Chapter 158: Despair, collapse

"Ah? Is it true that what the lunatic said is true? We are really surrounded by enchantments?"

"I have seen the big ship before, and I said it too, but no one believes it! Alas!"

"Are we really exiled here?"

"Then do they make any sense in doing this?"

Xiao Yi had no choice but to say again: "In the future, we may not only face the danger from the sea, but also the indigenous people of this world, so everyone work hard to develop!"

"Indigenous? There are indigenous in this world?"

"What kind of world is this?"

"Are these natives humans? Or some other animals? Or aliens?"

"Boss, can you tell me in detail, I don't know anything, I'm so panicked!"

"Actually, I don't know. The indigenous people I saw last time looked like humans!" Xiao Yi replied, "All we can do is try to improve ourselves. In the future, when we really have to fight against the indigenous people here, we can have a The power of self-preservation."

"I'm so panicked to hear the boss say so!"

"Fuck, everyone is thinking about how to spend the winter before you. If you can't get through this winter, you don't have to think about the rest. It has nothing to do with you!"

"Yes, yes, let's fix the current difficulties first, and then keep improving ourselves!"

"That's right, but isn't there nothing else right now? Can't we discuss the future?"

"Hey, what the **** is this world doing? Or just kill us directly, is it interesting to torture us step by step?"

"Perhaps they just feel interesting watching us struggle to survive?"

"What a pervert! There is also this kind of preference!"

"I feel quite normal. It's like we deliberately put the ant on the leaves in the basin and watched it crawling around, trying to get out of the predicament. Isn't it interesting?"

"There really is this kind of perversion playing with ants!"

"This can't be considered abnormal, right? Everyone used to dig out ant nests when they were young!"

"I didn't! I slaughtered the flies and threw them to the ants!"

"It's not the same, you are just being kind to ants and cruel to flies!"

"Yes, we don't know whether we are defined as ants or flies on the island stele? But no matter which one we are, we are all ant-like human beings."

"Yeah, how come I feel that the future is not bright!"

"Everyone said that the natives would have three heads and six arms? Or are they like giants?"

"God knows, I can only find out after I meet them. If there is an enchantment, it must be for us to develop a wave first. To understand it simply, we are now in Novice Village!"

"This is Novice Village? Novice Village of Hell Difficulty!"

"Hey, when I think of that unknown native, I feel as if it gets colder!"

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, then walked back to the living room, just to see another funny scene, so he laughed with everyone.

After watching that movie, everyone felt better and went back to their rooms to rest.

Anyue naturally stayed at the end, chatting with Li Yan in the living room until late.

Anyway, the island monument will not delay other people's rest.

There was no word for a night. The next day, after Xiao Yi got up, he found that the snow was getting bigger again.

Put on the jumpsuit, walk out of the wall, the north wind is blowing, and snowflakes are constantly falling down like cotton!

Jiang Yuntian just solved a marine fish attacking the cornerstone of the island. He saw Xiao Yi and walked over and said, "The ice layer is thicker today, at least two meters!"

Xiao Yi nodded, then glanced at the system prompt: "minus 40.5 degrees Celsius."

There is no need to look at the island monument, Xiao Yi knows that the current public channels must be complaining about the weather.

"Made, there is absolutely no way to go out today!"

"This temperature is not as good as my character. My character still has a bottom line. I feel that this temperature has no bottom line at all, so I have to keep going down!"

"What should I do if there is a marine life attack? I can't go out at all, and I don't need marine life to attack me when I go out. I was frozen to death!"

"There is really no good way right now, use your stock of cornerstones to resist!"

"I have no cornerstones in my inventory!"

"Then only pray that today the marine life will only destroy one piece and leave!"

"It's over, one of my cornerstones has been destroyed, and now it's the second one! Made, it must be those polar krill again!"

"No matter how cold it is, you have to do it! Otherwise, let those krills eat your foundation stone?"

"Fight! I'll go out and **** them!"

Listening to the island stele continuously broadcasting information about the attack, the man finally couldn't help but rushed out wrapped in a duvet.

Out of his tent, he immediately felt as if his consciousness was about to be frozen, and he looked at the location where the cornerstone was attacked.

Because a piece of it has been destroyed by marine life, a gap has appeared, and the location of the gap has not been frozen for a while!

Although this is completely illogical, when did the world talk about logic!

The ice pans on the last two cornerstones were no longer useful. He picked up the leased fishing net and immediately caught all the polar krill.

The process went very smoothly. Looking at the polar krill on the fishing net, before he had time to be happy, the person felt that his legs were unconscious!

It turned out that in the process of fishing krill, the duvet wrapped around my leg slipped off at some point.

He immediately squatted down and wrapped himself in the duvet again, but it was of no use.

"My legs!" the man wailed, but his strong will to survive supported him by climbing into his tent with both hands!

I zip up the tent, put more quilts and down jackets, but I still don't feel anything in my legs.

"It's over!" The man thought desperately, in this world, in this case, without legs, it is completely equivalent to a death sentence!

He lay in his tent, looking desperately at the top of the tent, suddenly he grabbed the iron gun on the side and waved it at his tent.


The tent was torn apart by him, and the snowflakes came to his face. He completely ignored the snowflakes and the cold wind that came in.

Even the duvet on his body slipped off, and he didn't pull it back to his body.

"Let the blizzard be more violent!" the man shouted, and then slowly there was no sound, and the whole person became cold.

This is not an isolated case, many people collapse and despair on this day!

They can't see the end of this coldness, can't see when the marine life will stop attacking the foundation stone, let alone hope.

Looking at the frozen woods around him, Xiao Yi sighed, walked back, and said, "System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, get reward:..."