bounty collection and new members

16 January 1471

The mayor's house

3rd person pov

"mayor, mayor "the caretaker

"huh what happened,did the pirates do something " mayor

" Little wraith didn't come back , what if the pirates killed him or took him , he usually comes back way earlier "

"Then let's call a search "

*bang* *bang*

"come inside , what happened" the mayor

suddenly a man runs inside

"Mayor the pirate ship is on fire, and there is a fire in the forest as well...." random man

"huh, oh no that's where wraith-chan goes ....."


"hurry up send some people to put out the fires and we need to search for a child "


A little earlier

wraith pov

after taking most of the valuables , putting my old clothes on a dead short pirate and the heads of the pirates who have bounties on a small boat I went to the other side of the island but not before putting a rope on fire which leads to the gun powder so the ship would explode and burn in a while

arriving where I butchered the pirates in the forest I took the wanted heads put the dead body over there stabbed it with a pirates sword and burned down the places

next I go to the orphanage while the pirate ship and forest is on fire, I sense people going towards the forest. I sneak in the orphanage making sure no one knows I am there with my observation haki go to where the children sleep , under my bed I find an eternal pose with 'little garden' written on it , I got this after my grandma died as well as a note from my parents.

Next I go to the boat and hunt some animals nearby for food. The next step is to collect bounties.


4 hours later

The orphanage

3rd person t

'knock' 'knock'

"coming ..... oh if it isn't the mayor , so did you find him" caretaker

"my condolences..."

after explaining they found a dead burned body of the child the mayor left

after 4-5 days of feeling down the caretaker went back to her life as normal


20 January 1471

wraith pov

'time to set sail, the nearest marine branch is 2 days from here '

I get on my little boat and set sail


22 January 1471

'i underestimated the grandline ,got attacked by sea kings 5 times, sucked inside a whirlpool once '

I dock the ship and ask someone at the harbour about the marine branch, while I take my bag of heads towards the base


marine branch

captain just pov

*knock* *knock*

"come in"

a marine comes inside and says

"captain just there's a bounty hunter we need your signature "

"hmmm let's go"

upon arriving at the waiting area I see a small man of about 150cm wearing a rabbit mask and a cloak

"sir this person has brought the heads of the madame pirates "

the marine says showing the heads

"hmmm interesting your strong , your name "


"hmmmm you don't want to reveal it don't you , why not join the Marines "

" I'll consider "

"hmmm would you like some snack...."

but I was cut off

"the bounties "

disrespectful bastard

"the total bounties amount to 71 million belly but since they are dead you will only get 49.7million belly since this is a large amount you will only be given 19.7 million belly for the rest 30million you can come back in 2 weeks you will be given a cheque, any problems "

as I signalled a marine to give him the cheque and 2 stacks of cash

" oh and take this pamphlet and a stack of bounties , and if possible keep the pirates alive there is more reward for that "

'i said giving the disrespectful bastard a pamphlet about the greatness of marines a more bounties '



wraith pov

after leaving I registered my boat and paid a docking fee Next I took the pirates treasure to a money exchange shop after the person tried to cheat me I gave him a stare and I got 12 Millon bellies

Next I booked a hotel room and put my stuff there

I went shopping took better clothes bought shoes and returned to the hotel room

I ordered food after a little information gathering this place is in the first half of the grandline near the calm belt which borders the east blue. the nearest mare base is G-3. this island only has a branch with the highest ranked person captain just.

After a bath I went to collect information


3rd person pov

at a bar

wraith entered with his rabbit mask and cloak no one seems to mind his disguise and no one noticed him as most people were drunk and all

wraith ordered some juice and some meat while he used his observation haki which had a radius of 23 meters wraith came to the conclusion the reason for his strong observation haki was because he was from the winged races.

listening to the conversations none of them interested him , but after some time a woman with a hat entered , she went to a table and talked to a big man with a suit and hat

"did you find her "

"yeah follow me "

the outfits reminded wraith of cipher pol he was curious so he followed them


the agents arrived at a downtown area , the man went to the second floor a while later a person in a hood jumped from the window the agents gave chase to her


10 minutes later

the girl was on the floor surrounded by the 2 agents panting hard

"why "she asked

"your existence is a threat , erasing you will save countless lives " the woman answered

she went to handcuff her , suddenly a voice came

"do you want help"

the agents saw a person of 150 cm wearing a rabbit mask

"who are you ? if you interrupt you will be dealt with" the man said

ignoring the two wraith went towards the girl

" why are they after you "

" huh , who are you?"

