The Secret of the Test (1)

Neferet walked by Brian as the party made their way slowly through the forest while Brian mumbled about how disturbed and bewildered he was because of the twins.

While maintaining a specific distance from the other members of the group, Rebeca maintained her sideways gaze.

While he was out of breath, the young applicant looked about at the other people and tried to keep up with Neferet and Brian.

Seeing her out of the corner of her eye, Rebeca cleared her throat and said slowly, sweetening her voice, "Excuse me, dear."

Rebeca turned her head while raising the butt of her rifle in front of her body to avoid hitting a tree, "My name is Rebeca. What is yours?"

The girl looked at Rebeca, wiping her sweat with her shirt sleeve, and then Neferet stopped turning to watch her respond, "My name is Sofia Estrada."

The girl was trying to catch her breath when she said, "I... I was in a normal academy, but on my birthday, I got the selection letter."

Rebeca slowly shook her head as Looking at Neferet told her, "I don't understand the selection system."

In an effort to catch up to Brian, Rebeca started to slowly walk as she said, "It should come as no surprise that there are a great deal more rookies aged fifteen years old than archers or guys of the stature of that one."

Rebeca's emerald eyes became a little darker as she frowned and glared at Neferet as she twitched her lips at Brian. Her gaze was fixed on Neferet.

As she did so, Neferet turned her head away from Brian and crossed her arms over her chest.

She quickened her step and asked, "You also have experience, right?" She continued walking.

Rebeca then answered, "I have learned, but I had never put them into practice before."

After Neferet's eyes glowed with excitement, she turned her attention to Rebeca and stared at her intently.

Crossing their eyes, Rebeca smiled, resuming her jovial tone, saying, "Yes, I have experience." She shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Sofia again, who was walking very slowly behind them.

She said, "But I have no studies since I can remember. I have a gun in my hands, and I have practiced shooting."

Brian came to an abrupt halt and raised his spear, causing it to shine brightly in the sunlight.

A brief flash that he aimed at the girls' faces as he calmly stated, "The alliance has always been brutal to users who aspire to ascend beyond the restrictions that their families have set for them."

When Brian said, "The Santa Maria bastion and the navy have always been the ones plagued by the high caste standard," his voice became hoarse, and his calm tone was filled with a gloomy aura as he spoke.

He then said further, "The Santa Maria bastion and the navy have always been the ones plagued by the high caste standard."

The females looked at Brian with wide eyes. Neferet's chest began to tighten, and she could feel a tiny burning emanating from a necklace that she buried between her breasts.

At the same time, her heart began to pound rapidly.

Brian continued talking as he lowered his spear and raised his hand to begin picking leaves from the lower branches of the trees. At the same time, he was doing this, he lowered his spear.

He said, "The conditions to enter our bastion's selection tests are as simple as having a flame resonance greater than B, having a basic class examination document, and having someone write your name on an admission form."

Brian began to burn the leaves that he had in his hands and, bringing them closer to his nose to smell the smoke, and he said, "Requirements that any proud and unwary father can fulfill, requirements so easy to obtain with fifteen years that there are few young people out there who do not meet them."

Rebeca grimaced while exchanging a glance with Neferet, and she said, "You say that our bastion has fewer requirements to enter than the other three."

Taking a step forward while raising his voice and letting out his accent again, "But, then how is it that there are so few applicants?"

Brian shrugged as he shook his wrist vigorously, snapping off the leaves on his fingers as he said in his grim yet gentle tone, "I have traveled for three months with the organizers of the test."

Throwing the leaves on the floor, Brian looked at the girls at last while his voice had no emotion.

His face twisted a sad expression as he said, "The leader of the organizers wanted to do a test at various levels to separate those of us who were more prepared from the novices and those who only had theoretical experience."

During this time, Sofia's eyes began to well up with tears, and she and Neferet took an impulsive step forward.

Neferet wears a contemplative expression and masticates her lower lip thoughtfully while doing so.

Meanwhile, they continued to pay attention to what Brian had to say, "But they denied him the process. They said that they could only do one selection test for each trinity."

Brian stared at the girls and said, "That's why there is only one test. One for each of the six trinities approved by the alliance to be trained in the Santa Maria stronghold."

When Rebeca came up behind Sofia and held her while she looked at Brian, Sofia's legs started to quake.

She asked, "Why were you with the selection committee?"