can use his advantage of sufficient food to search for a wave of materials, even the cornerstone!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately increased his food and water prices by 20%.

Xiao Yi's action immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of other survivors.

"How can the boss be so profitable? Just talked about not going out to spend the next week, he immediately increased the price of water and food!"

"Yes, there is no shortage of water and food, why do you want to increase the price?"

"Yes, the boss should give us water and food!"

"Upstairs, that's an overstatement!"

"Yes, the big brother's food is not brought by the wind!"

"Oh, you also know that you said too much? The big guy didn't force you to buy. To put it in a bad way, with the big guy's background, you can even develop better than you without having to deal with you. Now the big guy decides Take out some things and sell them, and you still make irresponsible remarks. If he is really angry and gets all off the shelves, what should I do?"

"Boss is not so stingy!"

"It's because of the magnanimity of the boss that you can make demands so unscrupulously? Give your face?"

"Couldn't we make complaints after he raised the price?"

"Yes, then you can continue, spit out until the boss is off the shelf!"

Seeing the discussion in the public channel, Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head, let them go what they said.

Anyway, no other survivors in the trading floor put water and food on the shelves, and everyone else put resources on the shelves to exchange water and food.

Although Xiao Yi increased the price by 20%, he was still in the process of trading.

"It seems that everyone is going to spend the next week using the method just discussed!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Boom boom boom!

"Xiao Yi, have dinner!" Su Wan's voice came from outside the door.

"Okay, here it is!" Xiao Yi replied, then got up and walked out.

In order to facilitate An Ran and Su Wan to clean up, they decided to put the dining room in the kitchen.

The kitchen has a lot of space, you can put a table, and the kitchen is fully equipped, so there is no need to worry about the problem of oily smoke.

Everyone walked into the kitchen wearing down jackets, and their jumpsuits were all charged in their rooms.

After closing the door, everyone took off the down jackets and hung them on the hangers beside them, dressed in single clothes, and sat at the table.

The whole farmhouse uses central air-conditioning, and each room has an air outlet, so you don't need to wear down jackets as long as you enter the room!

"It feels like I'm back to the past!" Yuan Nong looked at everything in front of him and said, "It's a pity that there is no wine. If we have wine, we can have a drink to warm up our bodies!"

"When the fruits and grains are sufficient in the coming spring, you can try to make some!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Well, this can be!" Anyue also said.

Yuan Nong nodded and said, "Okay, when we have enough food, I will try it!"

"Xiao Yi, the Danshui river behind our house should have been frozen, do I need to lower the frequency of bathing in the future?" An Ran asked.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "No, the automatic irrigation equipment has automatic heating function. There are not many places that need to be watered in winter. It can ensure that the water tank is always full!"

"Your fully automatic irrigation equipment is too advanced, and it's something you haven't seen before!" Yuan Nong said with emotion.

Xiao Yi smiled and did not answer. He turned to Jiang Yuntian and asked, "Brother Jiang, how many times have our island been attacked today?"

"A total of 36 times!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "The average is 3 times per hour. The frequency is not too high. The level is the same as before, and there is no improvement."

"That's okay!" Xiao Yi nodded and said, "The telephone number in everyone's room starts at 6661 in my bedroom and ends at Brother Jiang's room 6665. You can communicate at will, and of course you can also use it for morning calls! "

Everyone nodded, indicating that they knew.

"The snow outside hasn't stopped, I don't know when it will fall!" Jiang Yuntian vomited.

He has been outside for the longest time, watching the snow keep thickening, and now it has reached a depth of two meters.

Yuan Nong and Anyue would clean up the area where Xiao Yi and others were active from time to time, but there was not much snow!

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "This is really unclear, just wait!"

After dinner, everyone returned to the living room. They couldn't fall asleep so early. They sat together and had a chat.

Xiao Yi came to the island monument, looked at the sales of the materials on the shelves in the trading floor, and then added some more.

Switch to the public channel.

"It has been snowing for a day and a night, and the snow on my island is more than one meter thick!"

"Hurry up and clean it up! Otherwise, sea animals come, and you can't find where it is?"

"Clean up, I'm not going to go out anyway, as long as I don't get bored, I have a cornerstone in my hand, and I'm not afraid of sea creatures attacking!"

"I have an idea. I can raise a few fires around the shelter. These fires can be covered with a wooden plank so that they don't get extinguished by the snow. This way, the surrounding temperature will rise, which will not only melt the snow, but also let them The temperature in the middle shelter is slightly higher!"

"It's a good idea, but it's a lot of wood!"

"Wood is the easiest material to obtain. It's really not good. You can also go to the trading floor to change some."

"Yes, if you don't even have wood, it's your personal problem!"

"I don't dare to go out at all, it's so cold, I never felt so cold in the Northeast before!"

"That's because the country heats you. It's only cold outside. There is heating in any house. Of course you don't feel cold anymore!"

"That's right, let's not talk about the heating now. Thank God for having a tent. I still live in the wooden shed I built by myself. The air leaks everywhere. I have repaired it four times!"

"Your wooden shed is just leaking, and my wooden shed Tamad was crushed by the snow!"

"Is the snow so heavy? Can you still crush the wooden shed? Ouch, **** / trough, mine also collapsed!"

"Of course, the rain awning of our company used to be a steel structure. One year it snowed as much as it is now. After several days, the steel structure rain awning was crushed directly. It is understandable that your wooden shed was crushed and collapsed! "

"Really? Then I have to quickly clean up the snow on it!"

"But it's so cold outside, I can't get out at all!"

"Then you just wait for your wooden shed to be crushed by the snow!"

"I have another idea. Try it, everyone. You can start a fire in the wooden shed. Pay attention to controlling the firepower. As long as the temperature of your wooden shed is raised, the snow will melt, and you don't have to go out!"