Chapter 141: Useless battery electric blanket, I have a room

Hearing that someone had an idea, many survivors said that they wanted to try it. The weather was too cold!

"Good idea, I'll try it. Anyway, I don't dare to go out. I might freeze to death when I go out!"

"Made, don't listen to him. It's impossible to do this. I did this before. As a result, all the snow on the roof of the shed melted, and then my wooden shed became a water curtain hole. , It's getting colder!"

"Does this make people live?"

"You have to work hard if you don't, you can't just give up like this!"

"Hey, I hope that the rules of this world will be your own people, and quickly raise the temperature, it will not be possible at all!"

Xiao Yi shook his head and thought in his heart, if everyone complains like this, the rules of this world will change, and there will be no elimination.

"Xiao Yi, I have all the material boxes in the steel structure factory, you have time to drive them down!" Anyue's voice came in from outside!

"Okay!" Xiao Yi answered, putting on his down jacket and walking into the steel structure workshop.

"It's really cold!" Xiao Yi trembled as he walked out of the house.

The shoes stepped on the snow on the ground and made a squeaking sound. Xiao Yi pushed open the door of the steel structure factory building and saw a total of 40 boxes placed inside.

"Great harvest!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Open all!

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*3, copper*4,..."

"Obtained materials: battery*1, wood*6,..."

"Obtained materials: electric blanket*1, plastic*4,..."


Forty material boxes were opened with 32 cornerstones, no water and food, a battery, an electric blanket, and the rest are basic materials!

Xiao Yi looked at the battery and electric blanket, feeling a little helpless. He didn't use these two things at all!

Do super batteries and air conditioners smell bad? How can I use these two things!

If other survivors offered these two things, they would definitely be extremely happy, but for Xiao Yi it would be a little redundant.

"Would you like to sell it?" Xiao Yi muttered, but the battery needs to be charged, and other survivors probably don't have a place to charge it!

"Perhaps leasing is better!" Xiao Yi secretly said, and then brought these two things back to the apartment.

"Look at what I got!" Xiao Yi put the battery and electric blanket on the table in the living room.

"Is this an electric blanket?" Su Wan asked, looking at the blanket with obvious wiring.

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "Yes, that is a storage battery. The two can be used together. My idea is to rent. After all, the storage battery needs to be charged to be used. If you sell it, no one will buy it. "

Anyue nodded and said, "Yes, only by renting this kind of thing can you maximize your income!"

"In this case, let's lease it first!" Xiao Yi said, then walked to the island monument and put it on the trading floor.

"[Battery] use right*2h, [electric blanket] use right*2h transaction [Cornerstone]*1."

Most of the trading floor trades food and water. I have never seen this kind of thing, so once it was released, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"And electric blankets? The boss is mighty, how come out, I want it too!"

"There are electric blankets that I don't use by myself, but rent them out? I really can't understand the operation of the boss!"

"Is there anything I don't understand? The boss must have other better heating equipment!"

"What could it be? I really want to know!"

"Can the boss sell it directly to me, I have 20 cornerstones in my hand!"

Xiao Yi saw this information and said directly on the public channel: "If you don't have a generator in your hand, don't think about buying these two things. You can only see if you don't use it after you buy it!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's news, everyone suddenly realized.

"Yeah, there is no generator. I can buy this thing, but I don't use it for fart! It's better to rent it for a while when it's cold!"

"The Yiran product boss is really kind, and he will remind us."

"Thank you guys, I really don't have a generator, so let's rent it!"

When Di Lin Tianxia saw the news from Yi Ranpin, he secretly said: "He actually has a generator! He is a lot ahead! I don't know how big his island has reached, and the number of marine life attacks that he suffers every day is the same. Three times!"

After Dilintianxia expanded his island yesterday, today he was attacked by marine creatures three times.

Yesterday he drove out 4 cornerstones. After the expansion, the area of ​​his island is 259 square meters. Although I don't know the critical point of changing from two to three times, we can see its scope based on this data.

For an area of ​​255 square meters and below, it is twice, and 259 square meters and above becomes three times.

"I don't know if there is an upper limit on the number of attacks. It keeps growing like this, and I can't take care of it alone!" Di Lin Tianxia thought so, "It should be the rules of this world that control the speed of island expansion! It seems that next It's time to slowly expand the area of ​​the island!"

Xiao Yi took a look at the electric blanket that had just been hung in the trading floor. It had been rented out, and it was rented out for two hours!

"Whose hands are so fast, there are many cornerstones, right?"

"Yes, I'm still hesitating, the electric blanket has been rented out!"

"It seems that he can only use it before he can rent it!"

"I suggest that you don't rent it now, and wait until the temperature is really low to a certain level before renting."

"It's very reasonable, then you guys upstairs, how can we ensure that we can rent this thing after the temperature drops to a certain level?"

"Don't listen to him talking about it. If you want to rent, just rent it, just see when you can rent it!"

"What kind of warmth does the big Yiran product use? Can we have an eye addiction?"

"Yeah, yeah, I seem to know how the big guys are going to spend the next week?"

Xiao Yi saw that someone suddenly asked him this question on the public channel. He smiled and replied: "I have a house."

The four words directly surprised everyone.

"What does the boss mean? He has a house? We are still living in the wooden shed. Is the boss all the houses?"

"I wipe it! Really or fake, why didn't I draw out the house manufacturing plan!"

"This should be what the big guy said! [Chalet]*1."

"Fuck/slot, the one upstairs is also a big man, have you already lived in a wooden house?"

"Yes, but the wooden house has limited warmth!"

"This brother, do you sell cabins?" Di Lin Tianxia immediately sent a message and asked, "I can pay a big price!"

"The boss of Dilin has also come out, don't the boss of Dilin still have a house to live in?"

"It should be, otherwise he won't buy this."

"It's still a question. It must not be sold. The cabin must be many times better than the tent. A fool will sell it!"

"Yes, although it's just a small wooden house, it's a house after all!"

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Di Lin Tianxia immediately said: "I can produce 20 foundation stones, a tent, a down jacket, and a duvet!"