" rabbit "

"a child , how can you help me? These guys are government agents "

" Does it matter if I am a child , I can finish them off , now you answer "

"must be the cause of my lineage, my abilities are a threat to the government "

"oi , little shit what did you say " the woman said

"do you know that hag"

"brat , I will teach you to respect your elders 'soru'

she came near the wraith with a metal pipe in her hand as she brought it towards wraith's face


her hand was pierced and the pipe fell down

"my hand"

suddenly she was stabbed in the stomach with a short sword before wraith could stab her head the big man came behind him and attempted to punch him in the head wraith disappeared using soru

"shigan and soru "

wraith appeared above the man and kicked him so hard that the man's head flew off

"h-how" the bleeding woman said with a shocked expression

"your name" wraith asked the hooded girl

"s-sarah" she said shocked seeing the two agents defeated

" how bout joining me "

"hmm yeah if you can protect me "

"bring me clothes I can't go to town like this bloodied and all, can you do it "

"yep "

"when will you be back "

"2 minutes "


meanwhile wraith was having fun with the cipher pol agent after he pulled out all of the hair of the cipher pol agent she said all he wanted to know


after 5minutes the hooded girl Came

she saw a dead body of the woman bleeding heavily from her belly and from her forehead while there was hair on the floor and there were bodies of some thugs

"three minutes late"

"my bad mister..."


"a change of clothes "

after disposing of CP agents and making it seem like the blood belonged to local thugs. wraith after changing clothes they went to an abandoned warehouse and talked.

The girl took off her good she had green spiky hair , and three eyes

No wonder the government came after her.

"do you know how to navigate "

"i can manage that, not an expert though "

"after a few days we will leave this island "

after a moment of silence

"just so you know if you betray me or anything

......." wraith commented

"I understand "

"good you are the first mate I need more people "

"are we pirates"

"not yet , bounty hunters for now "

"ok for recruitment I know someone who you would like to meet "

"take me there"


in the downtown area

*knock* *knock*

"seven hells wanna die you want son of a ,bi..." after pausing for a while

"Ah it's you greenhead , what da ya want "

"there is someone I would like you to meet James"


Sarah introduced wraith and James to each other

"so you want me to join your group , as if I will let some brat order me around "

"how about a spar if you win I will do what you want, if I win you will join me "

"tch whatever ,fine "


the same day

wraith and James stand face to face

"don't you want a gun , you're fine with a sword? I'll try not to kill ya"

"start"Sarah announced

*bang* *soru*

*bang* *soru*

after firing and dodging James ran towards wraith and attacked in close combat wraith kept dodging but James never stopped.

wraith occasionally brought his fist to test James strength

'not bad he is stronger than the average person, and he doesn't know when to give up '

45 mins after the spar started James was sweating and panting "stop running "


James had a sword to his throat

"f*** fine I surrender "


2weeks later

5 February 1471

3rd person pov

at an abandoned warehouse

James finally decided to join the group. Though he would occasionally challenge wraith and get beaten up. After talking wraith decided the three made a deal that wraith would show his face to them when they are strong enough. After talking wraith found out that James had a grudge against some government agent so he would get revenge as well.

As for Sarah she needs protection from the government, because she is a member of the three eyed tribe. she has been on the run for the last 3 years the government finally decided to send CP6 after her but luckily she was found by wraith.

" I'll be back in half an hour you guys prepare to set sail , were going to lulusia kingdom "

Wraith went towards the marine branch.


(3rd person pov )

"here is your money , please hunt more criminals in the future "a fodder marine said

wraith without a word took the 30 million belly

"please wait sir the captain would like to have a word with you "


after 2 minutes the captain arrived

"I believe I didn't take much of your time" the captain said

"you did " wraith replied

'This guy , I just can't stand him ' were the Captain's thoughts

"i wanted to ask if you would know where two government agents disappeared "

"don't know"

"if you know something please don't hesitate to tell us , and there are more bounty posters "


arriving at the boat both Sarah and James were ready , wraith recently 'borrowed' a new second hand small ship even smaller than the sunny from some pirates unfortunately they didn't have bounties or much lost. but this boat would allow the group to sail the grandline for a while.

"set sail "

the three set sail towards lulusia kingdom