Chapter 195: Qiu Sheng's abacus, the prow of the sea monster statue

Even Xiao Yi was a little curious, how could such a person suddenly pop up, daring to confront the Emperor in front of the world.

There was no sign before.

Although some people are not happy with the faction of Emperor Lin Tianxia, ​​most of them are obedience to Yin. After all, Emperor Lin Tianxia can instantly pull up a huge Emperor Lin force, and the ability is really extraordinary. Now it is no good to offend and die.

Stay on the front line of being a human being, and see you in the future!

Therefore, most people complained in their hearts at most, and there was no such thing as surviving with a strong mouth, and directly opposed the Emperor Lin Tianxia.

"Hmph, it seems that you have pulled up a team too! Then I bid one last time. If you continue to increase the price, I won't want it! [Cornerstone] *300." Di Lin Tianxia said coldly.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I thought Emperor Lin was such a powerful force, it turned out to be nothing more than that. [Cornerstone] *500." Zuiqiang Survival replied, this time he added 200 more cornerstones directly.

Di Lin Tianxia's complexion was very ugly, but he really didn't have any more foundation stones in his hands, so he could only give up.

The A-level and B-level foods just now consumed a lot of the foundation stone of Emperor Lin Tianxia.

Xiao Yi raised his brows and watched the weird operation of "Survival", secretly said: "Presumably you want to get on the line with me!"

Because he doesn't need to use so many foundation stones at all to win this S-grade corn.

Sure enough, Zuiqiang Survival soon said under the transaction: "Yiranpin, I want this boiled corn, can I talk privately?"

Seeing the face of the two hundred extra cornerstones, Xiao Yi replied: "Yes!"

"Didi, the stranger asks for a private chat for survival, do you agree?"

"Agree!" Xiao Yi replied, and a chat window popped up on the island monument.

"Haha, Yi Ranpin's private chat is really dead, we have tried several times but haven't contacted you!" Zuiqiang Survival immediately sent a message.

Xiao Yi raised his brows, and then asked, "Talk to me in private, what's the matter?"

"At first glance, you are a refreshing person, and I won't scribble around." Qiang Qiang replied, "First of all, we mainly want to express our gratitude this time. Thank you for exposing so many secrets about the island to the public."

"This is nothing, you will find out in the end!" Xiao Yi replied.

"That being said, it takes time to explore!" Qianqiang Survival continued, "Secondly, I want to do business with you."

"What business?" Xiao Yi asked secretly.

"Our mouth-strong clan has already set up a fleet to do business at sea. You have so many things. We survivors will definitely not be able to eat them. It is better to leave it to us. We will help you sell to the whole world, how about?" Mouth Qiang Survive said.

"Uneasy life at sea!" Xiao Yi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party wanted to do this kind of business with him.

At first, Xiao Yi thought he would buy S-class corn seeds with him.

Mouth Qiang Survival seems to have guessed Xiao Yi's words early, and explained: "We have this, [Sea Monster Statue Ship Head Image] (S-level)*1."

"[Sea Monster Statue Ship Head Image] (S-Class): Putting on the ship will make the sea monster think that the ship is of its kind. The range of action is centered on the sea monster statue ship's bow and within a radius of 160 meters. For those near the material box Marine life has no effect."

Seeing the explanation of this thing, Xiao Yi was shocked.

"Sure enough, there are still many lucky people in this world!" Xiao Yi secretly said, "I can't underestimate anyone!"

"Now you can rest assured!" said Qiang Qiang, "our union, it must be perfect."

Xiao Yi pondered a little, and then replied: "Okay!"

Anyway, such cooperation is also very beneficial to Xiao Yi. Someone can help him to test the natives of this world, Xiao Yi will never refuse.

"I wish our cooperation smoothly!" said Zuiqiang Survival, "add a friend."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yi replied.

After adding friends, each other's real names were revealed.

Qiang Qiang Survive, his real name is Qiu Sheng, and when he sees Xiao Yi's name, he smiles and says: "So you are Xiao Yi who is on the blacklist of the Imperial Forces!"

"What blacklist is just a joke!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, it's a joke!" Qiu Sheng said, "I don't know when it will be convenient for us to visit your island on your side?"

"It's not convenient now!" Xiao Yi resolutely refused.

Xiao Yi didn't even know how many people Qiu Sheng and his group had now.

In case they have taken a fancy to Xiao Yi's island, although Xiao Yi is very powerful, but the strength of other people has not improved, it is better to be careful.

Hearing Xiao Yi's decisive refusal, he seemed to be within Qiu Sheng's expectation. He smiled and replied: "Okay, if you have a chance in the future, you must tell me."

"No problem!" Xiao Yi replied, after thinking about it, and then speaking again, "Have you guys in the fleet smashed the island monument?"

"Yes, otherwise there are so many cornerstones." Qiu Sheng did not hide it, and admitted directly, "I am the only island monument left. Centralized management is more convenient!"

The Zuiqiang clan was formed by Qiu Sheng and his brother Qiu Feng, and most of them were acquaintances.

Not only did they drove out the sea monster statue, they also came out a total of six ships of various kinds!

The biggest ship turned out to be a large B-class sailing ship, and the sea monster statue was placed on that ship!

Compared to the others, this group of them is extremely fortunate. In the first week, they got in touch with each other.

Just yesterday when everyone came up with the locator, they finally got together!

Everyone gave up the development of the island and boarded all of them, which resulted in a lot of foundation stones in their hands.

"In order to show my sincerity in cooperation, I will show you a clear way to earn the cornerstone." Xiao Yi continued.

"Oh? I would like to hear the details!" Qiu Sheng asked immediately.

Since the other party uses two hundred foundation stones to show his sincerity, he can't be too shabby.

"Since you have the unique advantages of maritime navigation, you should take advantage of it," Xiao Yi said, "Doing passenger transport business!"

This is an idea that Xiao Yi had long ago, because with that yacht, it can be used for passenger transport.

There was no locator before, so the objective conditions were not mature, but now it is totally fine.

If he doesn't buy enough cornerstones with grade food, he will start the passenger transport business.

Although many people have not found their relatives and friends, they have found a lot!

Now that they found each other, they wanted to reunite, but the vast sea became a moat!

If someone is willing to pull them over now, they are completely willing to dedicate all their cornerstones!

But now there are enough cornerstones to be a good favor. Of course, even if he doesn't say it, Qiu Sheng and the others will think of this sooner or later.