A New Day (3)

Neferet became conscious of what Brian was saying as she began to study her surroundings and grew more aware of what was going on around her.

It seemed as though everything had been done by hand in order to preserve its natural appearance. This impression was given by the appearance.

Despite this, everything turned out just how it was supposed to.

The canopy of the trees was incredibly dense, and there was not the slightest break or space between the individual leaves.

Neferet furrowed her brow and then began walking away from the place where they had been sleeping, leaving the area in their wake as she went.

Brian followed her around in total silence as he pursued her. He had the intention of inquiring. However, something within him prevented him from carrying out the action.

When he turned his head around, he peered towards the direction that they had arrived from, but he didn't see anything that was out of the norm there.

While they were traveling along the way, they continued to talk about the forest that was all around them.

The identification of the unpaved road did not present any difficulties. They climbed a short slope that led to the road, and once they had done so, they were able to see through the gap in the wall.

They were not too far from the other group, so they were able to observe them.

Armin was having trouble walking, and Rebeca, who was in charge of guiding the group, was walking with a troubled expression on her face the entire time.

Shane was moving his weapon in concert with the movement of his feet when the two groups first became aware of each other.

Both Neferet and Rebeca ran out of the house in a hurry to greet and embrace one another in the middle of the street.

Brian moved cautiously behind Neferet while keeping an eye on Armin, who was wearing his sword around his waist and had a large dent in the shield he was using. Both of them gazed deeply into the eyes of the other.

Armin's white complexion had a pinkish hue to it, and the color of his eyes, which were also vivid red, shone out more. His golden hair was tangled and matted.

However, his uniform was dirty and full of burns and blood.

He maintained its integrity by tucking his shirt into his jeans and wearing his overalls inside his blue vest while taking deep, even breaths.

Armin extended a hand to Brian, saying, "We started off on the wrong foot, and I want to apologize." Armin's eyes remained locked on Brian's gaze the entire time, yet the expression on his face did not convey any hostile intent.

Brian gently squeezed Armin's hand as he said, "I also acted badly. From the beginning, we should have cooperated, and I should not have attacked you when we saw each other on the road."

There was an extremely long period of silence. The girls, who were still hugging each other, turned their attention to the boys as they exchanged handshakes.

Shane moved back a few steps while maintaining his position behind the trigger and keeping his gaze fixed on Brian's back.

After a little period of time, the lads gradually separated their hands from one another and started walking along the road that wound through the woods.

The gang proceeded forward in complete silence. While Neferet and Rebeca were walking behind the boys and conversing, the boys stole glances at each other out of the corners of their eyes as they passed.

In between each of his utterances, he would let out an occasional giggle.

They arrived at lunchtime and found themselves in a field. The young men were standing in front of a large stone gate in the middle of a little meadow. The gate was open, and a dazzling mist was billowing out of it. The forest formed an arch around the meadow.

I was staring at her as the other people got closer. The objective was to make it through the next five days, but the compass pointed to that door.

There was no scent emanating from the mist at all. The troop moved further through the fog, and as they did, it began to envelop them more and more completely. Fewer were able to make out the woodland that was behind them. They found themselves in a brand new section of the labyrinth.

Armin proceeded cautiously in front of the group while holding his shield aloft slightly. Shane is hiding in the shadows behind him and has his finger poised on the trigger of his rifle. Rebeca had one hand on the strap of her rifle while the other was on the pistols she carried in her holsters. Neferet walked with her arms crossed and her gaze fixed on the road in front of her.

But Brian was moving with his hands resting at his sides and his arms swinging from side to side as he walked.

When the fog lifted and the gang could see the new region, Brian let out a large yawn and appeared to be quite bored.