The four great powers

1 week earlier

29 January 1471

Enies lobby

CP9 chief Spanduck's office

*knock* *knock*

"who is it "

"sir the Cp6 chief is here to meet you" a government agent said

"come in"

" Spanduck -san, it's good to see you"

"oh if it isn't the chief , I believe you are here to tell me the good news "

"well ...."


"Nani ! not only did the three eyed demon escape but you also lost 2 agents , what kind of joke is this "

"yes sir , this was unexpected. I was shocked when the vivre cards disappeared I thought I should tell you first, I will deploy the rest of CP6"

"No need I shall give this case to CP8 "

"yes sir I shall take my leave "

the Cp6 chief left leaving Spanduck alone

[A.N: Spanduck appearance: bald head , big purple mustache and sunglasses ]


3 hours later

CP8 chief's office

"this is your mission Blanco, find about the death of the 2 Cp6 agents and bring the three eyed witch to justice"

"count on me chief "


6 January 1471

in the middle of the sea

"Captain there is a ship "

"attack , loot it "


" ain't we gonna kill em "James asked

"they have their uses "

"what uses"

"to cover our tracks , the branch captain suspects I am behind the disappearance of the CP agents , and look at this "




35,000,000 belly

"oi Sarah-chan , you're wanted congratulations"

"....." Sarah gave no reply

"these guys will help cover our tracks " wraith continued


Captain just's office


"come in "

"captain pirates "

"which ones "

"The grey beard pirates their captain has 26 million bounty "

"huh , I'll be there "

"should I call G-3 for reinforcements "

"no need , it's just some losers "


the civilians had already been evacuated by the time the pirates arrived. the battle was going on between a 100 marine and 50 pirates.

at the same time

"so you're greybeard"

" that's me "

"you sure have some balls for a rookie , attacking a marine branch "


half an Hour later

just pov

'these guys are weak , why attack then overconfidence, no something isn't right they didn't put much of a fight , they seem exausted '

*bang *

'damn I got shot in the chest , who that's the bounty hunter '


"flame bullet "

the bounty hunter shot towards greybeard


I failed to notice the pirate had bombs tied on him, damn


all the pirates and marines were dead in the explosion

After that wraith went to the marine branch it was in panic so he easily went inside and messed up the information , including destroying a report about him being suspicious. As he was about to leave he saw a box so opened it and saw a devil fruit he took it and closed the box and went on his way.

Upon arriving he silently left noticing no one saw him

8 January 1471

" Boss is back "

upon arriving wraith set fire to the boat he came on and went to the big ship.


22 January

at the marine branch

a marine inspector and a CP8 agent arrived

as well as a ship from marine headquarters bringing new officers.

at the base the soldiers saluted the officers

"It's a pleasure to have you here captain tsuru and CP8 blanco sama"

After a long search they found out that the Captain was killed by greybeard who blew himself and his crew rather than face justice.

the deaths of the CP6 members remained a mystery but it was concluded to be the work of Sarah.


a little in the past

"oi boss is that a Devil fruit , are you gonna eat it "

"No I already have 'one' in mind , as for this one , one of you guys who I believe is worthy of it , we still need to confirm which one it is "

wraith replied to James

"what do I have to do to prove I am worthy "

" defeat a seaking "


looking towards Sarah

"when will we reach our destination "

"2months " sarah replied looking towards the so-called rabbit Wondering if he was a child depending on his voice and height or a special race as he acts like an adult.

"good , after setting the destination we need to talk about the future."

A while later the three discussed they need funds and to pursue bounty hunting , they discussed distribution of money fortunately wraith wasn't too greedy and it was settled easily his crewmates felt at ease that they didn't follow a jerk.

Sarah was in charge of navigation , wraith cooked for them as it was a hobby in his previous life and James helped the two and did other stuff.

During the journey the three trained a lot

2 months later

6 march 1471

Arriving at lulusia kingdom the three purchased an abandoned Mansion far from settlements and did some bounty hunting.

Wraith practiced his swordsmanship, haki, flames , soru , shigan , while trying to learn rankyaku.

His wings were not fully grown so he couldn't fly. He practiced using Saitama's exercise and weights increasing the amount slowly every 2 weeks.


6 months later

6th september 1471

not much happened this year

There was a revirie , nothing major was decided

Aside from that in east blue a new pirate crew called the Roger pirates appeared, after traveling the east blue they went to loguetown where they ran away from captain garp their current status is unknown.

wraith looked at a bounty poster




34,000,000 Bellies

The picture showed a man wearing a strawhat

putting the picture down wraith looked at a few papers about what he gathered about the balance of power

the page had a heading which read out


The four great powers were as follows

The hunters association

an organization of bounty hunters who gave a portion of their earnings to the association in exchange for membership, the perks were they could buy information, weapons, devil fruits etc they teamed up with each other to take down big time pirates and worked as mercenaries. the thing which interested wraith the most was the person with the most influence in it.


The next great power was the UNDERWORLD

Except the underworld emperors there is the king of the underworld who controlled about 80% of the underworld

Next were The NIKO

Two pirates who ruled the second half of the grandline like emperor's , there were so powerful that even the government avoided full out war with them

There were many great pirates but none on the level of the niko.

And lastly was the force of justice Marine HQ

which was equal to all there of these powers combined , even though the hunters association didn't oppose them it showed how great the marines are.

As he was currently a bounty hunter wraith found it beneficial to join the hunters association. That was exactly what he and James were going to do , Sarah would be she couldn't as she was wanted. they were going to depart next week towards jaya to join the Organization. The main headquarters of the association was in the second half of the grandline. it wasn't called the new world yet so people called it the 'second-half'.

As to why not leave now was because James was going to fight a seaking to prove himself.

wraith then looked at a box to his side which contained the devil fruit after buying the devil fruit encyclopedia he found it to be a paremicia type.

'kado-kado no mi' or the 'card-card devil fruit'.

Wraith hid the box where he kept his money.

over the past months he has a total of 80 Millon bellies as his private money

250 million bellies belonged to the group funds as for his crewmates he was unaware.

After hiding the box he went to cook.