Chapter 194: One hundred thousand foundation stones, S grade corn

A-level food is completely different from B-level and C-level food. It is necessary to consider its rarity and market acceptance to determine the final price!

If Xiao Yi sets a price that is totally unacceptable in the market, and no one wants to buy cornerstones, it would be contrary to his original intention of collecting cornerstones!

After pondering for a while, Xiao Yi began to put A-level food on the trading floor.

"[Chicken] (Grade A)*10g transaction [Cornerstone]*1." A total of 15,000 groups.

"Looking at the grass, the boss actually has A-grade chicken, then I boldly speculate whether the boss has a big chicken coop!"

"No, isn't that A-grade chicken is eaten every day!"

"You never understand the big brother's world!"

"If you have time to discuss this, you might as well rush to buy two copies!"

"I have already grabbed three copies!"

"Crying, I knew that the price is so cheap, I won't grab that C-grade fish!"

"Yes, I have grabbed all the five extra cornerstones of my own B-level bear meat!"

Although many survivors have been eliminated in the past four weeks, there are still many survivors!

In addition, the probability that the cornerstones of the last few days have been released has increased, and the cornerstones in the hands of the survivors are also very generous.

So although 15,000 groups seemed to be a lot, they were still robbed in an instant.

"The transaction is successful,..., a double harvest is triggered, and supplies are obtained: Cornerstone*30000."

Continue to put A grade milk on the shelves.

"[Milk] (Grade A)*10ml transaction [Cornerstone]*1." A total of 250 groups.

"There is still milk! Is the boss raising an A-grade cow?"

"How long have you not had milk! I miss the taste of milk."

"I'm also a cow, do you want to taste it? You just need to raise me, I'm not picky eaters."

"If you are A grade, I can consider it!"

"The two upstairs, please chat privately! Please don't drive on public channels."

There are only 250 groups of this milk, hang it on the trading floor, and it's gone if you don't even see the splash!

"The transaction is successful,..., a double harvest is triggered, and supplies are obtained: Cornerstone*500."

After thinking about it a little, Xiao Yi decided that the A-grade wheat and soybeans should not be shot first, leaving it to be consumed by himself.

Next comes the A-grade eggs.

Eggs are not meat and milk. They cannot be sold in 10g portions.

However, fortunately, the weight of eggs in this world is about 50g, and there is not much difference, which also makes it easy for Xiao Yi to put on the shelf.

But before it was put on the shelves, Xiao Yi still talked about it in the public channel.

"Everyone, next, I will put A-grade eggs on the shelves. Each egg weighs about 50g, but there is no guarantee that they will be the same. There may be more or less. If you mind the difference, please don't buy it!"

"Lying on the grass, the boss really has a big chicken coop!"

"I beg the boss to take in, I want to eat an egg every day!"

"Eat an egg every day? It's too extravagant. I just have to eat one egg a week."

"Haha, I know there are still good things, hurry up and hang them up, I deliberately kept the cornerstone, just waiting for you!"

"Are you sure you kept it on purpose, isn't it because your hands are slow and you didn't grab the food in front of you?"

"Um, it is a state of life if you see through it without saying it through!"

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he immediately began to put A-level eggs on the shelves.

"[Eggs] (Level A)*1 (a) transaction [Cornerstone]*5." A total of 6000 groups.

Because every egg needs five cornerstones, Xiao Yi feels that there are not many people who have so many cornerstones in his hands.

But the fact slapped him in the face in an instant, and the six thousand groups of eggs were also gone in an instant!

"The transaction is successful,..., a double harvest is triggered, and supplies are obtained: Cornerstone *60,000."

"Does everyone have so many cornerstones?" Xiao Yi muttered in disbelief.

It's not that everyone has more cornerstones, but after three mergers, the population base in the entire region has grown.

Although Xiao Yi has traded many groups, compared to this huge base, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket!

Taking a look at the cornerstone obtained through the transaction, there are currently 118,604 yuan.

If it is all used for expansion and the original area of ​​the island is 38067 square meters, the total is 156,671 square meters.

It is so big that you can put down the monthly sign-in reward, but the area is too large, and the current manpower may not be able to take care of it!

This time it directly expanded more than 100,000 square meters, and the evolution of the island will be faster!

Although Xiao Yi has reached the S-level physique, the S-level physique is not invincible!

"Then stop here first!" Xiao Yi decided to himself.

At the beginning, he praised Haikou and said that he would put S-grade food on the shelves, so Xiao Yi could only continue to put one S-grade boiled corn on the shelves.

I have chosen B, and I have to finish it with tears!

"[Boiled corn] (S grade)*200g transaction [Cornerstone], remarks: the higher the price, the bidding time is half an hour."

"S-grade food appeared! It turned out to be boiled corn!"

"It's been a long time since I had boiled corn, I really want to eat it!"

"What the boss brought out is something you haven't eaten in a long time! Don't stress it every time."

"Sure enough, it is a businessman who is a big man in Yiran, who can always squeeze our cornerstone to the maximum!"

"Does anyone unite with me, if we can get it, we will share it equally!"

"This is a good idea, otherwise, we scattered people will definitely not be able to do certain groups of forces!"

Everyone began to look for their partners, count the number of cornerstones in their hands, and keep an eye on the bidding situation on the trading floor.

However, for a while, no one was the first to open an offer.

"I don't think everyone has any intention to speak, then I will be the one to start! A cornerstone! [Cornerstone]*1."

"Are you a joke sent by a monkey? A cornerstone wants 200gS-grade food? [Cornerstone]*5."

"You are not much better! [Cornerstone] *20."

"Everyone, give me face, I want this boiled corn! [Keystone] *40." Di Lin Tianxia said.

"How much money is your face worth? [Cornerstone] *41." A man with an ID of surviving with a strong mouth replied.

"Hmph, is your Excellency going to fight me? [Keystone] *50." Di Lin Tianxia said.

"I don't like to hear these words. Yiran products always say that the higher the price is, I can increase the price normally, can't it? [Cornerstone] *51." Zuiqiang Survival seems to be deliberate, every time The bid is only one more cornerstone than Emperor Lintianxia.

More than fifty cornerstones are no longer affordable for individual survivors.

Of course, individual groups of people can still struggle.

"Stop arguing, everyone, let's talk about the cornerstone! [Cornerstone]*55."

There is no nonsense when the Emperor is in the world, and he bids directly: "[Cornerstone]*100."

"Sure enough to be the leader of the big forces, there are so many cornerstones in your hands!"

"Upstairs, this is the trading floor, I want to chat to the public channel. [Cornerstone] *101." Zuiqiang Survival bid again.

Everyone was shocked!

What is the sacred part of this survivorship, so many cornerstones?