The Path in the Forest (2)

While the girl stood up and began to take a sack, one of the gunmen stated in a very stern voice. Rebeca and Neferet exchanged a brief glance before breaking out into laughter.

At that moment, the group realized when the girl spoke and made her face so juvenile appearing to be younger than Rebeca or Neferet, "I can walk... I'll try to keep up."

Her eyes filled with tears for a few seconds, and she said, "but please..."

Neferet approached her, greeted her warmly, and reassured her while taking her hand and smiling.

After they had completed their preparations, they ate the food and drank the water from the remaining sacks, and then they dumped the sacks and the remaining weapons into the pond.

They became disoriented in the seas that appeared to be completely transparent.

As the group started to make their way through the woodland, Neferet brought to everyone's attention the fact that they should go in order, with Brian taking the lead, Rebeca following in the middle, and the two sorceresses following in the rear.

The little candidate gained self-assurance one step at a time until she was eventually able to walk without Neferet holding her hand.

As they walked at a slow but steady pace, Rebeca said, "That bastard had a bow, aren't all knights supposed to go with a shield and a melee weapon."

Looking forward, Brian told her, "He was a knight from a distance."

As he walked, Brian used his spear to support himself and walked calmly while he continued saying, "That type of knight is very unusual. He surely comes from a renowned family. That's why he had that fighting style and that control over his flame, and I'm sure he changed his equipment for that bow."

Rebecca shook her head as she said, "Damn rich families, they have all the good stuff. Private fighting styles and privileges in things like these."

Rebeca leaned on Brian to get on a big rock and kneeled down to point her rifle at the surroundings, and she kept saying, I'm sure there are more of those out there."

Neferet gave a small nod as she reached out to take a hand. Brian held out to assist her in climbing the same rock as Rebeca and then the other sorcerer while they took a short break with Rebeca peering in all directions. Eventually, Brian succeeded in helping her reach the top of the rock.

They heard what sounded like a bell getting closer to them.

Brian grimaced as he pulled a little canteen from his mouth while at the same time making a face. He raised up slowly, still gripping his spear.

While the anxious young candidate searched about for the bell, Neferet got down on one knee and softly lifted both of her hands.

When a voice broke the silence of the group, saying, "Sister, look at them."

They all turned to look at a pair of young people who had light complexion and hair of a platinum blonde color, and both of them were so identical to one another that the only way to tell them apart was by the difference in their height.

The boy's eyes were a dark purple color with hints of red. However, the eyes of the female who was standing behind him were more of a blue-toned purple color.

When Brian saw the child approaching, he slowly bent his knees and pointed his spear in his direction.

The young man was holding a big sword that he wore across his breast and carried such that the point was pointing downward toward the earth.

While the girl behind him was wearing a small bell, the boy turned his head slightly, saying, "Sister."

The girl stared at the group while holding the boy's shoulder. She said in a voice devoid of all emotion, empty and simple, "It is not prudent."

The boy looked directly at Brian, asking, "He?"

The girl replied without changing her tone, but with a hint of fear, she said, "Dangerous."

The boy quickly looked at Neferet and the young applicant who was trying to hide behind a tree and said, "They."

The girl looked at Neferet, and the girl said in her voice devoid of emotions but with a hint of annoyance, "Irrelevant."

The boy stared at Rebecca, saying, "She looks like a hunter."

The girl answered, staring at her, and said, "Useful."

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, the young girl finally rang her bell, which resulted in a soft tinkling sound that echoed across the woods.

"Not worth it," The girl said, looking away and letting go of her brother's shoulder.

Both twins exchanged a look and then, looking at the group, bowed their heads and said in unison, "Bye."

The twins started to move cautiously, first taking steps in a diagonal direction and later walking in a straight line.

The little girl would occasionally jingle her bell, producing a tinkle that was immediately obscured by the surrounding foliage.

A heavy silence covered the group until Brian broke it by saying, "But what the hell?"

The group decided to remain perched on that rock for a few more moments in the hope that the twins might return or attempt something.

However, it turned out that this was not the case, and they continued their march through the woodland without remarking on what had occurred, leaving the group with a range of feelings as a result.

Both Rebeca and the young candidate had apprehensions regarding the strange couple.

Neferet, on the other hand, was left feeling a little insulted and bit her lip nervously. While Brian attempted to piece together what had just taken place, he strolled around with his eyes as wide as saucers.

It was getting close to sunrise, and the group was about to enter their second night trapped in the labyrinth without having any idea how many people were still alive.