A New Day (2)

The young lad was observed to be repositioning a portion of the ground with one of his fingers as he sat atop one of the rocks and looked along the trail.

She slowly removed it while looking over the top of the wall at the same time she did so.

The young lady quickly ripped off one of the sections of the shirt that was unsoiled and sprayed it with a little bit of water before removing the gray sweatshirt, the navy blue vest, and the brown overalls from her body, despite the fact that it was charred and unclean. She then proceeded to remove the remaining clothing from her body.

Even so, they are still in a position to guarantee his safety.

At all times, Neferet wore a thin gold breastplate underneath her uniform as well as a white nightgown that covered her torso. This attire was worn on top of her uniform.

After she was finished with the shirt, she began cleaning the vest and the leather breastplate to the best of her abilities after setting the shirt aside.

Following the steps of attaching the golden breastplate to the vest and then placing it on top of the vest, the breastplate was finally positioned on top of the vest.

The young woman decided to reveal more of her body, despite the fact that it made her feel uneasy, rather than put on the shabby and musty garments that she had available. Her shoulders were covered, but her arms were bare to the world thanks to the opening in her breastplate that served as a modest neckline.

While she did so, the girl turned her attention to Brian and wiped her face, neck, and armpits with a tissue.

The once-white uniform shirt had been entirely discolored and looked as though it had been worn for years.

In addition, there was no longer any indication that the uniform had long sleeves, and this was a significant change.

Even though she was wearing a breastplate over her vest, it was possible to see her bare arms as well as a bit of her waist and lower back through the patches in her shirt. It was also easy to view her bare lower back.

Taking into consideration that they were in the midst of the selection exam, the young lady felt as though her silky hair was full of knots and other pieces of filth as she let go of her long hair in order to comb it slowly with her hands. She noticed that her hair was packed with tangles.

At this point, it would be the third night of the trip. This indicated that the conclusion was getting closer, despite the fact that it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. She exuded joy and excitement in every pore of her body.

She was unable to bring herself to take her pants off in order to wipe the sweat off her brow, so instead, she pulled her jeans in even more tightly around her waist.

She couldn't resist casting one more look over at Brian, even though he appeared to be completely focused on the stones he was toying with.

To hide her humiliation, she quickly turned back and stared at the stones while taking a big breath.

The only person in the room was Brian, who was having a good time by himself with a handful of smaller stones, which he would roll between his fingers and then brush against the larger stone that he had set down.

When the fragment of stone that Brian had been holding in his fingers finally broke, he brought it up to his nose and took a sneaky sniff of it there.

Neferet shouted at him as she approached him hastily from the stones where she was standing.

She quickly spoke as if she wanted to hide something and to look at the boy and said, "This is the second time I see you smelling something here. Are you looking for something?"

Brian, in response to the girl's obvious reddening and the wail that she had just given, raised an eyebrow. It appeared more as though she was amazed than anything else, like hurt or furious. It seemed more likely that she was amazed.

The young woman quickly moved in front of him, and while she was standing with her back to the road and clutching Brian's arm.

She compelled the other woman to get up from where she was sitting and turn around so that she was facing the stones from which she had emerged.

This occurred while the young woman was standing with her back to the road and holding Brian's arm.

Before Brian answered, the girl said, "Before I saw you breaking branches and leaves and playing with the water. Does nature attract your attention so much?"

Brian, who was struggling with uncertainty, wanted to know what was going on.

However, after observing the girl's reaction, which appeared to be a mix of discomfort and embarrassment, he decided against getting involved and stated, "Well, it's that thing here. They look fake."

Brian showed him the stone while he said, "Like a very good imitation, as if everything in this forest was perfect. The very green leaves, the white stones, the water had a vicious constitution more like slime than like water."