Hunters association

8th September 1471

on the coast three people were standing , Suddenly an enormous seaking appeared and attacked the three , all of them vanished and two appeared nearby on land while one of them appeared above the beast. slashing it with his sword , the beast bleed


20 min later


"hehe I got an eye "James stated while panting

The seaking was bleeding heavily with multiple cuts on its body and becoming weaker it multiple times tried to escape but a wall of flames came in its way.


15 minutes later

" I won " *pant* *pant*


9th September 1471

"read it first "

wraith gave the devil fruit encyclopedia to James , all three of them were sitting at a table after eating.

wraith was going through bounties, Sarah was

reading the newspaper


wraith tossed the fruit to James , he immediately ate it ,he looked like he was about to vomit

"if your going to throw up do it outside or I'll stab you " wraith commented

luckily James didn't and swallowed it whole.

Normally wraith wouldn't give this fruit to James as he lacked the brains , but after spending so much time he decided to give it to him as James was a creative fighter.

James immediately ran outside even though it was night , to test his new powers


13th September 1471

the three set sail towards jaya


On the ship there wasn't enough space to run so aside from weights etc so wraith did breathing exercises like in demon slayer , he took a huge pot and breathed in it shattering it


He also practiced six arts he had mastered soru , geppo, shigan and rankyaku at least to CP9 level , not Lucci or kaku's level though.


28 September 1471

Sarah remained at the ship while James and wraith went towards the hunter association's base. The building was nothing extraordinary.

James and wraith entered and went to the counter, where a woman with revealing clothes looked at them.

"newbies huh , never seen you here "

"we want to register " James said

"Here fill it you can read and write can't you "

"we need two forms " James added

the woman gave another sheet

both James and wraith took a seat and wraith explained the contents of the deal

the hunters have ranks A,B,C,D,E,F they have to give the heads of criminals directly to the association. They will give a percentage of money to the organization. There are other jobs other than bounty hunting.wraith filled both the forms, they didn't have to use their real names so James used the name joker

while wraith used the name 'infinity' later James submitted both forms and a lot of money the woman handed him 2 metal cards as an identification.

"if you guys want a proper rank then go bring some pirate or something "


The two then left the bar and went towards another building where there were many things for sale, they got better weapons, a doriki measurement which cost a fortune. They then went towards the ship a set sail for long ring long land where they heard there was a powerful pirate.

after setting sail all three tested the doriki measurement




they wrote the results to record

Sarah: 210 doriki

joker : 665 doriki

wraith: 1846 doriki

James had told the other 2 to only call him joker as he preferred the name , and wraith revealed his name before coming to jaya not the D part though.

the doriki machine only told doriki UpTo 3500 doriki as it wasn't of such good quality.


Arriving at long ring long land they spotted their targets the 'iron masked pirates'

The ship only had a dozen people which Sarah went to take care of. After walking half an hour the two went towards the town the pirates were inside a bar

" I'll take care of iron mask , you take care of the vice captain, " wraith told joker

Before arriving at the bar they saw iron masks left hand man wraith went towards him.

"shigan " after five shigan(s) he stabbed the pirates chest with his sharp finger nails and ripped his heart killing the pirate he then cut his head and gave it to joker. as soon as he touched it disappeared and a card appeared in joker's hand. going into the bar both of them started killing the pirates .

the angry pirate captain confronted the two

"soru" wraith kicked the captain outside

meanwhile in the bar the vice captain pulled out a machine gun and started firing destroying the surroundings and injuring even his own men.

"soru" suddenly appearing near the pirate joker put a card to his chest

"release" suddenly a spear came out of the card stabbing the pirate

"arrrrr" the pirate spat blood

the two then proceeded to punch and kick Joker sometimes using his Devil fruit and gun as well the other pirates interfered as well but were dealt with.


outside the bar all the civilians had run away fearing to get involved. iron mask stood up

"bastard , how dare you"

"flame bullet " the pirate put his hand Infront it only had a few scratches

"that tickles shorty " the pirate took a big axe from behind him and swinged it at wraith

*ting* *ting* *ting*

[A.N ting: metal on metal clash]

20 minutes later

"vice - Captain" the pirates screamed as the vice Captains body dropped *thud*

"kill him , he is injured "


outside the bar

Iron mask was panting on his knees his mask broken , his nose bleeding a shoe print on his face his axe was broken

*huff* *huff*

"so this is it huh , I guess I'll at least have the name of the person who defeated me before I die"

"you, don't deserve it"

*stab* "inferno" wraith sword caught on fire burning his insides

at the same time joker came. wraith told him to store the dead bodies and heads in his cards the two immediately left leaving some astonished townfolk who had returned.

Returning to the ship they saw Sarah had looted it and killed the pirates

Joker stored the ship in his card with some difficulty given its size next Sarah patched up joker who had a few bruises before returning to jaya.

wraith made them some food, after which joker slept. later the two sailed towards jaya.


Arriving there they both wraith and joker went towards the hall , they saw another woman on the counter this time after asking a lot of questions , they got other identification cards

wraith killed the man worth 78 million giving him rank 'C' while joker took down a man worth 41 million giving him rank 'D' they collected the bounties they had to give 15 % to the organization at this rank next they went to exchange the treasure converting them into belly. Then they exchanged the ship for money and the people were a little surprised seeing

the ship appear out of nowhere.

They then went back towards lulusia kingdom at their base.


A few days later

new world

Kari bari island

a sleepy person is looking at a piece of paper

"huh another newbie , 'c' rank out of the blue, oh well I'll tell rocks he's interested in talent"

"i wonder when he will make his move , last he said he was looking for some fruit. I hope he will hurry up and find it , this world is really boring nowadays"

"oh well , I have my own job , time to go to sleep "


1 November 1471

"boss, look at this weird bounty"

wraith took the poster Sarah gave him



20,000,000 belly

It didn't have a name the picture was of a white haired girl. The ones offering the bounty were not the marines but were the lulusia kingdom. The poster said that the person in question insulted the princess.

"interesting" was all wraith said before going to train.


At lunch

wraith told Sarah to take off her disguise for a while and let the government know her location.

Later that day she was spotted around town, the government was informed.


at an marine branch

captain tsuru's office

"puru-ru-ru clachak"

A man in a suit picked it up

"moshi-moshi...... hmm got it "

"another mission" a female voice said

"no tsuru-chan , I found my target "

"good "

" don't be so mean , I helped you take care of pirates didn't I "

"just go"


lulusia kingdom

under a bridge

a white haired girl was reading books . she suddenly looked in front seeing a person with a rabbit mask and a black hooded leather jacket covering the rest of their body.

the person had red eyes.

[A.N: Mc looks like anbu from Naruto]

'observation haki' wraith though

he pulled out a poster from under his sleeve

"is this you "
