Chapter 159: Upgrade card, upgrade yourself, polar white bear

"Sign in successfully, get reward: upgrade card (S level)."

"Upgrade card (S-level): Can upgrade any item or creature below S-level to S-level."

Seeing this upgrade card, Xiao Yi fell into deep thought.

"Is it to raise the hen or the wild boar?"

"Or upgrade other items? Ship? Heavy crossbow? Or upgrade that C-level water purifier directly to S-level?"

"Or find a high-yield crop?"

There are so many things that need to be upgraded. Although Xiao Yi also has some S-level items in his hands, there are still too many items below S-level!

Just when he was hesitating which item to upgrade, there was a flash of light in his mind, and he immediately decided: "It's you!"

Take out the upgrade card, the island monument immediately prompts: "It has been detected that you have obtained an upgrade card (S-level), please select the upgrade target."

"Myself!" Xiao Yi replied immediately.

"The upgrade is successful, and the island owner Xiao Yi's physique has been upgraded to S rank."

Xiao Yi clenched his fist and said in secret, "Sure enough!"

This time the system didn't even have a reminder that could be used on myself, but fortunately, I reacted to it, otherwise I would lose a lot.

No matter which item you upgrade, it is not important to improve your own strength.

Before, Xiao Yi's physique was probably between Grade B and Grade A, and he probably hadn't reached Grade A.

If you get to A-level, then B-level tigers and brown bears will not be so difficult to deal with!

Although there are still many gaps between humans and beasts in the same level, as long as one level is higher and with level suppression, Xiao Yi is very confident to win!

Feel the surging power in his body, more than a hundred times bigger than before the upgrade!

After encountering the previous B-level tiger and brown bear, Xiao Yi felt that he could solve them with a single punch.

In addition, now that he has obtained the Xuanyuan Sword, Xiao Yi feels that his strength is overwhelming, and even SS-level beasts can fight!

"There is basically no need to worry about advanced beasts evolving in the woods now!"

Xiao Yi's fighting spirit was boiling, and he shook the Xuanyuan Sword, which was completely weightless in his handshake, and walked out. He needed to vent his surge of strength.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, Xiao Yi saw Wangcai limping towards him.


Seeing that one of Wangcai's hind legs was broken, Xiao Yi immediately understood that Jiang Yuntian must have encountered some amazing marine creatures!

He no longer hesitated, and the wind rushed towards the direction Wangcai ran over.

Wangcai was stunned. Xiao Yi's speed was too fast. It is estimated that he can keep up only in its heyday, but now it has been injured!

Although Wangcai couldn't keep up, Wangcai still tried hard to keep up.

Bang! A silver-gray figure flew upside down.

That figure is Jiang Yuntian wearing a jumpsuit.


He spit out a big mouthful of blood in the air. Fortunately, the coverall has a self-purification function, and the blood will not stick to the inner surface of the coverall.

At this time, another silver-gray figure instantly appeared at the location where Jiang Yuntian was about to land, and caught him.

Naturally Xiao Yi rushed over.

"Ahem!" Jiang Yuntian coughed up blood again, and then reminded, "This guy is not easy!"

Xiao Yi nodded and looked at the huge white bear.

"Polar White Bear (Grade A): A huge, extremely ferocious terrestrial carnivore. Its skin is black. Because of its transparent hair, it is usually white in appearance and has a very sensitive sense of smell. Be aware of the danger of this animal!"

Looking at the system prompts, Xiao Yi was slightly stunned. He met the B-class tigers and brown bears before, and the system prompts were extremely dangerous.

But now when I encounter a polar white bear who is bigger than the brown bear, it is only a reminder of danger. It seems that his strength has improved very obviously!

"I just use you as my sharpening stone to adapt to the skyrocketing strength!" Xiao Yi drew out Xuanyuan Jian and said secretly.

Jiang Yuntian saw the big sword that Xiao Yi had drawn out, his eyes narrowed slightly: "What a sword!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, endured the severe pain, and shook the dagger back, ready to help Xiao Yi fix the white bear together.

Xiao Yi said: "You stand back, don't move, this is an A-level polar white bear, you are not an opponent!"

"What?" Hearing the level of the white bear, Jiang Yuntian was stunned, and immediately shouted, "Then quickly retreat, we can't get in if we hide in the wall!"

The previous B-level tiger almost killed himself. The white bear in front of him turned out to be A-level. It is estimated to be higher than the two of them. The beast has an innate physical advantage, and there is no fight!

"It's okay, I can handle it, just to test the power of this Xuanyuan sword!" Xiao Yi said and rushed directly.

Before Jiang Yuntian had time to say anything, he saw Xiao Yi draw an afterimage and rush towards the white bear!

"Is the speed fast again?" Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened.

When fighting Tiger before, he knew Xiao Yi's speed, and now it is definitely more than a grade higher than before!

When Xiao Yi pulled out Xuanyuan Sword, the white bear actually took two steps back.

The breath on the great sword made it a little frightened.

But Xiao Yi rushed towards it, which made it feel extremely angry. It was the land overlord of the polar regions.

Any creature on this piece of land in the polar region should have fled in a hurry when it saw it. This petite creature dared to attack itself.

This is a challenge/provocation to its supremacy, and cannot be forgiven!


The white bear roared, and then rushed towards Xiao Yi as well.

"Good come!" Xiao Yi yelled secretly, stabbing the Xuanyuan Sword in front of him.

The white bear swiftly moved aside, avoided Xuanyuanjian, and then slapped Xuanyuanjian's sword with a slap.


Xuanyuanjian was slapped away by the white bear, and the other bear's paw directly slapped Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi snorted and punched back!


Xiao Yi stepped back three steps, but Bai Xiong only took two steps back!

"Sure enough, the innate advantage of the beast is too strong, I am one level higher than it, and the strength is not as good as it!" Xiao Yi secretly said.

But the battle between humans and beasts is never head-on. The biggest advantage of human beings is that they can think and use tools.

Xiao Yi stopped his retreat, his wrist flicked, and Xuanyuanjian drew towards the white bear.

Bai Xiong rushed up again, repeating his tricks, and wanted to slap Xuanyuan Sword away, but Xiao Yi shook his sword in the middle, bypassing the white bear's paw, and piercing the white bear's right shoulder.


Xuanyuanjian easily broke through the white bear's defense, bringing out a tent of blood!


Feeling the pain, the white bear became furious and roared, regardless of bullying itself, it would tear the human in front of it to pieces!

Xiao Yi sneered, his body shifted, and the white bear couldn't attack him at all. Instead, Xiao Yi looked at him and left wounds one after another on the white bear.