early childhood

10 February 1470

grand line first half

3rd pov

in the middle of a forrest a young boy is eating a wild wolf , his name is wraith ,he has brown hair dark olive skin .

After eating he fights more animals with his fists and daggers. after killing a few beasts he goes out of the forest toward a medium sized house

"granny I am back"


Olivia pov

'cough cough'

the old woman coughed some blood .

'I won't live long the town doctor said I will live a year or so at most I will have to tell little wraith about his lineage and inheritance '

suddenly a the door open and voice came

" granny I am back"

Olivia replied

"come and have some dinner "


8months later

Olivia pov

"wraith -chan come here granny wants to talk to you "

wraith silently sat on the opposite chair

"do you want to know about your parents"

"yep" wraith replied

"your full name is portgas .D. wraith your parents were from a race call the lunarians there are very few of them left in the world

you must never tell any your full name or race if you do you will get unwanted attention , your parents saved me from pirates , they told me to take care of you , they are dead though ,

they left an inheritance for you normally I would give it to you when you are an adult but I am sick the town doctor told me I don't have much long to live. After a few weeks you will be living in the local orphanage , they are good people but you must never tell them about yourself , make sure to always dye your hair

don't play with fire , and don't show anyone your wings understand "

"yep"wraith replied

"promise me "Olivia said

"promise " wraith replied


the next day in the forest

wraith pov

I ran towards a tree and punch it 'bam'

it fell 'i though I would be able to use armament since I am a lunarian and all seems like I need some more practice , at least I have observation though I can only sense about 5 meters in radius '

3rd person pov

after destroying a dozen trees he cut up the wood using his blades to practice swordmenship , making dummy targets and looking no one was around he shot a beam of fire toward a dummy

"flame bullet " he muttered

the beams destroyed all the dummies after practicing flame control and his aim he went in to look for some prey and 5 minutes of jumping he arrived at a lake dived in

and encountered a few crocodiles holding his breath he stabbed a crocodile's head killing the beast a few Crocodiles swan towards him but he was on land by that time.

Three beasts ran towards him

"fire fist " one got indulged in flames

another suddenly bite his arm but his teeth shattered


30minutes later

3rd person pov

"it sure it handy being a god, granny cuts my wings but they are regrowing , I need to learn to fly" wraith commented while munching on some crocodile meat meanwhile he is also looking at a bounty poster




500,000,000 bellies

"she should be 15 years old now "

'54 years before cannon begins'

'14 years before God valley '

'4 years later gol d Roger will become a rookie'

after eating he went towards his home

"tomorrow I should start cutting stones, wood is to easy now , but first I will need some funds I need better weapons " wraith muttered under his breath

upon arriving he saw the mayor a bunch of town folk at the house

"wraith -chan I am so sorry we need to talk "


the next day

12 October 1470

wraith pov

granny died I need to move to the orphanage

i took my belongings the woman incharge is nice and kind. I am well fed , I have to share a room with three others brats , they are annoying. the caretaker know I go to the forest to play but she tells me to come back before night


15 January 1471

in the sea

on a pirate ship

"hmmm ahhh I found a island " pirate A

"let's go there " pirate B

the ship hung a flag of a skull with big black lips


10 hours earlier

the orphanage

" hey mayor " the caretaker

"something u want to say " mayor

"the kid wraith who got here he is a bit weird ,he doesn't talk much or play with the other kids and goes to the forest to do who knows what. I don't know what to do to him , he doesn't even open up to me "

"probably his grandmother's death still saddens him he will eventually open up , his birthday is coming up how about you do something to cheer him up "


wraith pov

"finally I pulled off a big mom, a big bear with a

single kick"

'I made some improvements with my observation a 20 meter radius not bad, I can do shigan cause of my lunarian heritage, I can also use soru but it's not on CP9 level, oh well I am only about 5 years old '

while I stand in front of a tree I take the short sword which I took from a thug


instantly the tree is cut into a dozen pieces as I appear on the other side as the pieces start falling to the ground before they can red flames turn the wood to ash

next I go and cut a stone I am successful but my sword is roughed up .


At the harbour

3rd person pov

a ship with a pirate flag a skull with big black lips appears

"hey look isn't that ...." person 1

"pirates , pirates are here " person 2

"that symbol , it's the madame pirates" person 3

as soon as the ship lands

pirates come down and one of them says

"oye ,we are the madame pirates of you don't wanna die hurry up and all of come and hand over your valuables"


wraith pov

I see 5 men walking towards me in the forest am on my way back

"oye brat what are you doing here" pirate A

" first you" wraith

"huh damn brat we are pirates of you don't wanna get hurt answer the question "

'i don't want to start a conflict with unknown people they might be strong '

"I live in the town , Mr what is your Pirate crew"

"huh we are the great madame pirates , you better remember that name "


" yes the great pirate with a bounty of 42 million bellies , no more questions follow us "


'i though I would vomit when I kill a human'

"oii "


another pirate had his throat slit

"damn brat "

'bang' one pirate fired

'soru' 'shigan'

now I had a smile on my face

"this isn't human , call the oth..."


the last pirate started to run

"flame bullet"


"I have a few questions for you "


a few hours later

at the pirate ship

"captain a few men went into the forest they didn't return "

a tall woman was big black lipsticked lips and a cowboy hat said

"tch send a search party "


3rd person pov

after interrogation wraith found about a lot about the madame pirates they have 80 people 75 now that wraith killed 5

he sensed a few people coming

"oi popo-san I see corpses "

"these are stabs ,there is someone here"

a middle aged man with a parrot on his shoulders sai

suddenly a boy came from within the woods

"oi kid do you know what happened here"

"it was wraith"


"flame bullet "

the pirate reacted by defending himself with his sword

'soru' heads of 3 pirates fell

5 minutes later

all there were a dozen extra bodies on the floor and a green haired pirate bleeding

"wow wraith is impressed with your swordmenship , it's better than wraith"

"what are you, guns don't work ,swords don't work , this speed at sush a yong age , devil , your a devil , what's with that smile "

"shigan "

the pirate died


20 minutes later

at the the ship

wraith pov

a woman is polishing a gun

'shigan' she is stabbed at the neck

'i took out the snipers'

he took his sword and started butchering the pirates

suddenly a tall woman came out from a room

"the hell is this ruckus about"

after looking at the bodies she had an ugly expression

"who is it ..."

"flame bullet barrage"

a dozen flame bullets came towards her she tanked them with her hand

"it's wraith" I said

"huh a kid"

'soru' 'inferno thrush'

I suddenly appeared in front of her and thrust a flaming Short sword at her Belly

"ahh bastard "she screamed and tried to catch me I escaped from her grip but I couldn't take out my sword

she took a sword and slashes towards me a flying slash came my way I dodged it

"flame blanket"

a blanket of flame covered her line of sight 'soru'

I came above her and kicked towards her head

she swinged her sword at me , there was a flame on my foot adding speed and damage

*crack* the sword broke

"damn devil fruit user "

my kick didn't stop it made contact with her head sending her crashing down I went down in the ship

"hehe I'll take you to hell with me " the bleeding madame roared lighting a lot of fun powder

I hurrily condensed the flame making it light orange and pointy

"flame bullet"

it went through her head

'thud' she died

I went up a controlled all the flames from the battle condensed them and dumped them in the sea then took a few heads of the wanted pirates and changed my clothes luckily they had clothes, I also took some weapons and treasures and go back to the island